
  • From Pre-Workout Hype to Parenting Strife: 90's Supplements, Cyberbullying, & Kids Birthdays

    Remember the days when getting jacked meant a quick stop at the drugstore for some ephedrine? We're throwing it back to the old school pre-workout days, charting the rise and fall of this controversial substance. From its bronchodilator benefits to its shady links to meth labs, join us as we pump up the past and compare it to the likes of clenbuterol and albuterol. But it's not all about the gains; I'm also laying bare my own battle with dyslexia and the homeschooling path that veered wildly from my brother's academic feats.

    Parenthood is no walk in the park, and we're not shying away from the tough talks, like the digital era's bullying battlegrounds. I'm opening up about my son's brush with cyberbully and how it launched us into a debate on freedom of speech and the pressing need to shield the vulnerable. And for all you parents on the pursuit of happiness, we're exploring the luxurious lives of my medic friends and questioning if career success truly equals joy. It's a raw look at the challenges of raising kids in a world where likes can sometimes feel more important than love.

    Wrap up your resistance bands and tune in for the birthday party planning saga that's got us all questioning our sanity and savings. We're comparing notes on the extravaganzas that leave our wallets lighter—like my daughter's laser tag blowout—and swapping tips for keeping the celebrations joyful without breaking the bank. Plus, I'll dish on the evolving etiquette of kid drop-offs at parties, our undying affection for weddings, and the comradery found in the 'dad bods and dumbbells' community. Get ready for a heart-to-heart on the balancing act of parenting, festivities, and finding that sweet spot of memorable moments.

    Follow Mitch @ http://instagram.com/go_for_mitch

    Follow Bart @ http://instagram.com/bartonguybryan

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    25 分
  • Sipping Whiskey and Tackling Testosterone: Comedy, Aging, and the Allure of Fame

    Saddle up for a hearty swig of Dripping Springs whiskey as we kick things off with a Texas-sized taste test that's as smooth as our banter. And when it comes to smooth, the comedy world gives us plenty to talk about – from the hits and misses of Cat Williams' "Woke Folks" to the star-studded roasting session featuring Tony Hinchcliffe and Nikki Glaser. Ever noticed how the spotlight tends to shine a bit more on certain celebrities? We peel back the veneer to speculate on the role of cosmetic procedures in keeping our favorite stars camera-ready. Plus, we'll toss you a relatable curveball with a tale of family bonding over the thrills of watching sports.

    Ever felt that creeping sense of time nipping at your heels? We pull back the curtain on Testosterone Replacement Therapy and steroids, revealing more than just the science behind these 'shots of youth.' It's a frank conversation about society's take on aging, the pursuit of vitality, and the intricate hormonal ballet between testosterone and estrogen. But it's not all serious business; we'll also weave in parallels with women's cosmetic choices, making sense of the societal double standards. And yes, we won't shy away from discussing how these practices play out under the watchful eyes of doping regulations in sports.

    Wrapping things up, we'll muse on the siren call of celebrity relationships, the trade-offs of fame, and whether it's worth chasing that spotlight or opting for a rich, private life away from the cameras. Remember the days when the biggest concern was your high score on the Nintendo 64? We'll tap into that nostalgia before confronting the darker side of modern online gaming platforms. And for the sports fans out there, we tackle the balancing act of ambition and family life through the lens of Tom Brady's high-profile career. So, as we put the barbells down and celebrate the everyday dad bod, we thank you for lending us your ears – your engagement is what keeps these conversations as lively as a game-winning touchdown.

    Follow Mitch @ http://instagram.com/go_for_mitch

    Follow Bart @ http://instagram.com/bartonguybryan

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    29 分
  • Table Topics Episode #2: Rom Coms, Sci-Fi movies, and Epic NBA Finals Moments

    What makes romantic comedies the ultimate comfort movies? Buckle up as Bart and I embark on a rollercoaster ride through the delightful world of rom-coms, dissecting the magic of Anne Hathaway's newest flick and reminiscing over classic gems from Sandra Bullock and Meg Ryan. We swap guilty pleasures and hotly debate whether these films are the perfect way to unwind or just a delightful escape from reality. With a mix of laughter and nostalgia, we share our top picks and recommendations for all the romantics out there.

