• From Double Duty to Life by Design: Becky Gluff’s Story
    In this episode, we're joined by Becky Gluff, a real estate agent whose journey through multiple careers, including a significant stint as a missionary and as a tax professional, culminated in a thriving real estate career. Becky shares her personal story and strategies for success, offering a blend of inspiration and practical advice for dual-career agents and seasoned professionals alike. Key Takeaways: Choices - Persistence in Follow-Up: Becky stresses the importance of persistence in communication. She highlights that success in real estate often requires following up beyond the first or even the tenth contact, demonstrating a commitment to persistence that has significantly contributed to her impressive sales records. Choices - Automated Communication: Utilizing automated systems for routine communications such as birthday greetings and anniversary messages has allowed Becky to maintain consistent contact with her clients efficiently. Choices - Designing a Life by Design: Becky emphasizes the importance of creating a life that aligns with personal values and goals, a principle that has guided her through career transitions and into a fulfilling role in real estate. Actions for Success: Set Defined Working Hours: Becky shares how setting specific working hours and communicating these clearly to clients from the outset has enabled her to manage client expectations and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Establish and Honor Boundaries: By setting boundaries around her availability, such as evenings and weekends dedicated to personal time or other jobs, Becky has successfully managed her responsibilities without compromising client service. Build and Maintain a Robust Database: Starting with a strong base of contacts who know and trust her, Becky has expanded her network through consistent follow-ups, emphasizing the importance of nurturing relationships to sustain and grow her business. Celebrate Home Anniversaries: Sending personalized home anniversary cards has been a key strategy for Becky, helping her stay in touch with past clients and reinforce her presence in their lives. Mindset Shifts: Consistency in Actions: Whatever strategy you choose, Becky advises maintaining consistency in your actions. This approach has been central to her ability to convert leads and achieve high sales volumes. Prioritize Follow-Up: Making follow-up a priority, regardless of the communication medium, ensures that potential leads are nurtured into successful transactions. Reward Yourself and Find Support: Recognizing your own hard work and finding a support network, especially when facing challenges, are crucial for sustaining motivation and resilience in the competitive real estate field. Embrace Practice and Coaching: Continuous practice and openness to coaching have been instrumental in Becky’s development, enabling her to refine her skills and adapt to the dynamic demands of real estate sales. Becky’s journey from a tax professional to a real estate success story is not just inspiring but also instructional. Her strategic approach to client communication, time management, and personal development offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to excel in real estate or any other field. By adopting Becky’s keys to success, listeners can navigate their dual careers with confidence and achieve their own version of a life by design. You can reach Becky at beckygrealestate@gmail.com Remember to follow up, set boundaries, and be consistent in your efforts. Tune in next week for more insights from successful real estate professionals like Becky. Don't forget to subscribe/follow and leave us a review!
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  • Dive In & Stand Out: Christi Williams' Proven Strategies for Real Estate Success
    Join us on the Double Duty Agent Podcast as Carla Higgins delves into the dynamic journey of Christi Williams, from her diverse career background to becoming a celebrated real estate professional. Discover how bold choices, strategic actions, and a resilient mindset have been pivotal in her rise to success within the real estate industry. What You'll Learn: The Importance of Taking Leaps: Learn about the necessity of stepping out of your comfort zone and how taking calculated risks can lead to substantial rewards in real estate. Standing Out in a Competitive Field: Explore Christi’s strategies for differentiating herself in the crowded real estate market. Seeking Guidance: Understand the benefits of reaching out for help and how mentorship can accelerate your career progress. Strategic Actions for Success: Building a Strong Network: Insights into the significance of creating and maintaining a robust database for sustained success. Nurturing Relationships: Discover why real estate success heavily relies on building strong, trust-based relationships. Market Knowledge: Learn the importance of familiarizing yourself with new builds and local market conditions through practical fieldwork. Visibility Through Social Media: Strategies for using social media effectively to enhance your professional presence. Mindset for Success: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Christi shares how to identify and navigate past self-imposed barriers. Goal-Oriented Approach: The critical importance of setting clear, measurable goals and not just navigating without direction. Data-Driven Decisions: Learn the necessity of tracking your business metrics to refine your strategies and improve outcomes. Leveraging Life Experience: Understand how to use your personal history as a unique strength in building your real estate career. Conclusion: Christi Williams not only shares her journey, she provides actionable insights and strategies for anyone looking to carve a similar path in real estate. Whether you're considering a career change or seeking to enhance your presence in the real estate market, this episode is packed with valuable advice on navigating this dynamic field. Contact Christi Williams: Email: christijwilliams@kw.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soldbychristi Further Resources: Learn more about a career in real estate or coaching for Double Duty Agents at Double Duty Podcast Website Call to Action: If you are a Double Duty agent or contemplating a dive into the real estate industry while managing another profession, this episode offers inspiration, key strategic insights, and mindset adjustments to guide you. Don't forget to subscribe for more episodes like this and share this episode with someone who might benefit from these insights! If you, or someone you know, has a compelling Double Duty story to share, visit our website at Double Duty Podcast Website and let us know so we can feature their story in an upcoming episode of The Double Duty Agent Podcast.
