
  • The “lived experience” of ADHD as motivation to help others deal with it.

    If anyone had doubts about whether my guest or I have ADHD, in this episode of ADHD Focus we provided decisive proof that indeed we do. In a wide-ranging discussion we touched on girls/women with ADHD, student struggles with ADHD, the shame experienced by women with ADHD due to impossible-to-meet societal expectations of a woman, […]

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    59 分
  • Brent Newton of myOwl

    Do you: You need to hear and/or watch this show!! A solution is at hand! Brent Newton is CEO and co-founder, along with his 12 year-old daughter, of myOwl, a program which integrates all apps and programs used by a school into one easy-access point which shows all assignments in all classes on the same […]

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    30 分
  • Micromoments of Shame

    Micromoments of shame* – stepping over the box you were going to take upstairs as you go upstairs, passing by the unfolded laundry, discovering the clothes in the washer from two days ago…we have them daily. Maybe neurotypical folks do too, but ADHDers have many more every day. *this expression is not originally mine, a friend […]

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    59 分
  • Menopause and ADHD

    Menopause and the hormonal swings leading up to it, perimenopause, often causes mood swings, brain fog, and always hot flashes. ADHD added to the mix compounds everything! Join Linda Roggli and I for a discussion of how hormonal shifts during this time affect ADHD, from the basic level of estrogen helping dopamine work better to […]

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    58 分
  • Inattentive ADHD, the Stealth Diagnosis

    Inattentive ADHD, the Stealth Diagnosis. People with Inattentive ADHD tend to fly under the radar for years, decades even, women and girls more often (inadvertently) than men and boys. They are labeled as disorganized, always late, space case, overwhelmed and over-committed, the kid with no friends, the school dropout. After High School (almost half the […]

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    1 時間
  • Women with Undiagnosed ADHD

    Women with undiagnosed ADHD of either Type “pay” more for it than do men, this is the Female ADHD Tax. Women and men who have undiagnosed ADHD struggle with life; they have higher risks of relationship issues, involvement with unwanted pregnancies, lower educational progress, lower-paying jobs, AND higher incidence of anxiety, depression, and domestic partner […]

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    57 分
  • Girls on the Autism Spectrum – “the something else”

    Do you feel that the treatments for your child’s ADHD and co-occurring Anxiety and/or Learning Disorders and/or Depression are not working for …something else but you don’t know what? That there are signs – behaviors, meltdowns, struggles with friends – that things are not yet OK, that something is being missed. You are totally spent […]

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    58 分
  • A Fresh Perspective On Executive Functions

    Why do we ADHDers (which includes myself) toss one task aside and choose to do another? Why are some of us usually arriving late to meetings, dates, dinner at home? What we call Procrastination and Poor Time Management may actually have foundations in a different aspect of ADHD, Self-awareness. The strategies for changing those symptoms/habits […]

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    39 分