• 184. Parenting Young Adults in Complex Relationships

    Join Anna and Tim as they navigate the delicate terrain of parenting adult children in relationships that raise concerns. They explore the emotional toll it takes on parents, the struggle to balance expressing concerns while maintaining open communication, and the challenge of respecting their children's autonomy while offering support. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, they delve into the complexities of parental guidance, acknowledging the fine line between expressing worries and respecting their children's decisions. Together, they provide insights into fostering healthy relationships with adult children and offer advice on how to navigate the ups and downs of their romantic journeys while maintaining a supportive presence.

    This episode covers:

    • The challenges of dealing with adult children in relationships parents don't approve of.
    • Importance of maintaining open communication.
    • Respecting the autonomy of adult children.
    • Educating children about healthy relationships.
    • Balancing love, concern, and respect for autonomy.

    Until next time, here's to deeper connections and personal growth.
    Mad love!

    The podcast is now on YouTube! If you prefer to watch, head over to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw3CabcJueib20U_L3WeaR-lNG_B3zYqu


    Don’t forget to subscribe to the Badass Confidence Coach podcast on your favorite podcast platform!

    Instagram @askannamarcolin
    TikTok @askannamarcolin
    Email hello@annamarcolin.com
    Website www.annamarcolin.com


    And for all your nutritional supplement needs, go to www.DrinkAG1.com/ANNA for five free travel packs and a free one-year supply of Vitamin D/K2

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    38 分
  • 183. Parenting Young Adults During Summer Break

    Join Anna and Tim as they dive into guiding young adults through the maze of life. They share intimate stories, useful advice, and insightful conversations about nurturing independence, fostering open communication, and navigating the intricate dynamics of family life during this pivotal stage. Whether you're a parent, guardian, or simply intrigued by the complexities of shepherding young adults, they provide invaluable perspectives and compassionate guidance to help you traverse this enriching yet challenging phase with authenticity and resilience.

    This episode covers:

    • Navigating the changing dynamics of parent-teen relationships.
    • Setting boundaries with college-aged and teenage children.
    • Managing conflicts and disagreements with young adults living at home.
    • Facilitating open and respectful communication between parents and children.
    • Importance of spending quality time together as a family.

    Until next time, here's to deeper connections and personal growth.
    Mad love!

    The podcast is now on YouTube! If you prefer to watch, head over to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw3CabcJueib20U_L3WeaR-lNG_B3zYqu


    Don’t forget to subscribe to the Badass Confidence Coach podcast on your favorite podcast platform!

    Instagram @askannamarcolin
    TikTok @askannamarcolin
    Email hello@annamarcolin.com
    Website www.annamarcolin.com


    And for all your nutritional supplement needs, go to www.DrinkAG1.com/ANNA for five free travel packs and a free one-year supply of Vitamin D/K2

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    39 分
  • 182. Prioritizing Health After 40 with Dr Anthony Balduzzi

    In this episode, Anna welcomes Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, CEO of the Fit Mother and Fit Father Projects, to discuss empowering health after 40. Dr. Balduzzi shares his personal journey and how it inspired him to help busy parents reclaim their health. They explore the importance of emotional connection to health goals and creating a written mission statement. The conversation delves into strategies for overcoming information overload in nutrition and emphasizes proactive meal timing schedules. Dr. Balduzzi also discusses the benefits of intermittent fasting and the emerging importance of chrononutrition.

    This episode covers:

    • Dr. Anthony's personal journey and motivation for founding the Fit Mother Project and Fit Father Project.
    • The significance of health, particularly for parents over the age of 40.
    • The importance of emotional connection and buy-in for making sustainable lifestyle changes.
    • Strategies for creating a structured meal timing schedule to improve nutrition habits.
    • Individualized approaches to health and fitness.

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fitfatherproject/
    Website https://www.fitfatherproject.com/

    Until next time, here's to deeper connections and personal growth.
    Mad love!

    The podcast is now on YouTube! If you prefer to watch, head over to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw3CabcJueib20U_L3WeaR-lNG_B3zYqu


    Don’t forget to subscribe to the Badass Confidence Coach podcast on your favorite podcast platform!

    Instagram @askannamarcolin
    TikTok @askannamarcolin
    Email hello@annamarcolin.com
    Website www.annamarcolin.com


    And for all your nutritional supplement needs, go to www.DrinkAG1.com/ANNA for five free travel packs and a free one-year supply of Vitamin D/K2

    続きを読む 一部表示
    56 分
  • 181. Recognizing Detrimental Behavior Patterns

    Join Anna and Tim as they delve into the importance of recognizing and changing detrimental behavior patterns in our lives. Drawing from real-life examples and experiences, they discuss the significance of identifying these patterns, the value of professional support in therapy or coaching, and the role of trusted individuals in pointing out these behaviors. Through insightful metaphors and personal anecdotes, they explore how recognizing and addressing these patterns can lead to positive changes in our mental and emotional well-being.

    This episode covers:

    • Recognizing detrimental behavior patterns in our own lives.
    • The importance of working to change these behavior patterns.
    • The value of having psychological safety in therapy or coaching.
    • Suggestions for behavior change, such as self-reflection.
    • The difference between therapy and coaching.

    Until next time, here's to deeper connections and personal growth.
    Mad love!

    The podcast is now on YouTube! If you prefer to watch, head over to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw3CabcJueib20U_L3WeaR-lNG_B3zYqu


    Don’t forget to subscribe to the Badass Confidence Coach podcast on your favorite podcast platform!