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    42 分
  • From Social Work to Real Estate Leader: Anne Copple’s Story
    Join us on the Double Duty Agent Podcast as Carla Higgins delves into the compelling story of Anne Copple, who transitioned from a career as a social worker to a thriving full-time real estate agent during the challenging times of COVID-19. Discover how strategic actions, crucial mindset shifts, and dedicated coaching helped Anne not just enter but excel in the real estate industry. What You'll Learn: Choices for Transition: Learn the importance of treating real estate not just as a side gig but as a serious business, and why it's crucial to avoid harmful comparisons with others in the industry. Strategic Actions for Success: Engage deeply with coaching and continuous learning opportunities provided by her brokerage, Keller Williams. Utilize networking and a strong social media presence to build and maintain relationships. Implement concentrated actions, such as making the most of every moment for business activities, including calls and open houses. Creating a Sound Transition Plan: Insights into Anne’s transition strategy from juggling dual careers to focusing solely on real estate, which involved both practical and psychological preparation. Mindset for Success: Shift from comparing oneself to others to drawing inspiration from their successes. Adopt a gratitude mindset to keep focused on the positives despite the setbacks. Develop patience and understanding, knowing that building a business takes time and consistent effort. Conclusion: Anne Copple shares not just her journey but also detailed insights and strategies for anyone looking to navigate a similar path from dual careers to a successful full-time role in real estate. Whether you’re managing two careers or contemplating a full dive into real estate, this episode offers rich wisdom on maneuvering through this dynamic field. If you would like to reach out to Anne Copple, you can contact her via email at annecopple@kw.com or on her website - annecopple.kw.com. If you would like to learn more about a career in real estate, coaching for Double Duty Agents, or have a question about anything you heard in this episode, contact Coach Carla at http://doubledutypodcast.com Call to Action: If you are a Double Duty agent or thinking about entering the real estate industry while managing another profession, tune into this episode for inspiration, practical advice, and transformative insights. Don’t forget to subscribe for more episodes like this and share this episode with someone who could benefit from these insights! If you, or someone you know, has an inspiring Double Duty story to share, visit http://doubledutypodcast.com and let us know so we can reach out and schedule an interview for a future episode of The Double Duty Agent Podcast.
