• Judy Weber: Build Your Business Unapologetically

    Today we’re diving into the latest marketing and sales strategies to help you scale your online business. I’m thrilled to have a special guest with us, Judy Weber. Judy is on a mission to normalize miraculous results for Christian women in business. She has a unique background, having worked in the corporate space, won trials as an attorney, and led in the boardroom as a C-suite executive.

    Guest Introduction: Judy Weber

    Let me introduce Judy Weber, Esq. She’s a Business Coach & Mentor, specifically for Christian women. Judy is a scaling strategist with tons of experience winning trials as an attorney and leading in the boardroom. She’s all about helping Christian women build lucrative businesses with simplicity and joy.

    Build Your Business Unapologetically - Key Takeaways

    Here are some key takeaways from my conversation with Judy:

    • Boldness and assertion are crucial for starting and growing your business.
    • The Faith Field Thought Model helps women control their thoughts and beliefs about themselves and their businesses.
    • The importance of visibility and doing something uncomfortable every day to grow your business.
    • Daily activities should focus on direct outreach and building an email list rather than perfecting non-essential tasks like websites.

    Mindset and Belief

    Success is really about who you believe yourself to be, not who others see you as. Approach challenges with a positive perspective and embrace your mission and desire for success.

    Strategic Thinking

    Judy talks about learning to think strategically, like a lawyer. It’s all about making decisions confidently and quickly, avoiding overconsumption of information, and trusting your expertise.

    Intuition vs. Ego

    We discussed the difference between ego and intuition. Ego is self-centered, but intuition focuses on serving others. Move forward despite fear and trust your gut.

    Decision Making

    Decision-making is a fundamental CEO skill. Make decisions fast but with careful consideration. Trust yourself and your ability to execute.

    Practical Steps for Business Growth

    Judy shared practical steps for business growth:

    • Focus on creating an irresistible high-ticket offer.
    • Use joy-infused marketing with one visibility strategy.
    • Ethical selling becomes easier with effective marketing.

    Key Quotes
    • "We really need to get out of our own way and stop worrying about being judged by others."
    • "Every day you should do something scary, every day you should do something that's uncomfortable."
    • "Success comes as a result of who you believe yourself to be."
    • "Decision-making is the most fundamental CEO skill."
    • "Your business is a true reflection of how you feel about yourself and how you treat yourself."
    • "The only way to win is to think strategically."

    Resources Mentioned
    • Connect with Judy on social media: @JudyWeberCo
    • Get a free VIP ticket to Judy’s Offer Week: https://www.judyweber.co/offerweek
    • Join my upcoming free LIVE Unlaunch Method event: https://www.lindseya.com


    Judy’s insights on mindset, strategic thinking, and decision-making are invaluable for scaling your online business. Embrace your purpose and talents to achieve miraculous results. Implement these practical steps to simplify and enjoy your business growth journey.

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    28 分
  • Jaya Rose: Video Marketing Is Not About You

    In this episode, we dive into the importance of focusing on your audience in video marketing. We explore the critical role of storytelling and authenticity, discuss overcoming challenges as an entrepreneur, and how to transition from traditional marketing to a more human-centered approach.

    Guest Introduction

    Our special guest today is Jaya Rose, a Speaker and Video Marketing Coach for people who want to make a big impact with their work. Jaya helps clients fine-tune their message and get seen online as an expert with her signature Story-Based Brand Method.

    Video Marketing Is Not About You: Key Takeaways
    • Authenticity in video marketing is essential for building a strong connection with your audience.
    • Understanding and leveraging personal strengths and weaknesses can significantly enhance business growth.
    • Reject traditional pushy marketing tactics in favor of a more human, creative approach.
    • Aligning your business practices with your personal values and well-being is crucial.

    Personal Journey

    Jaya was diagnosed with ADHD and possibly autism, which made conventional learning methods challenging. She found success through visual learning and hands-on experience. Entrepreneurship allowed her to leverage her unique abilities and strengths.