    Instagram @askannamarcolin
    TikTok @askannamarcolin
    Email hello@annamarcolin.com
    Website www.annamarcolin.com


    And for all your nutritional supplement needs, go to www.DrinkAG1.com/ANNA for five free travel packs and a free one-year supply of Vitamin D/K2

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    41 分
  • 180. The Joy of Missing Out

    Join Anna and Tim as they explore the concept of JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out. They discuss how embracing JOMO can reduce anxiety and stress, offering personal insights and practical tips for prioritizing mental health and well-being. From missing social events to avoiding toxic relationships, they discuss various scenarios where JOMO can be applied. Additionally, they examine the role of social media in exacerbating FOMO and offer strategies for limiting screen time to promote a quieter mind and increased peace.

    This episode covers:

    • Exploring the concept of JOMO and its impact on mental health and well-being.
    • Reasons why embracing JOMO reduces anxiety and stress.
    • Scenarios where JOMO can be applied.
    • Practical tips for prioritizing mental health and well-being.
    • The role of social media in exacerbating FOMO.

    Until next time, here's to deeper connections and personal growth.
    Mad love!

    The podcast is now on YouTube! If you prefer to watch, head over to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw3CabcJueib20U_L3WeaR-lNG_B3zYqu


    Don’t forget to subscribe to the Badass Confidence Coach podcast on your favorite podcast platform!

    Instagram @askannamarcolin
    TikTok @askannamarcolin
    Email hello@annamarcolin.com
    Website www.annamarcolin.com


    And for all your nutritional supplement needs, go to www.DrinkAG1.com/ANNA for five free travel packs and a free one-year supply of Vitamin D/K2

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    37 分
  • 179. The Power of Setting Intentions and Being Mindful

    Join Anna and Tim as they delve into setting intentions and being mindful. Today, they explore the importance of setting intentions for your day, week, and life. Reflecting on their experiences, they discuss the significance of being intentional about how you want to show up in the world and interact with others. They emphasize the power of clarity, influence, and energy, encouraging you to define who you want to be and how you want to interact with the world. Additionally, they discuss the discipline of being mindful, acknowledging that while there may be challenges and obstacles along the way, it's important to be gentle with yourself and focus on your strengths rather than fixating on imperfections.

    This episode covers:

    • Importance of setting intentions and being mindful.
    • Being intentional about your day and week.
    • Understanding who you want to be and setting clear intentions.
    • Being mindful of your physical and emotional energy throughout the day.
    • Showing up in life with passion and accepting imperfection.
    • Focusing on strengths and positive aspects rather than shortcomings.

    Until next time, here's to deeper connections and personal growth.
    Mad love!

    The podcast is now on YouTube! If you prefer to watch, head over to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw3CabcJueib20U_L3WeaR-lNG_B3zYqu


    Don’t forget to subscribe to the Badass Confidence Coach podcast on your favorite podcast platform!

    Instagram @askannamarcolin
    TikTok @askannamarcolin
    Email hello@annamarcolin.com
    Website www.annamarcolin.com


    And for all your nutritional supplement needs, go to www.DrinkAG1.com/ANNA for five free travel packs and a free one-year supply of Vitamin D/K2

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    35 分
  • 178. Using the Big 5 Traits To Master Behavior Change

    Join Anna and Tim as they dive into part two of the Big 5 personality traits. In this episode, they explore how to use these traits for personal and professional development. And they'll guide you through a self-assessment of your openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, to help you set goals to enhance your life and reach your full potential!

    This episode covers:

    • Self-assessment of the big 5 personality traits.
    • Setting goals based on your assessment.
    • Practical tips for personal and professional development.
    • Morning routine for personal growth.
    • Importance of intentional learning and self-improvement.
    • Managing neuroticism and stress.

    Until next time, here's to deeper connections and personal growth.
    Mad love!

    The podcast is now on YouTube! If you prefer to watch, head over to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw3CabcJueib20U_L3WeaR-lNG_B3zYqu


    Don’t forget to subscribe to the Badass Confidence Coach podcast on your favorite podcast platform!

    Instagram @askannamarcolin
    TikTok @askannamarcolin
    Email hello@annamarcolin.com
    Website www.annamarcolin.com


    And for all your nutritional supplement needs, go to www.DrinkAG1.com/ANNA for five free travel packs and a free one-year supply of Vitamin D/K2

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    54 分
  • 177. Healing Trauma Through Somatics with Veronica Rottman

    In this episode, Anna welcomes Veronica Rottman, a somatic practitioner, to explore the profound intersection of somatics and trauma resolution. Veronica shares invaluable insights into how trauma manifests in the body and the role of nervous system regulation in healing. Through their enlightening conversation, they navigate the intricate connections between emotional experiences and physical symptoms, highlighting the importance of addressing trauma stored in the body for holistic well-being. Drawing from personal and professional wisdom, Veronica offers listeners a deeper understanding of somatic healing and empowers them to embark on their journey towards healing and self-discovery.

    This episode covers:

    • Somatics and its significance in addressing trauma stored in the body.
    • How trauma manifests physically, such as in chronic pain, gut issues, and hormonal dysregulation.
    • The impact of emotional experiences on bodily symptoms.
    • Importance of addressing emotional trauma for overall well-being.
    • Perspectives on somatic healing and self-discovery.

    Instagram @wakingwomb
    Website waking-womb.com

    Until next time, here's to deeper connections and personal growth.
    Mad love!

    The podcast is now on YouTube! If you prefer to watch, head over to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw3CabcJueib20U_L3WeaR-lNG_B3zYqu


    Don’t forget to subscribe to the Badass Confidence Coach podcast on your favorite podcast platform!

    Instagram @askannamarcolin
    TikTok @askannamarcolin
    Email hello@annamarcolin.com
    Website www.annamarcolin.com


    And for all your nutritional supplement needs, go to www.DrinkAG1.com/ANNA for five free travel packs and a free one-year supply of Vitamin D/K2

    続きを読む 一部表示
    48 分