    But our episode doesn’t stop at love and laughter! We dive into an exhilarating sci-fi series that turns the laws of physics on their head, explore the comedic genius of Shane Gillis' new show "Tires," and break down the jaw-dropping performances of the Mavericks in the NBA finals. Plus, we dream up the ultimate comedy show at ACL Live and give a sneak peek into an exciting end-of-summer fitness event. Join us for a whirlwind of humor, entertainment, and sports talk that promises to keep you hooked from start to finish!

    Follow Mitch @ http://instagram.com/go_for_mitch

    Follow Bart @ http://instagram.com/bartonguybryan

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    24 分
  • Honoring Bill Walton & Creating Summer Legacies with Family

    Ever wondered how to create unforgettable summer memories while honoring family legacies? We begin this episode of Dad Bods and Dumbbells with a heartfelt tribute to Barton's late uncle, NBA Hall of Famer Bill Walton. Join us as we share intimate family stories, from season tickets to the Sacramento Kings to his moving tribute to my father on national television. This episode is all about celebrating the bonds that define us and how we can pass on that legacy to our kids.

    Next, we explore the art of making "sticky memories" for our families, inspired by Christian summer camps. Allie Davidson from Camp Gladiator joins us to share her expertise on crafting impactful experiences. We talk about balancing structured activities, independent play, and family trips to ensure our kids have a summer to remember. From a Nerf gun fight with my son to setting fitness goals for my daughter, we offer tips on keeping kids active and engaged, without relying on screen time.

    As the summer heats up, so does our fitness challenge. We outline our goals for enhancing cardiovascular fitness, whether through running, pool time, or basketball. Get ready to join our community mile run challenge and boost your explosiveness and endurance. We also reflect on traditional displays of strength, like arm wrestling, and the importance of activities like Brazilian jiu-jitsu for building self-reliance. Finally, we raise a toast to a legacy of humanitarianism and generosity, reminding our listeners to stay engaged, stay active, and most importantly, stay inspired.

    Follow Mitch @ http://instagram.com/go_for_mitch

    Follow Bart @ http://instagram.com/bartonguybryan

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    34 分
  • Embracing the Unexpected: Adventures in Fitness, Fatherhood, and Following Your Passions

    Have you ever stumbled upon an unplanned adventure that turned out to be one of the best days of your life? That's what happened to me as I set out for a 10K training session and ended up having a blast at a golf course with a chance meeting with Lance Armstrong. This episode isn't just about those serendipitous life moments though; it's a heart-to-heart on the juggling act of fitness and fatherhood, and a cheeky peek into 'guy stuff' like participation trophies and the peculiar stress of shorter races versus marathons.

    Life throws us curveballs, and how we swing can lead to new passions and challenges. Join me as I recount the thrill of chasing a quirky world record, the pivot from ministry to event planning with Go Wheels Up Texas, and the rollercoaster journey of entrepreneurship with Camp Gladiator. We'll explore the community bonds formed through shared experiences and the personal victories that come from competitive fitness. It's a candid look at how the phases of our lives shape our professional and personal narratives, and the importance of embracing the wild ride.

    To wrap things up, a shared chuckle is in order as we discuss our fitness hobbies that, let's just say, have become somewhat of an acquired taste at home. I'll regale you with stories of marathon pursuits that have lost their luster with my wife and bodybuilding escapades still championed by my son. Together, we'll explore the amusing family dynamics behind our passions, all while finding camaraderie in our commitment to the pursuits that light our fires, regardless of the eyebrow raises we might receive from our loved ones. Strap in for an episode filled with laughter, relatable tales, and a genuine celebration of the unique blend of fitness, fatherhood, and the unabashed pursuit of our interests.

    Follow Mitch @ http://instagram.com/go_for_mitch

    Follow Bart @ http://instagram.com/bartonguybryan

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    40 分
  • Table Topics Episode #1: Moon Landing, Rudy, and Taking Zyns

    Remember the rush of your first victory or the taste of that unexpected win? That's the energy we're channeling in our latest banter, where we kick back, try out Zyns , and swap tales that'll take you right back to the bleachers. From the gritty inspiration of "Rudy" to the tension in sports movies that's as thick as the final minutes of overtime, we're uncovering what makes these flicks more than just game tapes.

