
  • 11. How humans actually learn: Mastering effective learning to transform your skills and life

    In a world that demands constant growth and development, learning is not just a luxury, it's a necessity.

    But the truth is, most of us have never been taught how to learn effectively. We often find ourselves stuck in frustrating cycles of trial and error, or worse, we give up entirely when faced with the discomfort of the learning process.

    In this episode, I introduce a powerful framework for understanding and optimizing the human learning process. By recognizing the difference between ineffective "suffering" approaches and the five levels of effective learning, you'll gain clarity on how to approach skill-building and personal transformation in a more intentional, patient, and ultimately successful manner.

    Discover the key mindsets and practices that will help you embrace discomfort, vulnerability, and consistent practice as you work towards embodied learning and growth in any area of your life.

    Whether you're looking to improve your health, relationships, career, or personal interests, this episode will equip you with the tools and insights you need to become a more effective lifelong learner.

    - Mark

    Let’s connect:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrobertsonpcc

    Email: mark@coachmark.com

    Website: www.coachmark.com

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    43 分
  • 10. The 4 basic moods of life: Dramatically alter your life experience by shifting your mood!

    Are you feeling bitterness towards others, or feel like there’s nothing you can do to change things?

    Do you find yourself constantly blaming others for your circumstances or feeling like there's no hope for a better future?

    In today’s episode, I’ll share with you the "four basic moods" that heavily influence our life experiences— Resentment, Resignation, Peace, and Ambition. I'll provide practical strategies to transform “negative” moods into empowering ones, moving from resentment to peace and resignation to ambition.

    I'll explain how these moods are created by the way we orient ourselves to the facts of our past and present, as well as the possibilities of our future. You'll learn how to identify which “negative” moods you're trapped in, and why shifting to the more “positive” moods of peace and ambition/enthusiasm could dramatically change your day-to-day life experience!

    This episode is your key to not just understanding your emotional responses but actively shaping them to enhance your life experience. Tune in to start the journey toward a more positive and proactive mindset.

    - Mark

    Let’s connect:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrobertsonpcc

    Email: mark@coachmark.com

    Website: www.coachmark.com

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    35 分
  • 9. It’s possible to stop getting emotionally triggered, or getting your feelings hurt: Learn how here!

    Have you ever felt like certain conversations in relationships just set you off?

    Many of us find ourselves reacting emotionally, often due to our "buttons" being pushed, without fully understanding why.

    This can lead to cycles of conflict and misunderstanding that erode our relationships. It often feels like our emotions are controlled by the words and actions of others, leaving us feeling powerless and frustrated.

    In this episode, I dive into the nature of communication and the patterns that define our interactions, or the "relationship dance." We'll explore how to recognize when you're emotionally triggered and why these reactions occur.

    More importantly, I'll guide you through the steps to "uninstall" your buttons, empowering you to respond to conversations with clarity and strength, rather than react out of habit.

    Join me as we unpack the power of listening, the importance of distinguishing between hearing and interpreting, and how to alter your emotional responses in relationships for more peaceful and effective communication.

    - Mark

    Let’s connect: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrobertsonpcc Email: mark@coachmark.com Website: www.coachmark.com

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    29 分
  • 8. We all make judgments: how to effectively judge yourself and others through understanding assessments and assertions

    Have you ever found yourself stuck in a judgment about someone else, or maybe felt trapped by others’ opinions of you?

    It’s easy to get caught in the cycle of outdated assessments that cloud our relationships and self-perception.

    In this episode, I dive deeper into the conversation started in episode seven about the crucial distinctions between assessments and assertions. Often, we treat subjective judgments as facts, which can lead to misunderstandings and missed connections. Without a clear understanding, these unexamined beliefs can significantly impact our personal and professional lives, leading us to make decisions based on inaccurate perceptions.

    Join me as I explore how to recognize and adjust our assessments, ensuring they are grounded in reality and open to revision. I'll share insights on the power of language in shaping our relationships and self-image, and offer practical tips on how to free ourselves from the confines of unhelpful judgments.

    Tune in to gain tools that will help you communicate more effectively and authentically foster better understanding and openness in all areas of your life.

    - Mark

    Let’s connect:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrobertsonpcc

    Email: mark@coachmark.com

    Website: www.coachmark.com

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    38 分
  • 7. How to unlock the power of Assessments and Assertions for personal growth, clearer communication and improved relationships

    Are you tired of getting stuck in endless arguments, feeling misunderstood, or struggling with negative self-talk?

