
  • Protein Leverage: Mastering Appetite

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    Can prioritizing protein be the key to a balanced and effortless approach to weight management? Discover the fascinating science behind satiety and protein in this episode with Amy White, a board-certified holistic nutritionist and professional life coach. We explore the concept of "satiety per calorie" and how the protein leverage hypothesis explains why insufficient protein can lead to overconsumption of carbs and fats. Learn how modern processed foods disrupt our natural hunger signals and why making protein a priority can help you manage your hunger and maintain a healthy weight without restrictive diets. Amy also shares insightful tips on how daily movement and adequate sleep can enhance your body's natural satiety and calorie needs.

    Get ready for a practical and engaging journey as we launch the protein-packed snack challenge, a seven-day initiative designed to boost your protein intake without adding unnecessary calories from carbs and fats. With daily emails offering valuable information, delicious snack ideas, and recipes, plus a supportive Facebook group, you'll have all the tools you need to succeed. We also delve into the philosophy of eating for the body you want and offer a free consultation to help you reach your health and fitness goals while still enjoying your favorite foods. Tune in for expert insights and practical strategies that will revolutionize your approach to nutrition and wellness.

    Protein Snack Challenge: Get It Here
    Weight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™
    Get Your Food Audit Here
    What to Eat Guide: Healthy Food List
    Schedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last Time
    Website: The Simplicity of Wellness
    Follow Me on Instagram

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  • Balancing Health In The Absence of Sleep

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    Ever wondered how to stay sane and healthy when you're awake for 32 hours straight? In this episode of the Simplicity of Wellness podcast, I recount my recent sleepless adventure in London. Despite my usual resilience to jet lag, this trip threw me for a loop, leaving me wide awake and battling the effects of severe sleep deprivation. Discover the real-life impact of sleep loss on hunger, cravings, energy levels, and mental well-being, and learn why it's crucial to grant your body self-compassion during these challenging times.

    Tune in as I share insights backed by experience and science on how to navigate the pitfalls of sleep deprivation without falling into unhealthy patterns. From understanding your body’s natural reactions to practical tips on restoring balance, this episode is packed with valuable information to help you manage your wellness journey, even when life disrupts your sleep. Whether you're a frequent traveler or just someone striving for better sleep, this episode offers the guidance you need to keep your health on track.

    Protein Snack Challenge: Get It Here
    Weight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™
    Get Your Food Audit Here
    What to Eat Guide: Healthy Food List
    Schedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last Time
    Website: The Simplicity of Wellness
    Follow Me on Instagram

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  • Being Out of Balance Is Making You Feel Broken

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    Wave goodbye to the feeling of being 'metabolically broken' and embark on a transformative journey towards balance in your health and life. Our latest episode strips away the myths entangling menopause and type 2 diabetes management, substituting them with a blueprint for dietary harmony. You'll find comfort in knowing that the elusive 'magic pill' is no match for the practical strategies we lay out. We're talking protein-packed meals, low-sugar veggies, and fats that fuel wellness—sans the overwhelm. And it's not just about what's on your plate; we're flipping the script on reading nutrition labels, ensuring you can spot the protein champions easily.

    Embrace the mantra: Your health is in your hands, and belief is your superpower. This episode isn't just about shedding weight—it's about sculpting a leaner, stronger, and healthier you that thrives through menopause, bustles past a busy schedule, and ages like fine wine. We're putting the power of personalization on a pedestal, encouraging you to tailor your diet and fitness to your unique rhythm. And because we know life doesn't hit pause for health, I'm dishing out my go-to list for nutritious snacks that keep pace with your fast-forward life. Together, we're mapping a route to sustainable body management, one small daily decision at a time.

    Protein Snack Challenge: Get It Here
    Weight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™
    Get Your Food Audit Here
    What to Eat Guide: Healthy Food List
    Schedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last Time
    Website: The Simplicity of Wellness
    Follow Me on Instagram

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  • Regaining Your Center After Indulgent Celebrations

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    Ever found yourself stepping off the scale, astonished by the number after a week of celebration? I, Amy White, have been there—after a family festivity filled with delicious Vermont Maple Creamies and a bevy of cheeses, my weight danced up by seven pounds. But before you start stressing about that number, join me in understanding why these fluctuations are part of our body's natural rhythm. In my latest episode, I'll share why it's not only normal but okay to have these changes, and how maintaining a comfortable weight range is far more vital than fixating on a singular goal weight. You'll walk away with an empowering perspective on how to handle post-celebration returns to routine, and the importance of keeping your kitchen stocked with foods that are good for you 'most of the time'.

    Now, let's talk strategy—how do we navigate the endless food choices, especially when life's hustle and bustle barely gives us a moment to think? It's simpler than you might imagine, and it starts with being mindful of our eating. In this episode, I'll guide you through the process of becoming attuned to how different foods affect your well-being, and how this awareness can lead to better choices without imposing restrictions. Whether you're at home or facing the chaos of the outside world, I've got practical tips and resources for picking healthy snacks that don't compromise on convenience or nutrition. Get ready to learn how to adapt your diet on the fly and make peace with the ebb and flow of your eating habits for a happier, healthier you.

