• 10 | End the 3 PM Energy Crash and Sugar Cravings with 1 Simple Tip

    Does this sound familiar? Every afternoon around 3 PM, you hit a wall.

    The morning's energy fades, and you find yourself standing in front of the pantry, eyeing that last chocolate bar and contemplating a second cup of coffee.

    It’s like clockwork – a daily battle against the afternoon slump.

    But today, something's different. Instead of giving in to the sugar rush, you wonder if there’s a better way to beat the mid-day crash without quick fixes.

    In this episode, we dive into a simple and effective strategy to keep your energy up and your productivity soaring all day long.

    If you’re waking up with energy and feeling good until the afternoon, today's tips will be very helpful. If you're dragging yourself through the whole day with no energy, that’s a deeper issue we’ll need to address in another episode.

    I begin this podcast by explaining the reasons behind the afternoon crash and then dive into how to overcome it with straightforward strategies.

    In love & health!


    Next Steps:

    Go to https://www.nutritionherway.com/metabolism-consult-qualifying-call and schedule a FREE call to determine how I can help you! This is a limited-time offer.

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  • 9 | Breaking the All-or-Nothing Mindset: A New Approach to Healthy Eating

    If you struggle with healthy eating consistency and often start off with good intentions only to throw in the towel after eating something you 'shouldn't,' then this episode is for you!

    Welcome back to episode 9! Today, I'm sharing a strategy that changed everything for me. It helped me overcome my perfectionist, all-or-nothing mentality towards food, and I want to share it with you.

    Food is one of the most difficult patterns to break. Many people wonder why they can't just make better choices when they know what to do.

    Research shows that food addiction is hard to overcome because our relationship with food is deeply ingrained and emotionally connected, starting from our first connection to our mothers.

    If you find this helpful, go back and listen to episode #3.

    These two mindsets combined will help you make lasting changes to your eating habits.

    Tune in now to learn how to transform your relationship with food and achieve a healthier, more balanced approach to eating.

    In love & health!


    Next Steps:

    Go to https://www.nutritionherway.com/metabolism-consult-qualifying-call and schedule a FREE call to determine how I can help you! This is a limited-time offer.

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    DM me on Instagram; I’d LOVE to hear from you! https://www.instagram.com/nutritionherway/

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  • 8 | Eat Carbs Without Gaining Weight After 40: 3 Nutrition Tips

    Do you love your carbs but feel like you need to cut them out of your diet to see weight loss results? If so, this episode is for you!

    I love this topic because I love my carbs, and I'm not willing to cut them out of my diet. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite strategies to enjoy them while achieving your weight loss goals.

    Why can carbs be problematic? It’s often due to insulin resistance. Not everyone has to be super careful – if your fasting blood sugar, insulin, A1C, and triglycerides are fine, you might not have a weight gain issue (check your thyroid) and don't have to be as cautious with carbs.

    But for many of us, especially those gaining weight around the midsection, losing weight can be a challenge if we're not careful with our carb intake.

    In today's episode, I share 3 of my favourite strategies to enjoy carbs without compromising your weight loss goals.

    In love & health,


    Next Steps:

    Go to https://www.nutritionherway.com/metabolism-consult-qualifying-call and schedule a FREE call to determine how I can help you! This is a limited-time offer.

    Join a FREE community https://www.nutritionherway.com/Community

    DM me on Instagram; I’d LOVE to hear from you! https://www.instagram.com/nutritionherway/

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  • 7 | Why Am I Gaining Weight? How Bloodwork Can Reveal the Answers

    Have you ever wondered if your bloodwork could help you understand why you're gaining weight and provide strategies to lose it? If so, you’re in the right place.

    In today's episode, we’re going to explore several key blood markers that can shed light on the root causes of weight gain, particularly focusing on markers related to insulin resistance and imbalanced blood sugar. But first, a quick disclaimer: I’m not a doctor. As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Root Cause Protocol Practitioner, I’m trained to read specific blood markers, but I don’t diagnose. Always consult with your doctor for medical advice.

    We’ll discuss common tests like A1C, fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin, and triglycerides, which, if left unchecked, can lead to T2 Diabetes.

    So, if you’ve noticed signs of insulin resistance like increased thirst, fatigue, frequent urination, or any of the other symptoms I’ll mention later, this episode is especially for you. Let’s dive in and explore how understanding these blood markers can help you take control of your health and weight.

    In love & health,


    Next Steps:

    Go to https://www.nutritionherway.com/metabolism-consult-qualifying-call and schedule a FREE call to determine how I can help you! This is a limited-time offer.

    Join a FREE community https://www.nutritionherway.com/Community

    DM me on Instagram; I’d LOVE to hear from you! https://www.instagram.com/nutritionherway/

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  • 6 | Over 40 and Want to Lose Weight? Why Dieting Isn’t the Answer – And What Works Instead

    Have you ever been on a diet, lost weight, and felt amazing? You think, "This time is different! I'll maintain the weight loss," and maybe you even get rid of your pre-weight loss clothes. But then, life happens. Fast forward a few months, and not only have you regained the weight, but you've gained even more. If this sounds like you, you have to stay tuned to this episode.

    Before we dive in, I want to thank each and every one of you for tuning in. In just a few weeks, you've moved this podcast to #2 in all of Canada in the nutrition category. I’m truly blown away! I can't believe how many of you have subscribed and are listening.

    Thank you!

    If you like what you hear, the best way to support me is to subscribe so you don't miss future episodes and leave a review. I read each one, and they inspire me to keep going.

    Okay, let’s dig into today’s episode.

