
  • Episode 9 - The Square

    Here, I unveil the blueprint to my (current) approach to nutrition: step into the Square.

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  • Episode 8 - Caveman Living

    Are we still Cavemen and Cavewomen? Are there benefits to adopting this approach or should we leave that all in the past? We discuss the potential benefits and pitfalls of natural based nutrition

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  • Episode 7 - Plant Based or Plant Biased?

    Theres a lot of debate in the fitness space about plant based eating. Should we be vegan or carnivore? Are plants the cure or cause to all our ills? Are they trying to kill us!? We riff on all the madness and more.

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    18 分
  • Episode 6 - Seedy Stuff

    A lot of people are talking about “seed oils”. Wtf are they? What are vegetable oils? Omega 6s? We clear up a lot of the confusion and separate fact from fiction, and find out what we should keep and we should throw away.

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  • Episode 5 - Wired to eat

    We explore whether we can trust our inclinations. We are wired to eat but are we wired to be fat? Why are so many people overweight and unhealthy? Is it a mismatch between the our ancient genes and modern environment? We explore all this and whether it not we should trust our natural desires…

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  • Episode 4 - Suga Suga

    We carry on exploring sugar. Is it ok to eat? Could it be good for us? Should we go low carb? Keto? We’re gonna take a look at some of the ways sugar can actually be healthy as well as burn fat!

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    14 分
  • Episode 3 - La Dolce Vita

    In this episode, we clear up a lot of the confusion with regard to sugar and fructose. Should we fear it or not? Is it killing us? Why do we love sweet things? Do we need to give it up?

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  • Episode 2 - Fats that Heal

    “It ain’t what you don’t know that kills you, but what you know for sure that just ain’t so”.
    In this episode, we explore how and what we are wired to eat and focus on the first food that people need to eat more of and lot be afraid of: animal fats. We discuss how and why we need to have more and why we don’t need to be afraid.

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