    Professional Insights

    Jaya is known for her video marketing expertise, focusing on storytelling and authenticity. She emphasizes the importance of personal experience in building a brand and advocates for longer, more flexible launch periods to avoid burnout.

    Marketing and Sales Strategy

    Jaya rejects traditional pushy marketing tactics in favor of a more human-centered approach. She advocates for longer launch periods to reduce stress and increase effectiveness and believes in integrating personal values and authenticity into business practices.

    Video Marketing Tips

    Jaya emphasizes the value of both short-form (TikTok) and long-form (YouTube, live video) content. She highlights the importance of storytelling and authentic engagement with your audience and suggests batching video content to ensure consistency and manage unexpected disruptions.

    Key Quotes
    • "You aren't talking about you and your message and your offer for you. You're doing it for them."
    • "Entrepreneurship really is not only a good fit, but the only fit. It's the only thing I've ever done."
    • "If it’s really competitive or we're in competition with artificial intelligence, then what can we do to stand out? In my opinion and experience, it’s to be more human."

    Resources Mentioned
    • Connect with Jaya on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thejayarose
    • Connect with Jaya on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejayarose
    • Jaya’s website: https://thejayarose.com
    • Jaya’s Free Video Marketing Course: https://thejayarose.com/free-course
    • Register for my upcoming free live online events: https://www.lindseya.com


    Align your business practices with your personal well-being and use video marketing to connect authentically with your audience. Prioritize human connection over rigid marketing structures and embrace your unique strengths and experiences to build a successful business.

    Final Thoughts

    Remember, success in video marketing and business comes from being genuine and putting people first—starting with yourself. Align your values with

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    34 分
  • Buyer Beware: 3 Programs You Should Not Invest In

    Today I’m breaking down 3 programs you should not invest in if you’re looking to scale your business online.

    Buyer Beware: 3 Programs You Should Not Invest In - Key Takeaways:Avoiding High-Ticket Coaching Pitfalls:

    Let's kick things off by uncovering the truth behind high-ticket coaching programs. I'll reveal common pitfalls you should steer clear of to ensure success in scaling your coaching business.

    Freebie Trap:

    Don't get caught up in the allure of freebies as your primary client attraction strategy. Discover why they may not yield the results you're hoping for and what to focus on instead.

    Membership Trap:

    While memberships may seem enticing, they often come with their own set of challenges. Learn how to evaluate whether memberships are the right fit for your coaching business and how to navigate potential pitfalls.

    Mini Offer Trap:

    Mini offers can be tempting but proceed with caution. I'll share why relying solely on mini-offers may devalue your services and leave you feeling disappointed with the results.

    Building a Business That Works:

    Let's address the chaos that can come with running an online business solo. It's time to shift gears and focus on creating a system that works seamlessly for you.

    Remember, profitability is key to sustainable growth. Avoid overspending on unnecessary expenses and prioritize strategies that directly contribute to your business's bottom line.

    And don't forget the power of strategic selling and nurturing client relationships. These are essential components of a successful business, far more impactful than automated funnels or passive income models.

    The Unlaunch Method Workshop:

    Ready to consistently sell your high-ticket services with social media? Join me for my free LIVE Unlaunch Method Workshop, where I'll share my proven strategies to do just that.

    For those seeking personalized guidance, consider upgrading to the VIP ticket option for exclusive one-on-one coaching sessions with yours truly.

    Key Quotes:
    • "Stop making that mistake. I'll guide you through what you need to know for your next coaching program and ensure you're set up for success."
    • "Freebies will not work. What you need are genuine connections and meaningful sales conversations."
    • "The membership trap is risky business. It's not always what it seems and may not be the best fit for your coaching business."
    • "Remember, buyers are listeners. Don't underestimate the value of your services by relying solely on tiny offers."

