
  • Transform Overwhelm to Clarity: Tips for Busy Moms with Tracey Bromley Goodwin

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    Can trusting your intuition actually help you manage life's chaos? Discover the transformative secret of balancing intuition with neuroscience as we sit down with ADHD and executive function coach Tracey Bromley Goodwin. Tracey shares her expert tips on how to prioritize tasks and maintain a clear vision, transforming the inevitable overwhelm of a hectic life into manageable steps. We'll show you how tuning into your heart can provide the clarity needed to focus on what truly matters, leaving peripheral worries behind.

    Join us for a heartfelt discussion on the essential yet often overlooked practice of self-care for moms, using the airplane oxygen mask analogy to illustrate its importance. Tracey and I explore why prioritizing your well-being is not just a luxury but a necessity for effective daily functioning and being the best for your family. Learn about the societal shifts recognizing mothers' need for self-care and the practical strategies to integrate mindfulness into your life. This episode is packed with actionable insights and supportive programs tailored to help women achieve a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

    To find Tracey Bromley Goodwin, you can visit her website at https://traceybromleygoodwin.com/ or on Instagram at @lessentheoverwhelm

    Find Carrie Lingenfelter at https://linktr.ee/hearttoheartparentspodcast
    You can email Carrie at: info@hearttoheartlife.com

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  • Creating a Fulfilling Parenting Experience with Inner Child Work with Catherine DeMonte

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    Unlock the secrets to a more fulfilling parenting experience with insights from our special guest, seasoned psychotherapist Catherine DeMonte. Catherine joins Carrie to explore how our inner child influences our parenting style and emotional responses. Tune in to discover how reflecting on past experiences and childhood memories can help us understand and manage these reactions. Catherine also shares her expertise in Abundance Circles and manifestation, offering valuable tools to address feelings of lack and create a more abundant life, both for ourselves and our children.

    Are your child's behavioral changes puzzling you? We tackle the challenges of parenting children with dietary sensitivities, specifically the impact of red food dye. Learn practical strategies for observing and identifying triggers and how to use techniques like "name it to tame it" to help children articulate their feelings. This episode provides essential tips for maintaining patience and composure, even during the most challenging moments, ensuring that you can nurture your child's emotional well-being while managing your own.

    Revisit your own childhood as we discuss how your children's milestones can trigger personal memories and past traumas. Catherine and Carrie delve into inner child work, journaling, and the importance of giving your younger self a voice. Understand how to use mindfulness and "I am" statements to shape a positive mindset and create a supportive environment for both you and your child. Don't miss this enriching discussion filled with practical advice and heartfelt insights aimed at empowering parents and fostering emotional growth for the entire family.

    To find Catherine, you can visit her website at https://www.catherinedemonte.com/ or on Instagram at @catherinedemonte. Also, you can check out her book: Beep! Beep! Get Out of My Way!: Seven Tools for Powerful Creation and Living Your Unstoppable Life: https://www.amazon.com/Beep-Get-Out-Way-Unstoppable/dp/B08RZCMFG4/ref=monarch_sidesheet As well as the journal to go with it: https://www.amazon.com/Beep-Get-Out-Guided-Journal/dp/1733594841/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2DX7D4RW6GA4K&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cDcLJ7oz6SG3g662fMi0EA.OUuuE_MQtLfACGhG1zoekBDK7wgtoSLNR6GrkHFaP_A&dib_tag=se&keywords=beep+beep+get+out+of+my+way+journal&qid=1715724701&s=books&sprefix=beep+beep+get+out+of+my+way+journal%2Cstripbooks%2C183&sr=1-1

    Find Carrie Lingenfelter at https://linktr.ee/hearttoheartparentspodcast
    You can email Carrie at: info@hearttoheartlife.com

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  • Embracing Presence and Nurturing Emotionally Intelligent Children with J.D. Murgolo

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    As a parent, have you ever caught yourself swooping in to finish your child's sentence or hastily completing their half-tied shoelaces? Our conversation with J.D., a father and mental health advocate, takes us on a journey through the nuanced world of parenting, where the push and pull of giving our kids space to stumble and soar takes center stage. J.D. brings to the table his compelling experiences, highlighting the empowering role of open communication and the magic of storytelling in strengthening family bonds. We navigate the intersection of our personal passions and professional lives, revealing how J.D. intertwines his commitment to mental well-being with his work in podcast production and life coaching.

    Imagine a home free from the incessant pings and buzzes of digital devices, a place where the connection between parent and child flows uninterrupted. This dream may feel far-fetched in our tech-saturated reality, but our discussion underscores the profound impact of genuine, device-free interaction with our children. From the attentive environment of a Montessori classroom to the common ground shared by toddlers and teens alike, we underline the irreplaceable value of being truly present. The memories we create, the safety we instill, all trace back to those moments when we choose to engage wholeheartedly with our little ones, setting down our phones to make space for their growing minds.

