
  • Leading a Fulfilled Life

    The Dudes take on a big one! A fulfilled life cannot be described in a single episode, however the breadcrumbs are on the trail and we are ready to keep following a path to which there is no finish line. Why do it? Because we and the ones we love are worth it. A retreat to explore it even deeper is on June 7, 8 and 9th (2024) in Danville, CA. OB and SWAZ hope to see you there. Details at Two Dudes: Leading a Fulfilled Life - A Men's Retreat in Danville CA.

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  • Loss and Renewal

    Swaz and OB review a loss of man's best friend (Indy). They are encouraged to know that what they are doing matters. Dudes Assisting Dudes begins with them being there for each other on the other's journey. When imposter syndrome or unhealthy assumptions break into the room, it's like a game of "Whack a Mole". It's a game that we back away from and be present.

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    41 分
  • Dudes and Their Dads

    OB and Swaz discuss their relationship with their fathers'. So many men have wrestled with this very impactful relationship. There's no denying the influence of our father's. The fact is, a piece of them resides within us. Some people have called an aspect of this relationship, the "Dad Wound". We can be curious as to how we connect and carry this important relationship, whether they are alive or have passed on. It's never too late to have a relationship that you can live with and at the same time, wish was something else. The father/parent/guardian and son relationship is dynamic, complicated and impactful. Two Dudes honors your journey and we realize it is uniquely yours. As always, we can be reached a wedoinstitute@gmail.com

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  • Coping Skills In Real Time

    The dudes share some thoughts and coping skills for the daily invitations that may require a pause... and then a response. We create new opportunities when we break tendencies that may not be in our best interest.

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  • Taking it Seriously and Holding it Lightly

    OB and Swaz engage in a candid conversation about finding a balance between taking life seriously and holding it lightly. The discussion revolves around the idea of approaching life with a sense of responsibility and purpose while also maintaining a lighthearted perspective. The hosts explore topics related to personal growth, relationships, and navigating major life change with resilience. By sharing insights and anecdotes, they aim to inspire fellow dudes to connect and grow.

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    37 分
  • WTF?.... Dudes Assisting Dudes

    Steve and OB answer the question... Why do we think that connection with other men is important?

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    28 分
  • Feel IT to Heal IT

    We join Richard 'OB' & Steve 'Swaz' in mid feelings assessment with the How We Feel App. Swaz navigates some business challenges and OB reflects on a mens retreat that provided life-giving moments and the potential for life-draining ones. Visitors to our lives provide opportunity for reflection and growth, whether we invite them or not...

    Two Books are referenced:

    I Don't Want to Talk About It: by Terrence Real

    For the Love of Men: by Liz Plank

    An app to consider: How We Feel


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    49 分
  • It's OK not to be OK

    OB and Steve share a little about their journey's and welcome you to consider yours in a safe space. You are invited to simply show up and realize that you are not alone in your personal struggles nor the desire to be the best version of yourself.

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