
  • Tear-free Onions

    Tear-free Onions

    How to chop onions without crying!
    Apart from tragic and mushy romantic bollywood movies, one thing that is sure to make you cry is cutting onions. But there's tips ans tricks to get around this. In this episode, you'll find out how to cut onions without crying, and how to use it to cook up deceptively simple food.
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    8 分
  • The Versatile Potato

    The Versatile Potato

    The trick to buying good potatoes and storing them pefectly
    Potato is the most versatile of vegetables. It can be cooked with other vegetables, and even non vegetarian food - or just by itself. In this episode, you learn the story of the potato and how best to store this humble, delicious member of our kitchen.
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    9 分
  • Using Leftover Bread

    Using Leftover Bread

    Don't throw away that stale bread - it can be a quick dessert!
    The white bread that we buy from stores doesn't stay fresh for very long, but it can still be used in various ways. Make bread crumbs, or repurpose it to make delicious sweet and savoury dishes. No wasting leftover bread from now on!
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    9 分
  • The Perfect Kebab

    The Perfect Kebab

    One simple formula to make the perfect kebabs, every time.
    Whether they are vegetarian or non-vegeterian - everyone loves kebabs! Making kebabs at home might seem daunting, but is actually very simple. This episode breaks down the steps to make the perfect kebab in your own kitchen.
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    11 分
  • The Marinade Formula

    The Marinade Formula

    The secret to tastier, succulent meats? A great marinade.
    Marination is magical - it doesn't just make your food taste better, but even makes sure it's cooked better. This episode tells you the why and how of a good, effective marinade.
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    10 分
  • Indian Gravies

    Indian Gravies

    A one-size-fits-all trick for all your gravies
    An essential part of Indian cooking: a delivious gravy. They balance the flavours of food, and can be made in advance, or fresh. And if you know a few tricks, gravies will become your best friend in the kitchen. This episode will leave you with tricks, hacks and a simple recipe!
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    9 分
  • Green Vegetables

    Green Vegetables

    How to keep leafy veggies green, even after you cook them?
    No one likes to eat greens that look brown on cooking. Afterall, you feast with your eyes first. This episode lets you in on a secret - how to keep green vegetable looking fresh green, even after cooking!
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    9 分
  • Melt-in-mouth Meats

    Melt-in-mouth Meats

    ....are not difficult to cook at all!
    Chicken or Mutton, as kebabs or in a curry -- if the meat melts in mouth, it takes the dish to another level. Cooking perfect, melt-in-mouth meats can be easy to cook, with some simple tricks that this episode includes.
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    9 分