
  • Life is FULL of Goodbyes!

    Goodbyes seem to always hold some degree of EMOTIONAL reservation. Goodbye ultimately is a NORMAL feature of ADAPTIVE loving relations. Contact Us: DrMDClay@TheWORDHouse.com; TheWORDHouse.com; on FB and YouTube @TheWORDHouse; or call 304.523.WORD (9673).

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  • Thinking FLEXIBLY: The BEST Way to Changing Your MInd!

    If ONLY that easy! Most complicating is the REALITY that goes with the WAY one thinks. Might try to not THINK about TRUTH that HURTS, but INESCAPABLY, it's essential to growth. No less, once admitted, there is nothing WRONG with creating POSITIVITY to KEEP one going. Contact Us; DrMDClay@TheWORDHouse.com; TheWORDHouse.com; on FB and YouTube @WORDHouse; or call 304.523.WORD (9673).

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  • BACKWARD THINKING is not always a Liability, particularly when it's also INDUCTIVE THINKING. See the END from the BEGINNING!

    Knowing where you want to go helps. Thinking from the end, and working backward to the beginning, lessens a bit the RANDOMNESS, as well simply relying on TRIAL and ERROR! Contact Us: DrMDClay@TheWORDHouse.com; TheWORDHouse.com; on FB and YouTube @WORDHouse; or calling 304.523.WORD (9673).

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    29 分
  • The Psychology of Decision-making: Consider the MENU!

    Decision-making should include more than the ROUTINE, even for the ROUTINE. Habits typically run risk if not occasionally evaluated of psychological difficulty. Contact Us: DrMDClay@TheWORDHouse.com; TheWORDHouse.com; on FB and YouTube @WORD House; or call 304.523.WORD (9673).

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  • The MORALITY of Victim-Blaming from a Psychological Perspective!

    Victim-Blaming/Shaming originates in FEAR of lost control, especially when the WORLD is so UNCONTROLABLE. Managing what one may is better, than pretense BAD only happens to BAD people. The remainder is left up to FATE! Contact Us: DrMDClay@TheWORDHouse.com; TheWORDHouse.com; on FB and YouTube @ WORDHouse; or call 304.523.WORD (9673).

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  • Model for Adaptive Relations.

    A Communication Blueprint for adaptive psychological relationships would indeed HELP most overcome otherwise DYSFUNCTIONAL styles of conversation. More problems identified as well solved. Contact Us: TheWORDHouse.com; DrMDClay@TheWORDHouse.com; on FB or YouTube @WORD House; or cal 304.523.WORD (9673).

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  • Stupid is as Stupid Does: The Psychology of Critical Ignorance!

    Critical Analysis can't take place until rightly IGNORING what isn't. Just as important as learning the ADAPTIVE is learning to be ADAPTIVE. Contact Us; TheWORDHouse.com; DrMDClay@TheWORDHouse.com; 304.523.WORD (9673); on FB and YouTube @WORDHouse.

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  • Want that Creative Boost? Don't be AFRAID of Something NEW!

    If you want that Creative Boost, first get past the FEAR of something new. Fear inhibits creativity! Contact Us: TheWORDHouse.com; 304.523.WORD (9673); DrMDClay@TheWORDHouse.com; on FB and YouTube @WORD House.

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