    Resources Mentioned:
    • The Unlaunched Method Workshop


    Remember, understanding the intricacies of the online business industry is crucial for avoiding common pitfalls. If you're ready to take your business to the next level, don't hesitate to sign up for The Unlaunch Method Workshop. I look forward to seeing you there.

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    26 分
  • Posting On Social Media Is Not Marketing

    Hey everyone, welcome to this special milestone episode of The Millionaire Maker Show – it's our 50th! Today, I'm excited to delve into some crucial insights on building and scaling your online business. We're going to uncover a common misconception: that merely posting on social media equates to effective marketing. Let's dive in and set the record straight.

    Posting On Social Media Is Not Marketing - Key Takeaways:
    1. VEMS Model: Explore the transformative power of the VEMS model – Vibe, Experience, Methodology, and Seeding. These pillars will revolutionize your social media presence, attracting your ideal clients with precision.

    2. Client Stories: Discover why weaving client success stories into your content is an absolute game-changer. Through the seeding method, subtly showcase your achievements and demonstrate the impact of your coaching.

    3. Iterative Marketing: Learn why an iterative marketing system is your secret weapon for consistency and effectiveness in your social media efforts. By tracking and refining your approach, you'll amplify your online presence and attract high-quality clients.

    4. Structured Sales System: Uncover the crucial importance of a structured sales system. This system is your ticket to converting social media followers into paying clients seamlessly.

    Common Social Media Posting Mistakes:
    • Are you accidentally adopting an influencer persona instead of showcasing your expertise?
    • Don't underestimate the power of sharing client success stories and the methodology behind your approach.
    • Avoid falling into the trap of posting skills without effectively attracting high-quality clients. It's all about strategic content that resonates with your audience.

    Key Quotes:
    • "Posting as an influencer may garner attention, but as an expert, your aim is to attract high-quality clients."
    • "Consistency in social media marketing hinges on having a solid system in place – it's the backbone of your online presence."
    • "The Unlaunch Method Workshop offers a straightforward approach to scaling your online business effectively."

    Resources Mentioned:

    Don't miss out on The Unlaunch Method Workshop – your step-by-step guide to mastering strategy, systems, and sales techniques for scaling your online business. Head over to theunlaunchmethod.com for all the details.


    As we wrap up this milestone episode, I urge you to take action on these insights. Join us at The Unlaunch Method Workshop for practical strategies to elevate your online business. And if you've found value in today's episode, I'd be truly grateful for your support through a review. Here's to your transformative success.

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    21 分
  • Tish Times: How Learning To Love Sales Could Solve Your Biggest Problems

    Sales can sometimes feel daunting. But what if I told you it doesn't have to be that way? Shifting your mindset from just closing deals to actually helping people can make all the difference.

    Guest Introduction:

    Today, we're joined by Tish Times, an expert in helping high-performing female entrepreneurs boost their sales conversion rates. Tish is all about giving you the tools and mindset you need to rock your sales game. Tish is the visionary behind the Tish Times Sales Agency, is a renowned expert in driving remarkable sales conversions and empowering sales teams to thrive.

    With almost 15 years of experience, Tish has revolutionized businesses and entrepreneurs, enabling them to establish dynamic revenue-generating connections, fill events, and accelerate program enrollments. With an innate ability to streamline sales cycles and facilitate seamless closures, Tish and her exceptional team deliver an unparalleled "done-with-you" sales solution that catapults company revenue to unprecedented heights.

    How Learning To Love Sales Could Solve Your Biggest Problems - Key Takeaways:
    • Sales as Service: It's more than just making a sale; it's about serving your clients and helping them achieve their goals.
    • Overcoming Fear: Let's tackle those negative feelings around sales head-on and replace them with confidence and positivity.
    • Tools for Success: Equip yourself with the right skills and resources to make sales feel easier and more authentic.

    Shift in Perspective:

    Tish encourages us to see sales as a chance to make a positive impact, not just in business, but in life too.