    We’ll start with why diets don’t work and then get into what does. Diets often fail because they have a finite mentality – a start and end point – and they’re a disconnected approach, relying on external regimens instead of listening to your body. We need to address the root issues, whether they’re physiological, psychological, or habitual.

    So, what do we do instead?

    • Make small, gradual changes that become habits.
    • Make changes from a place of already being that person. Instead of saying, "I am going to become healthy," start making decisions from a place of already being healthy.
    • Develop a deeper "why" beyond just losing weight. Keep asking yourself why it’s important until you get to a strong, motivating reason.
    • Start small – one habit at a time – and keep track of your progress. Tracking makes it rewarding.

    Tune in to learn how to make sustainable changes that will help you achieve lasting health and weight loss. Let's transform our approach and our lives together!

    In love & health,


    Next Steps:

    Go to https://www.nutritionherway.com/metabolism-consult-qualifying-call and schedule a FREE call to determine how I can help you! This is a limited-time offer.

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  • 5 | The Top Strategy to Lower Cortisol and Lose Weight After 40

    In today's episode, we discover the overlap of symptoms between perimenopause and elevated cortisol and help you uncover the steps to take to reverse these pesky symptoms.

    Common symptoms of both perimenopause and elevated cortisol:

    • Weight Gain (especially in your midsection)
    • Menstrual changes
    • Increased cellulite
    • Changes in gut health
    • Accumulating belly fat
    • Skin changes like itching, hives, or thinning
    • Deteriorating energy levels
    • Disrupted sleep patterns
    • Waning patience
    • And yes, the well-known hot flashes and low libido associated with menopause

    Many women are misdiagnosed with anxiety disorders and prescribed antidepressants when the real issue might be hormonal imbalances. It's crucial to understand that minerals govern hormones, and during stressful times, your body loses minerals faster than before, including essential B vitamins.

    So, what can you do to manage these changes and support your body's needs?

    1. Get Your Bloodwork Tested: Identify any deficiencies or imbalances.
    2. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: Gain insights into your mineral levels.
    3. Replenish Through Food and Supplements: Log your food intake to see what minerals you’re getting and identify gaps. Then, begin to replenish nutrients either through diet or supplements.

    Join us as we explore these strategies in depth and provide practical tips to help you navigate this challenging but manageable phase of life.

    Understanding your body's needs is the first step toward reclaiming your health and vitality.

    Tune in now to learn how to lower cortisol levels and effectively lose weight after 40!

    Don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with someone who could benefit from this valuable information.

    Your support means that more people can access this valuable information.

    In health,

    Lara Frendjian, RHN, RCPC, CPA

    Next Steps:

    Go to https://www.nutritionherway.com/metabolism-consult-qualifying-call and schedule a FREE call to determine how I can help you! This is a limited-time offer.

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    DM me on Instagram; I’d LOVE to hear from you! https://www.instagram.com/nutritionherway/

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  • 4 | 3 Nutrition Mistakes Causing You to Gain Weight After 40

    Welcome back to Episode 4 of "Master Your Metabolism After 40"!

    Today, we're delving into three common mistakes that can significantly impact your journey to optimal health and weight management, especially as you navigate perimenopause and your 40s.

    At a high level, we'll cover macros, small vs large meals, and late-night eating.

    By making strategic adjustments to your nutrition habits and embracing evidence-based practices, you can optimize your metabolic function and achieve sustainable wellness goals.

    Remember, it's about progress, not perfection; every positive change you make contributes to your overall well-being.

    Stay tuned for more empowering insights and practical tips in future episodes.

    If you're ready to take the next step towards prioritizing your health, don't hesitate to reach out and schedule a free consultation on my website.

    Thank you for being a valued member of our community. Here's to your continued journey to mastering your metabolism after 40!

    In love & health!

    Lara Frendjian, RHN, RCPC, CPA

    Next Steps:

    Go to https://www.nutritionherway.com/metabolism-consult-qualifying-call and schedule a FREE call to determine how I can help you! This is a limited-time offer.

    Join a FREE community https://www.nutritionherway.com/Community

    DM me on Instagram; I’d LOVE to hear from you! https://www.instagram.com/nutritionherway/

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  • 3 | #1 Strategy to Lose Weight & Keep it Off After 40

    Hello lovely,

    Welcome back to another exciting episode of the podcast! Today, I'm thrilled to share with you my absolute favorite strategy for shedding weight and maintaining it effortlessly, especially after hitting the milestone of 40.

    Throughout this episode, we'll explore a common struggle many of us face when it comes to making healthy choices: the feeling of deprivation while on a diet. If you've ever found yourself stuck in a cycle of restriction and indulgence, this episode is for you!

    I'll share relatable stories and practical insights to help you shift your mindset and embrace a new approach to food and nutrition. Instead of focusing on what you can't have, I'll empower you to make choices from a place of freedom and importance.

    By giving yourself permission to choose based on your values and long-term goals, you'll discover newfound freedom and joy in your journey toward vibrant health. No more feelings of guilt or deprivation—just pure empowerment and satisfaction!

    So, whether you're struggling to resist temptation or feeling trapped in a cycle of restriction, I encourage you to listen with an open heart and mind. Together, we'll revolutionize the way you think about food and reclaim your power over your health and well-being.

    Ready to take the first step toward a healthier, happier you? Hit that subscribe button and join me on this empowering journey!

    In love & health!


    Next Steps:

    Go to https://www.nutritionherway.com/metabolism-consult-qualifying-call and schedule a FREE call to determine how I can help you! This is a limited-time offer.

    Join a FREE community https://www.nutritionherway.com/Community

    DM me on Instagram; I’d LOVE to hear from you! https://www.instagram.com/nutritionherway/

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