
  • The Impact Of Return To Office On Project Managers

    The ever-evolving workplace dynamics, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, have brought forth an array of challenges and opportunities in the field of project management. Organizations are grappling with the question: Can a return-to-office mandate coexist with high project productivity?

    Galen Low is joined by Karla Eidem, Regional Managing Director (North America) at Project Management Institute, to shed light on this intricate issue.

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    43 分
  • A Digital PM's Guide To Privacy In 2024

    Data privacy has transcended beyond mere legal checkboxes into a realm where ethical considerations and user trust define the success of digital projects. With the rapid advancements in technology, the handling of user data has become a complex web of responsibility that project managers cannot afford to overlook.

    Galen Low is joined by Mackenzie Dysart, Delivery Principal at Thoughtworks, to give listeners a comprehensive roadmap to navigate the often murky waters of digital privacy.

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    49 分
  • The Future of PMOs and How to Support Informal PMs

    In the dynamic world of digital project management, the role of the project manager is continually evolving, adapting to the ebbs and flows of the industry's needs. Amidst this evolution, the emergence of informal project managers is a trend that cannot be overlooked.

    Galen Low is joined by Bruno Morgante, VP Global Head of PMO at The Adecco Group, to delve deeper into this phenomenon and its implications for the Project Management Office (PMO).

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    44 分
  • The Evolution of Agile Principles & How to Apply Them in Today’s World

    The Agile methodology has undoubtedly revolutionized project management, reshaping the way teams collaborate, deliver value, and embrace change.

    Galen Low is joined by Jim Highsmith, co-author of the Agile Manifesto, to discuss the ongoing evolution of Agile principles and their application in today's ever-changing digital landscape.

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    43 分
  • How to Use AI to Tailor Your Status Reports for Your Audience

    The art of effective communication within project management cannot be overstated. As the digital world evolves, the role of AI in this domain has become increasingly significant. But can generative AI be trusted to tailor your project status updates?

    Galen Low is joined by Devin Mahoney, CEO of QTalo, to unravel the complexities of project communication in the digital age.

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    40 分
  • What If Project Management Was Taught In Grade School

    In a world that's increasingly governed by complex projects and collaborative efforts, the question arises: why isn't project management being taught in grade schools?

    Galen Low is joined by Mark Burnett, CEO of Reasoning With Mark, to introduce a revolutionary idea: integrating project management skills into grade school curricula.

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    42 分
  • Can Behavioral Science Make Your Projects More Successful?

    In the rapidly evolving world of project management, methodologies such as Agile and Waterfall have long dominated the discourse. However, the integration of behavioral science into project management practices is carving out a new frontier, promising more effective and human-centered methodologies.

    Galen Low is joined by Dr. Josh Ramirez—CEO of The Institute for Neuro & Behavioral Project Management—to talk about the role of behavioral science in project management, how it impacts our beloved project methodologies, and why it could become an important part of the future of project management.

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    45 分
  • Not Your Parents’ PMO: How To Rebrand Your PMO And Double Your Success Rate

    What is the role of a PMO in a modern organization, and why do people think that it's only administrative?

    Galen Low is joined by Olivia Montgomery—Senior Analyst at Capterra—to discover how the often-misunderstood role of PMOs is revolutionizing the business world.

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    50 分