    Protein Snack Challenge: Get It Here
    Weight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™
    Get Your Food Audit Here
    What to Eat Guide: Healthy Food List
    Schedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last Time
    Website: The Simplicity of Wellness
    Follow Me on Instagram

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    15 分
  • The Intention of Lasting Weight Loss

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    Embark on an uplifting journey with me, Amy White, as we explore a refreshing perspective on weight loss that defies the traditional woes of dieting. I'll share an extraordinary narrative featuring a client's inspiring transformation—a testament to the power of cultivating self-trust, savoring food, and harnessing body awareness. This tale isn't merely about shedding pounds; it's a profound metamorphosis that redefines the relationship with nutrition and self-image. Prepare to embrace a happier, healthier lifestyle that naturally aligns with weight management goals, all while relishing the foods you love without a hint of sacrifice.

    Imagine a world where maintaining a healthy weight feels as routine as your daily shower—this episode unpacks the secrets to seamlessly integrating wholesome habits into the very fabric of your life. We'll navigate the balance between diet, exercise, and life's other 'levers' to maintain optimal wellness without it feeling onerous. For our ever-busy listeners, I've got you covered with a bonus: a link to easily accessible, nutritious snack options perfect for those on-the-move moments. Tune in to learn how to keep your life energized, restful, and gratifying, paving the way for lasting weight management and a zestful existence.

    Protein Snack Challenge: Get It Here
    Weight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™
    Get Your Food Audit Here
    What to Eat Guide: Healthy Food List
    Schedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last Time
    Website: The Simplicity of Wellness
    Follow Me on Instagram

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    11 分
  • Enjoying Every Bite: The Joyful Path to Sustainable Weight Loss

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    Embark on a transformative journey with me, Amy White, as we unlock the secrets to a healthier, leaner you, minus the agonizing grind that weight loss is often portrayed to be. Imagine losing weight while reveling in every bite, every choice, and every moment of your day – it's not only doable, it's the heart of our latest discussion. Our conversation pivots around the joy of eating and living well, shattering the belief that discomfort is a necessary companion to shedding pounds. We'll dissect how intuitive eating, food confidence, and a harmonious relationship with your meals can effortlessly lead to a slimmer and more jubilant self.

    Today's episode is a deep dive into the ethos of sustainable weight management, where the scales tipping in your favor is a delightful side effect of loving the food you eat and the life you live. We're nixing the idea of 'forbidden foods' and instead, categorizing our plates into what nourishes us often, sometimes, and just once in a blue moon. I'll be your guide, providing you with the know-how to navigate the world of healthy snacking for the perpetually busy, ensuring that weight loss is not a fleeting trend but a satisfying shift towards lasting wellness. Join us, and redefine your weight loss saga into one where balance, peace, and mouth-watering satisfaction take the spotlight.

    Protein Snack Challenge: Get It Here
    Weight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™
    Get Your Food Audit Here
    What to Eat Guide: Healthy Food List
    Schedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last Time
    Website: The Simplicity of Wellness
    Follow Me on Instagram

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    13 分
  • The No-Cry Formula to Dropping Pounds and Feeling Great

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    Join me, Amy White, as I unravel the truth behind lasting weight loss, and trust me, it's not about punishing diets or grueling workouts. In our latest episode, we delve into the art of maintaining a healthy calorie deficit that will have you shedding pounds without shedding tears. It's time to change the narrative on weight loss and discover how small, sustainable habit changes can transform your journey into a rewarding lifestyle. Get ready to be inspired by an amazing success story, proving that this approach isn't just effective, but also enjoyable and completely achievable!

    Ever find yourself reaching for a snack when life's pace kicks into high gear? You're not alone, and you don't have to sacrifice nutrition for convenience. In this episode, I revisit the critical points on calorie consumption from "Cracking the Calorie Code" and provide you with the ultimate guide to healthy snacking. Accessible with a simple click in the show notes, this list will arm you with the knowledge to make smarter food choices on the go. Remember, your feedback fuels our content, so after tuning in, don't hesitate to leave stars and comments – let's embark on this health journey together!

    Protein Snack Challenge: Get It Here
    Weight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™
    Get Your Food Audit Here
    What to Eat Guide: Healthy Food List
    Schedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last Time
    Website: The Simplicity of Wellness
    Follow Me on Instagram

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  • Measurable Action the Secret to Getting What You Want

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    Embark on a transformative journey with me, Amy White, your guide to a leaner, stronger, and healthier you. Imagine setting goals that not only challenge you but also evolve with your body's changing needs. In our latest episode, we're uncovering the power of measurable actions and why the scale doesn't always tell the whole story. I'll share my own routines and how tracking simple habits, like food intake, can illuminate the path to wellness. Together, we'll explore how to adjust your strategies for lasting results, ensuring your progress is as dynamic as you are.

    Let's talk about starting with the basics — your diet. Have you ever considered how small changes, like cutting out snacks or turning off the TV during meals, could dramatically shift your relationship with food? Tune in as I divulge practical tips for mindful eating and invite you to join me in a week-long experiment that just might change your perspective on weight loss. Plus, as a token of my gratitude, I'm offering listeners a starter food list to help you reset your gut health, elevate your energy levels, and transition into a fat-burning state. It's all about setting the stage for a balanced approach to shedding pounds and feeling great.

    Protein Snack Challenge: Get It Here
    Weight Loss Coaching Program: Hangry to Healthy™
    Get Your Food Audit Here
    What to Eat Guide: Healthy Food List
    Schedule Your Free Consult: Lose Weight For The Last Time
    Website: The Simplicity of Wellness
    Follow Me on Instagram

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