    Conspiracies and cosmos collide as we step from the locker room into the vast expanse of space. Fired up by a recent hot take on the Joe Rogan show, we examine the moon landing debate through a lens of healthy skepticism and wonder. We've roped in Landon, our astrophysicist buddy, to navigate us through the stars and separate science fiction from space fact. And while we're looking skyward, we're also keeping it real with a dive into the intricacies of raising kids in a world where the internet is always on and the city lights never dim.

    Finally, we're dishing out a slice of life from both sides of the tracks—how does one keep the heart of a small-town kid while hustling in the big leagues? We share chuckles over the 'big city' label and the quirks of our social media memories. Plus, there's a bonus chuckle on embracing the 'dad bod' life. So, tune in for a session that's as varied as your favorite playlist and just as entertaining.

    Follow Mitch @ http://instagram.com/go_for_mitch

    Follow Bart @ http://instagram.com/bartonguybryan

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    40 分
  • Discussing Steroids, Fatherhood, & Dad Bod Makeovers

    Ever wonder how Hollywood heavyweights like John Cena manage to look like Greek gods? We've got the lowdown on the Herculean efforts needed not just in Tinseltown but for any dad aiming to reshape their silhouette. Join us, Mitch and Bart, as we unpack the balance of muscle maintenance and fat loss, the ethical quandary of performance enhancers, and the everyday strategies to revamp that dad bod. We're peeling back the curtain on fitness with a healthy dose of transparency and humor, and trust us, you'll walk away with more than a few nuggets of wisdom to apply to your own journey.

    Curious about the buzz around supplements and biohacking? We're breaking down the science and the stories behind creatine and controversial weight loss aids like Ozempic, sharing not just the benefits but the potential pitfalls and the importance of expert guidance. From the evolving landscape of drug use in the fitness industry to our own experiences with the highs and lows of body transformation, we lay it all out on the table. And if you're over 40, our candid chat on testosterone replacement therapy might just be the game-changer you didn't know you needed.

    We wrap things up with a dollop of Texas charm, as Mitch and I spar over whose name rightfully earns the top billing. It's the 'Mitch and Bart Show', where we promise to keep the energy cranked up, the fitness advice flowing, and the laughs coming. Because at the end of the day, whether you're a fitness newbie or a seasoned gym-goer, we're all in this together – transforming, growing, and maybe even enjoying the occasional barbecue along the way. So grab your headphones and join the conversation; it's not just a show, it's a community.

    Follow Mitch @ http://instagram.com/go_for_mitch

    Follow Bart @ http://instagram.com/bartonguybryan

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    35 分
  • Introductions, Best Workout Splits, and Mitch's Real Life 10K Challenges

    Strap on your running shoes and prepare to lift the veil on the life of a dad in pursuit of peak fitness. We're not just gym rats or pavement pounders; we're storytellers, sharing tales from my long-standing career as a personal trainer and former actor, alongside Mitch's transformative journey from pastor to event maestro and literary agent. Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge to manage health and fitness amidst the whirlwind of family life. We'll even take you behind the scenes of our latest 10K adventure with ultra-runner Cam Haynes, revealing the nitty-gritty of orchestrating such epic fitness events and the community spirit that fuels them.

    Ever caught yourself mirroring the workout of a bodybuilding icon, only to find it's a Herculean task? We'll dissect why those viral fitness regimes might not fit your lifestyle and offer up our own custom-tailored strategies for full-body workouts that hit every mark in just two sessions a week. Tune in as we break down the science of exercise pairings, the art of recovery, and how to strike a balance between shedding pounds and building strength. Plus, we've got the inside scoop on upcoming industry collaborations that are sure to shake up your routine and keep you coming back for more. Join us and be part of a community that lifts, runs, and shoots for the stars.

    Follow Mitch @ http://instagram.com/go_for_mitch

    Follow Bart @ http://instagram.com/bartonguybryan

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    28 分