
  • Dealing with Difficult Neighbors – TSMP #81
    Matt and Jay discuss difficult neighbors, how to be a good neighbor, setting good boundaries and what to do when the guy next door turns out to be nuts. We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Amazon.com. Intro: Living Near Other People Hard to do. Many complications. Everyone has bad neighbor stories Why is it hard to live near other people? People do better with space (but there’s not much nowadays) Not everyone knows how to respect others  MANY people are bad at conflict…and conflict is a requirement when neighbors have differences of opinion Are People More Angry These Days?  Maybe How to Deal with Difficult Neighbors/co-workers/family members/etc 1. Be a Good Neighbor Yourself Be polite 
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  • “What If?” – Bookcast #48
    What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions (2014) by Randall Munroe Read and listen to "Mastery" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Amazon.com. Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “What If?” A very brief description of “What If?” Randall Munroe’s webcomic about science, technology, language, and love has a large and passionate following. Every week millions of fans of Munroe’s stick figures visit xkcd.com … and many of them ask him a lot of strange questions. For example, what if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at 90 percent the speed of light? How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? If there was a robot apocalypse, how long would humanity last?
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  • “Mastery” – Bookcast #47
    Mastery (2012) by Robert Greene Read and listen to "Mastery" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Amazon.com. Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “Mastery” A very brief description of “Mastery” Through the stories of dozens of highly successful famous people in many different fields, Greene has put together a powerful program teaching us how to achieve mastery in one's life. Mastery can be thought of as the unique way each of us can fully actualize our potential for greatness and enjoy a fulfilling life. What Greene sets out to do / Purpose of the book Greene's overarching thesis is to challenge the conventional notion of "genius" as a genetic gift bestowed upon a handful of individuals. H
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  • Learning the Wrong Lesson – TSMP #80
    Matt and Jay discuss why learning the wrong lesson - or the right lesson - after we make a mistake will make all the difference between future successes or even greater failures. We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Amazon.com. Intro: You’re Going To Lose. Again. And Again. And Again. We discussed it last time. Yeah it sucks. Yeah it’s a fact. Gotta accept it if we’re going to live in the real world. What We Tell Ourselves After We Fail Post-failure self talk determines your direction Are you a loser? Do you fundamentally not have what it takes? Are you not smart enough, talented enough, strong enough, courageous enough, creative enough - to actually get the W? Are you really not cut out for this? Maybe you should give up… Hon
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  • “The Sea Wolf” – Bookcast #46
    The Sea Wolf (1904) by Jack London Read and listen to "The Sea Wolf" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Amazon.com. Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “The Sea Wolf” A very brief description of “The Sea Wolf” Gentleman narrator, Humphrey Van Weyden is pitted against amoral sea captain, Wolf Larsen. The novel begins when Van Weyden is swept overboard into San Francisco Bay, and plucked from the sea by Larsen's seal-hunting vessel, the Ghost. Pressed into service as a cabin boy by the ruthless captain, Van Weyden becomes an unwilling participant in a brutal shipboard drama. Larsen's increasingly violent abuse of the crew fuels a mounting tension that ends in a battle to the death between two op
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  • “Never Finished” – Bookcast #45
    Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind and Win the War Within (2022) by David Goggins (with Adam Skolnick) Read and listen to "Never Finished" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Amazon.com. Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “Never Finished” A very brief description of “Never Finished” Can’t Hurt Me, David Goggins’ hit memoir, demonstrated how much untapped ability we all have - but it was merely an introduction to the power of the mind. In Never Finished, Goggins takes you inside his Mental Lab, where he developed the philosophy, psychology, and strategies that enabled him to learn that what he thought was his limit was only his beginning and that the quest for greatness is unending. What
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  • The Art of Losing – TSMP #79
    Matt and Jay discuss why we suck at losing, how to get better at it and why embracing failure will make you a bigger winner than ever! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Amazon.com. Intro: Losing Sucks! Losing sucks - Failure sucks And we’re not good at it. Esp as Americans. Tom Brady falling apart this year Which is sad List of famous failures Abraham Lincoln Defeated in his run for state legislature (1832), failed in business (1833), had a nervous breakdown (1836), was defeated in his bid for congress (1843), defeated for US senator (1854), defeated as vice presidential candidate (1856) and defeated again as US senator (1858) before finally becoming president (1860) and then was murdered – but he also galvanized the country, a
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  • “The Terminal List” – Bookcast #44
    The Terminal List (2018) by Jack Carr Read and listen to "The Terminal List" on Amazon! We’re very excited to announce our books “Sexual Magnetism,” “The WASM Dating Handbook” and “Secrets of Sensual Massage” are now available! Follow these links to get your copies of "Sexual Magnetism," "The WASM Dating Handbook" and "Secrets of Sensual Massage" on Amazon.com. Want more great books? Check out our MUST READ LIST! Overview of “The Terminal List” A very brief description of “The Terminal List”(4 minutes) 00:00-04:00 On his last combat deployment, Navy Seal James Reece’s entire team was killed in a catastrophic ambush. When Reece discovers this was not an act of war by a foreign enemy but a conspiracy that runs to the highest levels of US government, he applies the lessons that he’s learned in over a decade of constant warfare to avenging the deaths of his family and teammates.  What Carr sets out to do / Purpose of the book This is a revenge ta
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