    In the tenderness of raising a sensitive child lies the potential to shape a world brimming with empathy and emotional intelligence. As I share my own experiences, we celebrate these unique children and delve into the transformative power of Montessori principles and mindfulness practices in our homes. Together, we explore the everyday challenges that come with guiding our kids towards independence and respect, affirming the importance of creating a nurturing environment for their emotional health. Through these candid conversations, we aim to inspire parents to embrace the beauty and complexity of the emotional development journey, leaving a legacy of conscious, compassionate generations to come.

    To find J.D., you can visit his website at http://fragilemoments.org/ or on Instagram at @the.montessori.dad

    Find Carrie Lingenfelter at https://linktr.ee/hearttoheartparentspodcast
    You can email Carrie at: info@hearttoheartlife.com

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  • Mastering the Mysteries of Sleep for Family Wellness with Savannah Hipes

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    Imagine unraveling the mysteries of sleep, from the erratic slumbers of a newborn to the regimented cycles that govern our adult lives. That's precisely what we accomplish with Savannah Hipes, a sleep therapy connoisseur, in our latest conversation. We navigate through the ebbs and flows of sleep patterns, examining how routines and exposure to light orchestrate the symphony of our circadian rhythms. As a parent grappling with the nocturnal nuances of spirited and sensitive kids, I've gleaned some valuable strategies from Savannah to ensure that all of us get to slumber away each night.

    Teenage sleep quirks and the acknowledgement of unique circadian tempos take center stage as we probe the science of slumber in adolescence. The dialogue turns to how embracing these biological disparities, particularly in young people, could lessen the burden on families, with later school start times posing as a potential salve. We also cast a spotlight on the critical role of natural light in regulating our internal clocks, pondering over ingenious solutions for those in dimly lit locales. I share my own epiphanies here, reflecting on devices that mimic the sunrise for those dark winter mornings.

    Venturing into the realm of sleep disorders, we dissect the telltale signs of conditions like obstructive sleep apnea and their impact on our health, especially the heart. The conversation doesn't shy away from the gritty details of physiological causes, nightmares, and the puzzling nature of night terrors. In a candid reveal, Savannah discusses the intersection of anxiety and sleep, and how education and mindfulness have revolutionized many people's nights. If Savannah's insights resonate with you, her website is a trove of personalized advice, beckoning anyone who seeks solace in their quest for restful nights.

    To find Savannah, you can visit her website at www.savannahhipeslcsw.com or on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn at @savannahhipeslcsw. Here's her direct contact info: Phone: 407-720-9903; Email: connect@savannahhipeslcsw.com

    Find Carrie Lingenfelter at https://linktr.ee/hearttoheartparentspodcast
    You can email Carrie at: info@hearttoheartlife.com

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  • Embracing the Healing Journey for Heart-Centered Parenting with Ann Bruinsma

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    When the path of parenting led me to a crossroads, self-healing was the compass that pointed me toward a home filled with less yelling and more understanding. This episode is a map for parents navigating the terrain of raising kids, especially those with neurodivergent children, with a special guide, Ann Bruinsma from Live Your Light. As a mom to three teens and a clinical Qigong practitioner, Ann sheds light on how shifting from a corporate mindset to an energy-focused approach can transform family dynamics.

    Our conversation uncovers the layers of parenting, where the foundation is often our own emotional state. Ann opens up about her evolution from a rule-enforcing perfectionist to a mother whose heart leads the way, creating deeper connections with her children. We also explore how diet and environmental factors such as electronic use can affect our kids' well-being. These insights are peppered with practical advice, from establishing electronic boundaries to encouraging nature-based activities like Scouting, which helps kids learn life skills and the natural consequences of their actions.

    Imagine parenting energized by the calm and focus that Qigong brings. In this episode, I share how this moving meditation enriches my life and, by extension, the quality of time spent with my family. It's an invitation to open your heart to new practices, whether through visualization techniques to combat night terrors or joining a local Qigong class. Engage with us further on Instagram for a daily dose of inspiration and community support.

