
  • A Log in Your Eye

    If you've ever had the painful experience of being outdoors on a windy day and having a speck of dust blow into your eye, you know that this will occupy your undivided attention until it is removed. But what if it is more than just a small speck? Jesus talked about this one day, and what He had to say about it is recorded in Matthew's gospel, chapter 7. In verses 3-5 He reveals what some have called the humor of Jesus. Let's look into that together in these next few minutes. Thank you for joining us today from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.

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  • The Balanced Life

    Have you ever had the horrible experience of driving your car and hearing a thumping sound coming from somewhere underneath, only to learn later that your tires were out of balance? Yes, balance is very important in any areas of our lives. In the 10th chapter of Revelation, there is a verse which describes a special kind of balance which an angel had. The first two verses of that chapter are our Biblical text for today. Thank you for joining us today from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.

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  • The Bigger They Come

    Have you ever heard the phrase, "having an Achilles heel?" The sermon this morning begins with this story from Greek mythology, and then we move quickly to the Bible to look at two men who had their own "Achilles heel." They are Samson and Simon Peter. Is there a lesson for us from these two men who failed so miserably in their lives? Well, stay with us for the next few minutes and let's find out. Thank you for joining us today from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.

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  • A Blind Man Healed

    Have you ever thought about the question: which of your five physical senses would you give up if you had to surrender one of them? Would it be your sense of taste, touch, smell, hearing, or seeing? Most of us would probably have trouble making that choice. The message today is about a man who was deprived of one of these senses, and what Jesus did for him. It is a story that has a deeper lesson for us than what appears on the surface. Thank you for joining us today from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.

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  • "Pages From the Life of Mary"

    We welcome you this morning to our Sunday worship service from Ocean Lakes Family Campground in Myrtle Beach, SC. And a Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are mothers. May this be a special and a good day for you. This morning our service is not intended to be just a nostalgic reflection on mothers; we are here every Sunday to worship God. Have you ever thought of the question, "What kind of mother did Jesus have?" Oh, we know she was given the title of "The Virgin Mary" as well as many other titles. But what was home life like for Jesus as He was growing up? Of course, we don't know all the answers to that question, but today we are going to look at a few "Pages from the Life of Mary." Let's open the scriptures and see what we can find. Thank you for joining us today from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.

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  • Ashamed of Christ?

    Imagine something with me for a moment. Suppose you were to be arrested and forced to make a statement that you are a Christian, or you are not a Christian, what would your answer be? And let's suppose further that if you said you are a Christian, you would be executed on the spot, would that change your answer? Well, thankfully, most of us have not or will not have to face that situation. But the Bible tells of many who did have to make that decision, and countless lost their lives because of it. Sadly, there are people even in our day who suffer death because of their Christian faith.

    As we look today at what the Apostle Paul said in such a situation, we might well ask ourselves the question, "Am I Ashamed of Christ?" That's the subject for today's message. Thank you for joining us today from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.

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  • In Times Like These

    There is an old gospel song that we sometimes sing, the words of which go like this: "In times like these, you need a Savior; in times like these, you need an Anchor; be very sure - - be very sure your anchor holds, and grips the Solid Rock." Anybody with even a slight awareness of world conditions today knows that we really do need an anchor, when all about us seems to be slipping away. Who - - or what - - is your anchor? That's what we're thinking about this morning. Thank you for joining us today from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.

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  • In Time of Trouble

    In the 50th Psalm, the author speaks the word of God when he says, "Call upon me in the day of trouble. I will deliver thee." Another translation gives that same verse in these words: "Pray to me in time of trouble; I will rescue you." (CEV) Wow! Doesn't that apply to us all? We all have those times in our lives when we get into some kind of trouble, whether it is of our own making, or maybe it just comes to us "out of the blue." Our prayer today is that God's promise may give you hope and strength when you face trouble in your life. Thank you for joining us today from Ocean Lakes Family Campground.

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