
  • Dr. Shaista Safder - Part 2: Breaking Down the Source of Brain-Gut Interaction

    Today’s podcast is the second of two interviews with pediatric Dr. Shaista Safder where we discuss brain-gut disorders such as IBS, abdominal pain, gas, bloating and their connection to the neurological control of the GI-motility function. Sounds technical, but in simpler terms, our gut responds to how we feel. Listen as Dr. Shafder and I explain how a physical disorder can be successfully treated with psychotherapy. The irony is that it's not just "in your head." We have a second brain at play. Also, I'm offering two FREE downloads at drskyler.net upon signing up for my weekly newsletter, including "5 Things Every Child Wishes Their Parents Knew" and "Healing Phases: Moving From Victim to Warrior."

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    36 分
  • Interviewing Dr. Shaista Safder About The Miracle Patient - Part 1

    Back in 2017, pediatric Dr. Shaista Safder called me for help with, what I call now, The Miracle Patient. Dr. Safder says this young woman was one of the most challenging cases she'd ever come across. The patient complained with a lot of GI symptoms, pain and feeding intolerance. After an extensive diagnostic discovery process, Dr. Safder was "perplexed" that none of the treatment plans showed any signs of helping, and causing more complications. Dr. Safder recognized there may be other factors at play, including bio-psycho-social elements. When I received Dr. Safder's call, little did I know then that this case would forever change my practice. Learn how by listening to this fascinating story. Also, I'm offering two FREE downloads at drskyler.net upon signing up for my weekly newsetter, including "5 Things Every Child Wishes Their Parents Knew" and "Healing Phases: From Victim to Warrior."

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    35 分
  • Automatic Negative Thoughts vs Automatic Loving Thoughts -- Part 2

    If 90% of our thoughts each day are on repeat, imagine how our core beliefs about ourselves are damaged if most of them are ANTs. Conversely, if we turn ANTs into ALTs, the impact in our mental health and healing process will be significant, to say the least. In this episode, I'll explain how our brain changes from ANTs, accelerating the aging process and fuels the disease process. I'll share some common examples, so you can learn to catch them fast, and replace them with ALTs. Learn more at drskyler.net and receive "5 Things Every Child Wishes Their Parents Knew."

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    18 分
  • Automatic Negative Thoughts vs Automatic Loving Thoughts -- Part 1

    Learn how the prevalent Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) can sabotage your self-esteem, self-efficacy and self-worth. But if we can produce ANTs, why can't we overcome them with Automatic Loving Thoughts (ALTs)? In this episode, I'll share where ANTs come from, and the importance and ramifications from cultivating ALTs in your life. This is one skill we definitely want to pass along to your children, partners, friends and to ourselves. Plus, I'll share a powerful, and proven, tool to transform ANTs to ALTs. Learn more at drskyler.net and receive "5 Things Every Child Wishes Their Parents Knew."

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    27 分
  • What Attachment Style Are You - Part 2

    In this episode, I describe the most desired, yet least common, attachment style called the Lighthouse. What does it look and feel like? By learning about the Lighthouse, we can see how validation is linked to wellness, and how attachment styles described in the previous episode have failed us. A secure-attached person knows how flawed they are, and what they can do to improve. Plus, listen/watch as I explain the one gift I wish I could give every child. Then, I wrap up all these attachment styles and identify the keys to changing so you and your child can heal. Learn more at drskyler.net and receive "5 Things Every Child Wishes Their Parents Knew."

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    15 分
  • What Attachment Style Are You - Part 1

    Many times, sickness (as well as healing) results from how we are treated by our parents or partners. In this episode (Part 1 of 2), I outline the most destructive "attachment" style, called "Avoidant," which can triggers the immune and limbic systems, inflammation markers and cellular immunity. The avoidant attachment style is revealed when your life experience is continually dismissed as irrelevant. The Silent Treatment, Gaslighting, and chronic invalidation, are more examples of experiencing a partner or parent who acts as if everything is more important than your thoughts and emotions. Plus, I explain the Helicopter or "Be Careful" and Bulldozer attachment styles, and related consequences. Listen/watch as I unpack these destructive process. Learn more at drskyler.net and receive "5 Things Every Child Wishes Their Parents Knew."

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    28 分
  • Chronic Invalidation Leads to Disease

    From seemingly harmless derogatory comments to having your emotions dismissed or met with contempt, when this pattern continues chronically we can begin to mute how we feel, become fearful about how we speak and create distance from our self. This leads to self-doubt, anxiety, depression and ultimately a physical disease related to GI conditions. Chronic invalidation is particularly harmful, and knowing the antidote becomes critical. Listen/watch as Dr. Skyler unpacks this destructive process. Learn more at drskyler.net and receive "5 Things Every Child Wishes Their Parents Knew."

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    34 分
  • The Emotional Contagion That Threatens Safety

    Are your vibes contagious? More than you realize. We can actually "catch" cortisol from stressed individuals around us. Also, through mirror neurons, witnessing someone in a stressful event can increase your cortiscol levels as much as 40%. Not convinced? Think about how yawns are spread. Just seeing someone yawn can make you yawn. The same occurs with stress and emotions. Unfortunately, picking up stress from others can further develop the disease process. For details about Dr. Skyler, go to drskyler.net and receive "5 Things Every Child Wishes Their Parents Knew" upon subscribing.

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