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  • From Dual Careers to Real Estate Royalty: The Scott and Rhonda Smith Story
    Host: Carla Higgins Guests: Scott and Rhonda Smith Introduction: Join us on the Double Duty Agent Podcast as Carla Higgins explores the inspiring transition of Scott and Rhonda Smith from their dual careers in engineering and nursing to becoming real estate powerhouses. Learn how commitment, alignment, and strategic planning fueled their journey to the top of the real estate industry. What You'll Learn: The Power of Commitment: Understand the crucial difference between having an interest and a commitment in real estate. Learn why treating real estate as more than just a hobby is essential for success. Choosing the Right Partners: Discover the importance of aligning with business partners who share your values and can offer the necessary support and training. Strategic Actions for Success: Building a robust database and why it’s a cornerstone of real estate success. The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people who inspire and push you towards your goals. Creating a Sound Transition Plan: Steps to effectively transition from a dual career to a full-time real estate professional. Mindset for Success: Embrace the need for hard work and the readiness to manage multiple responsibilities. Understand the risks and rewards of the real estate market over traditional careers. The significance of long-term planning and getting your priorities right. Conclusion: Scott and Rhonda Smith not only share their journey but also provide actionable insights and strategies for anyone looking to make a similar transition. Whether you’re juggling dual careers or thinking about diving into real estate full-time, this episode is packed with wisdom on navigating this dynamic field. If you would like to reach out to Scott and Rhonda Smith you can send Rhonda an email to rhondasmith@kw.com If you would like to learn more about a career in real estate, coaching for Double Duty Agents, or have a question about anything you heard in this episode, contact Coach Carla at http://doubledutypodcast.com Call to Action: If you are a Double Duty agent or thinking about entering the real estate industry while managing another profession, this episode is filled with inspiration, choices, actions, and mindset shifts to help you navigate your path. Don’t forget to subscribe for more episodes like this and share this episode with someone who could benefit from these insights! If you, or someone you know, has an inspiring Double Duty story to share, visit http://doubledutypodcast.com and let us know so we can reach out and schedule an interview for a future episode of The Double Duty Agent Podcast.
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    43 分
  • Overcoming Challenges as a Double Duty Agent: Carla Higgins' Own Story
    Welcome to the very first episode of the "Double Duty Agent" podcast! Join your host, Carla Higgins, as she embarks on a journey to explore the challenges and triumphs of dual-career real estate agents. This episode is packed with inspiration, personal stories, and valuable insights that will resonate with anyone juggling multiple roles. Key Takeaways: The "Double Duty Agent" podcast is more than just a show; it's a community for agents who are striving to make it in real estate while managing other professional or personal responsibilities. Carla's story is not just inspiring; it’s a testament to what is possible with dedication and the right strategies, even when balancing multiple careers. Listeners can expect to find a piece of themselves in each episode, with stories that are not only relatable but also empowering. Limiting Beliefs: Everyone has them. You must learn to work with yours. Ask yourself: Is this thought 100% true? Is there proof that it is not 100% true? What happens if I act on this belief and it is not correct? Tie back to your WHY! Your reasons have to be bigger than your limiting beliefs to be able to push through and succeed. Join Carla every week for new episodes filled with real stories, expert tips, and a whole lot of heart. Whether you're a seasoned agent or just starting out, this podcast is your companion on the journey to becoming a successful double duty agent. Thank you for tuning in, and don't forget to subscribe for more inspiring stories and strategies from the front lines of dual-career real estate! Contact Information: Carla Higgins: For more about a career in real estate, coaching for Double Duty Agents, or any questions about the episode, visit Double Duty Podcast and send her a message. Call to Action: If you are a Double Duty agent or thinking about entering the real estate industry while managing another profession, this episode is filled with inspiration, choices, actions, and mindset shifts to help you navigate your path. Don’t forget to subscribe for more episodes like this and share this episode with someone who could benefit from these insights! If you, or someone you know, has an inspiring Double Duty story to share, visit Double Duty Podcast and let us know so we can reach out and schedule an interview for a future episode of The Double Duty Agent Podcast. Video - https://youtu.be/IeHXksAAIV8
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    28 分
  • Introducing The Double Duty Podcast with Carla Higgins
    Join Carla Higgins on the Double Duty Agent Podcast, where dual-career real estate professionals find guidance and inspiration. Each week, Carla interviews successful agents juggling multiple careers, sharing stories and strategies to manage work-life balance and transition to real estate full-time. Subscribe to discover keys to your success and turn dual challenges into victories. Don’t miss an episode—tune in to unlock your potential in the competitive world of real estate!
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