
  • Channeling with the Arcturians. Plus Spiritual Guest Geri!
    As we are about to go through Portal 11, represented by 2018, the 7th Dimension Arcturian Collective will come through in channeling to share with us information and valuable tools. We will do a Life Path reading for Humanity as to the direction we are taking as a civilization and at a planetary level. Plus we will have a special Guest - Geri Young, Intuitive and Spiritual Counselor.
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  • Inspirational Story of an E.T. Abductee and Book Author
    Interstellar Communicaitons is thrilled to welcome our special guest - Lara Vezzani. Long time friend, Lara has an inspirational life story as an E.T. abductee and book author. She turned her incredible experiences into a series of 9 books entitled The Kaia Saga. It is the story of an Amazon warrior in space! Much more will be revealed. Join us for this powerful episode.
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  • Spirit World Meet Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters
    We are thrilled to welcome our special guest Eva M Caraballo. Long time friend, sister of Light, and fellow Lightworker, Eva will share her gifts and vision of the Spirit world. Founder and Creator of Spirit Party, the Arcturian Collective and Eva will have a profound conversation on how to bridge the other side of the veil to this plane of reality, and connect with your Team of Light. Filled with Love, Wisdom, Passion, and a touch of Earthly humor, you will rekindle with the multifaceted aspects of your Divine and human Self.
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  • Communing with the Arcturians - Preparation For Gateway 11
    We will introduce the Arcturian Collective as channel by Arcturian/Human hybrid and radio host Viviane Chauvet. In blended communication, the Collective, along with other Collectives of Light, will share information, knowledge, tools, and guidance on our imminent passing through Gateway 11. What does Gateway 11 represent for you, and for the planet? We will share this wisdom by intuitive reading, meditation, mantra, and other techniques. All of this and more on our First Episode of Interstellar Communications.
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