    Personal Growth and Development:

    Facing sales challenges can lead to serious personal growth and empowerment. Let's embrace it!


    Tish drops some real gems, like "Sales is service. I love being able to help people get what they ultimately desire."

    Resources Mentioned:
    • Connect with Tish on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachTishTimes
    • Connect with Tish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tishtimes
    • Connect with Tish on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tishtimes
    • Tish's free Networking and Sales Handbook: https://tishtimes.com/networkingplaybook
    • Join my upcoming free LIVE workshop, The Unlaunch Method: https://www.theunlaunchmethod.com


    Ready to shift your mindset, boost your sales, and start making a bigger impact? Let's dive in with Tish and make it happen!

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    34 分
  • You Have Six Weeks Left To Scale Your Online Business

    On today's episode, we're diving deep into the critical six weeks ahead of us before summer hits. I'm going to walk you through the essential tasks you need to focus on to ensure your business thrives during this pivotal time. We're talking about profit-producing tasks, recurring revenue, and setting realistic goals to propel your business forward.

    You Have Six Weeks Left To Scale Your Online Business - Key Takeaways:
    • It's all about recurring revenue to weather the seasonal storms.
    • Spend time perfecting your programs, gathering testimonials, and creating valuable content.
    • Sales should be your main focus—embrace it!
    • Overcome perfectionism and get laser-focused on your goals.
    • Don't undervalue your services—know your worth.
    • Use technology and automation to streamline your processes.
    • Stay adaptable in the ever-changing world of online marketing.

    Profit-Producing Tasks:
    • Focus on client satisfaction and improving your programs.
    • Keep churning out valuable content to expand your audience.
    • Get strategic with your sales efforts to drive revenue growth.

    Challenges to Overcome:
    • Let go of perfectionism—it's holding you back.
    • Get clear on your priorities to maximize productivity.
    • Don't sell yourself short—know your value.
    • Stay ahead of the curve by adapting to market changes.

    Key Quotes:
    • "Treat money like a really hot chick that you want to date. That's how you attract it."
    • "Get strategic direction because you're currently at a place where you don't know what you don't know."
    • "What I'm offering you here is tried and true basics, things that actually work."

    Resources Mentioned:
    • Visit LindseyA.com for upcoming free live online workshops and events to scale your online business.


    These next six weeks are crucial for your business's success. By focusing on profit-producing tasks, embracing sales, and overcoming common challenges, you'll set yourself up for long-term growth. Remember, it's all about taking action and staying adaptable in the ever-changing landscape of online business.

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    19 分
  • Rocky Garza: How To Get What You Want

    In today’s episode, we have a special guest, Rocky Garza. He's not just any coach; he's one of our successful 1:1 VIP clients and a highly respected figure in the coaching industry. Today, Rocky will be sharing his remarkable insights into the transformative "Get What You Want" method, which has revolutionized the journeys of countless entrepreneurs.

    Guest Introduction:

    Let's jump right into introducing our esteemed guest for today, Rocky Garza. He's more than just a coach; he's a catalyst for change. With a track record of helping top leaders and organizations achieve monumental success, Rocky's ability to draw from personal experiences sets him apart. Get ready to be inspired.

    How To Get What You Want - Key Takeaways:Mindset and Beliefs:

    We start by unpacking the pivotal role mindset plays in achieving success. Did you know that 30% of our success hinges on our mindset and foundational beliefs? Our early experiences can really shape our perceptions of wealth and success.

    Authenticity and Self-Discovery:

    Rocky's emphasis on authenticity is truly refreshing. He shares his own journey from seeking external validation to embracing authenticity, revealing the power of disclosure without vulnerability. This breakthrough can be transformative for anyone on a similar path.

    Breaking Patterns:

    We delve into the common patterns we all fall into, such as seeking approval and people-pleasing behaviors. Rocky opens up about overcoming these patterns through self-awareness and therapy, highlighting the importance of resilience and confidence in overcoming life's hurdles.