    In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of language and explore the critical distinction between assessments and assertions.

    Join me as I share insights on how understanding this difference can dramatically transform the way you communicate with others and yourself. We'll discuss the dangers of the "I'm right, you're wrong" mindset, the importance of being selective about whose opinions you give authority to, and how the stories we tell ourselves shape our lives.

    Whether you're looking to improve your relationships, boost your self-confidence, or simply communicate more effectively, this episode is packed with valuable insights and actionable advice.

    You’ll discover practical tips for breaking free from linguistic traps, updating disempowering narratives, and harnessing the power of language to create a more authentic and empowering life.

    By gaining a deeper understanding of assessments and assertions, you'll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of communication in your relationships, work, and personal growth journey.

    - Mark

    Let’s connect:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrobertsonpcc

    Email: mark@coachmark.com

    Website: www.coachmark.com

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    52 分
  • 6. The power of communication skills and meaningful conversations to improve interpersonal relationships

    Have you ever wondered why some relationships feel as effortless as a perfect dance, while others feel more like stepping on each other's toes?

    It all boils down to the conversations we have, those we speak out loud and the ones silently swirling in our minds.

    Join me in today’s episode, as we explore how powerful conversations shape the relationships around us. We're taking a close look at how every meaningful relationship starts with a simple conversation and why what we say (and how we listen) matters more than you might think.

    You'll be introduced to the concept of the "relationship dance" and learn how to recognize your patterns within it. You'll gain practical tips on transforming your relationships through effective communication, from speaking up about the things that matter to mastering the art of listening with the intent to understand, not just to reply.

    Whether it's a friendship, a romantic partnership, or a professional connection, I’ll guide you through understanding and improving the dynamics of your interactions.

    Tune in, turn up the volume, and let’s start stepping into healthier relationships.

    - Mark

    Let’s connect:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrobertsonpcc

    Email: mark@coachmark.com

    Website: www.coachmark.com

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    28 分
  • 5. The power of our body: Understanding and accessing embodied habits for a more fulfilled life

    Ever noticed how changing your body posture can instantly shift your thinking, speaking, listening, and/or your current emotion or mood?

    Many of us move through our days on autopilot, letting old habits dictate our actions, emotions, thoughts and our ability to communicate. It's easy to feel like we’re not choosing, we’re just going through the motions without making real progress towards our goals and dreams.

    In this episode, we’ll explore the third and final circle—our body, or biology. We'll unpack the concept of "embodied habits" and see how our daily actions, even the smallest ones, are rooted in deeply ingrained patterns. But it's not just about recognizing these embodied habits, it's about understanding how to change them to new habits that work better for us!

    You'll learn about a groundbreaking framework called “The Five Rings Model” by Dr. Stuart Heller that reveals how our typical body disposition - our posture and movements - can lock us into certain emotional states and behaviors, and how adding other dispositions to our daily repertoire can lead us to a more fulfilled and authentic life.

    I'll share personal stories and insights on how recognizing and altering my own embodied habits has led to significant changes in how I think, feel, and act.

    Tune in to discover practical tips and exercises to start noticing and changing your own stubborn, entrenched habits that don’t work for you for personal growth.

    - Mark

    Let’s connect:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrobertsonpcc

    Email: mark@coachmark.com

    Website: www.coachmark.com

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    32 分
  • 4. Understanding Emotions and Moods: How to become aware of and better navigate your emotional state.

    Do you ever feel like your emotions are all over the place, or you're stuck in a mood you can't shake off?

    Sometimes, we react to things without knowing why, or we feel down without a reason. This can be confusing and can make our days harder.

    If we don't understand what's going on inside us, these emotions and moods can affect everything we do, from talking with friends to making big decisions.

    In today’s episode, we'll talk about the difference between emotions and moods, understand their triggers, and discover how they influence our actions and shape our reality. Learn practical steps to become more aware of your emotional state, recognize the underlying moods driving your behavior, and ultimately, learn to shape your mood to better meet life's challenges.

    I'll tell you about my own journey with the Newfield Network Graduate Coaching Program and how it opened my eyes to the power of emotional awareness. By the end of this episode, you'll be better able to recognize and move through your emotions in a healthy way.

    Let's get started to expand your Emotional Awareness in order to live a healthier life!

    - Mark

    Let’s connect:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrobertsonpcc

    Email: mark@coachmark.com

    Website: www.coachmark.com

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