    Embracing Change:

    Despite facing betrayal in both personal and professional realms, Rocky's resilience shines through. His ability to adapt to change and forge ahead with unwavering determination serves as a beacon of inspiration for us all.

    Key Quotes:
    • "Your business is a mirror of your beliefs and mindset."
    • "85% of daily actions are driven by societal expectations."
    • "Disclosure without vulnerability hinders authentic connections."

    Resources Mentioned:
    • Apply for a Millionaire Maker breakthrough strategy session at Lindseya.com/coaching.
    • Rocky’s website: www.rockygarza.com
    • Follow Rocky on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rockygarza
    • Connect with Rocky on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rockygarza


    I hope you found Rocky's insights as enlightening as I did. Remember to reflect on your beliefs and patterns to unlock your full potential. Stay tuned for more empowering episodes on "The Millionaire Maker Show" podcast.

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    38 分
  • Laurie A. Watkins: Avoiding Burnout When Growing A Business

    In today's episode, we'll delve into the crucial topic of avoiding burnout when growing an online business. We have a phenomenal guest joining us, Laurie Watkins, the CEO of the Cooks Collective and author of "Go From Stress to Strong." Let's explore strategies to maintain mental well-being while scaling your business.

    Guest Introduction:

    Laurie A. Watkins is CEO & founder of The Cook's Collective, an author, political and foreign affairs tv contributor, and former Obama policy director.

    Laurie is an accomplished speaker, and best-selling author of the award-winning books; Go From Stressed to Strong: Health and Fitness Advice from High Achievers, and The Musical Imprint. Laurie is a functional food cook, and member of the CARE Chef's Table that advocates on behalf of ending global hunger.

    Avoiding Burnout When Growing A Business - Key Takeaways:

    Discover essential strategies for avoiding burnout when growing a business, including:

    Prioritizing self-care: Learn the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and implementing self-care practices to prevent burnout.

    Effective time management: Explore techniques for optimizing your schedule to increase productivity and reduce stress levels.

    Setting boundaries: Understand the significance of setting clear boundaries to protect your mental and emotional well-being while navigating the demands of business growth.

    Building a support network: Discover the benefits of surrounding yourself with mentors, peers, and professionals who can provide guidance and support during challenging times.

    On Advocacy and Burnout:

    Laurie's work with the Cooks Collective focuses on empowering business owners to advocate for mental health awareness and support within their industries. Learn how advocating for mental well-being can contribute to a healthier, more resilient business environment.

    On Laurie's Book, "Go From Stress to Strong":

    Explore Laurie's book, "Go From Stress to Strong," which offers practical strategies for combating burnout and building resilience in both personal and professional settings. Discover actionable tips and inspiring stories from high achievers who have overcome burnout to achieve success.

    Laurie's Personal Journey:

    Gain insights from Laurie's personal experience navigating burnout while managing the demands of high-profile positions. Learn how she successfully implemented self-care practices and prioritized her well-being to sustainably grow her career and business ventures.

    Key Quotes:

    Here are some impactful quotes from Laurie:

    • "I believe in the power of self-care as a foundational element of business success."
    • "Setting boundaries is not only essential for maintaining mental health, but also for achieving long-term business growth."
    • "Building a supportive network of peers and mentors can provide invaluable guidance and encouragement during challenging times."

    Resources Mentioned:
    • Laurie’s website: http://www.thecookscollective.org
    • Connect with Laurie on Instagram: @laurieawatkins; @thecookscollectiveorg
    • Connect with Laurie on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaurieAWatkinsAuthor
    • My free live workshop, The Unlaunch Method: https://www.theunlaunchmethod.com


    As you embark on the journey of growing your business, remember the importance of prioritizing your mental health and well-being. By implementing effective strategies for avoiding burnout, you can build a thriving business while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

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    27 分