    To find Ann, you can visit her website at Live Your Light
    https://www.liveyourlight.care/ or on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/ann.live.your.light?igsh=MW9jNmd6cDRiNzAzZw==

    Find Carrie Lingenfelter at https://linktr.ee/hearttoheartparentspodcast
    You can email Carrie at: info@hearttoheartlife.com

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  • Embracing Sensitivity as Our Children's Superpower

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    Ever felt like your child's sensitivity was more of a challenge than a gift? I'm Carrie, your guide through the beautifully complex world of raising highly sensitive children, and I'm here to flip that script. Join me as I unfold the tale of how I came to see my own kids' sensitivity as their superpower, sharing the shifts in perspective that can turn vulnerability into strength. We'll traverse the transformative terrains of positivity, empowering parents to not only foster but also celebrate the delicate nuances that make their children unique.

    My recent scout camping trip with my son could have been a tale of disappointment—but it turned into a story of unexpected joy, thanks to a simple mindset shift. As we unravel this experience together, you'll see how a sprinkle of optimism can change the complexion of our challenges. I'll also explain why it's vital to not just recite affirmations, but to deeply feel them. By consciously steering clear of negative bonding and instead, sparking conversations that shine with optimism, we can enhance our interactions and model for our children how to approach life with a cup-half-full mentality.

    We'll wrap up with a heartfelt discussion about the innate traits of Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), examining how society's respect for sensitivity is blossoming once again. No guest needed in this chapter, just my honest reflections on the insights gained from "The Highly Sensitive Person" and my personal journey as a parent. It's all about harnessing the profound benefits of sensitivity—like acute awareness and a powerful intuition—and guiding ourselves and our children to wield this superpower with grace and confidence. So tune in, and let's elevate the way we view and value sensitivity together.

    Find Carrie Lingenfelter at https://linktr.ee/hearttoheartparentspodcast
    You can email Carrie at: info@hearttoheartlife.com

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  • Empowering Deep Connections and Authentic Friendships in Our Families

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    As I reflect on my own transformative journey from longing for casual chats to craving those soul-stirring connections, this episode becomes a heartfelt guide for anyone seeking to deepen their friendships. Together, we traverse the landscape of relationships, examining how our personalities and our children's unique characteristics shape the friendships we form and nurture. I share stories from my own life, revealing the trials and triumphs of finding 'soul friends' and the beautiful challenge of maintaining these relationships through the inevitable shifts in our lives. It's a conversation about embracing our empathic nature and the rich rewards of fostering connections that truly feed our souls.

    Our children are at the heart of this episode, and I provide practical parenting tools to build trust and open lines of communication within our families. Imagine a dinner table where devices are set aside, and the focus is on each other's words, emotions, and the simple joy of trying new flavors. Here, we uncover how these precious, undistracted moments can empower our children to express their feelings and confidently handle the intricacies of their social worlds. And in the wake of a world still adjusting post-pandemic, the conversation turns to the importance of social-emotional learning, offering strategies to bolster our kids' resilience and emotional intelligence.

    Wrapping up our journey, we delve into authenticity and how it shapes our children's friendships. From the poignant lessons of my therapy sessions to the strategies for guiding our kids away from people-pleasing, this discussion shines a light on the significance of genuine connections. We explore how playdates and parental networking can foster a supportive community and reassure us that, as we navigate the phases of life, new and meaningful relationships are always on the horizon. My hope is that this episode will inspire you to empower your children to embrace their true selves, and I invite you to continue this conversation with us on Instagram, where our community thrives on sharing, supporting, and growing together as parents.

    Find Carrie Lingenfelter at https://linktr.ee/hearttoheartparentspodcast
    You can email Carrie at: info@hearttoheartlife.com

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  • Empowering Your Financial Narrative as Parents with Erin Gray

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    Ever feel the weight of 'mom guilt' when you spend on something just for you? Join us as we unwrap the complex emotions parents face with their finances, alongside financial coach Erin. We're shattering the taboo of self-care spending and replacing it with empowerment, sharing stories and strategies that help align financial decisions with your deepest values. Whether it's investing in healthful eating or choosing enriching experiences over material goods, this episode is a goldmine of insights to help you navigate the often guilt-ridden waters of parenting and money.

    Erin and I get real about the emotional rollercoaster that money can bring into our lives, especially as parents juggling self-care and family needs. We dissect the 'mom guilt' phenomenon and how it can skew our perceptions of spending on ourselves. Through candid conversations, we explore how to involve our children in financial discussions, teaching them the value of money management and the beauty of aligning spending with what matters. It's all about reframing our financial language from one of limitation to one of conscious choice and empowerment, a lesson that's valuable for every member of the family.

    The episode doesn't stop at just money talk; we journey into the realm of minimalism and the incredible impact it's had on my family's life. We've embraced a simpler lifestyle, one that values experiences and the freedom they provide over accumulating possessions. Plus, understanding our energy cycles, particularly through the lens of Human Design, can offer profound insights into how we parent and engage with our children. The conversation turns towards nurturing a healthy relationship with money within our partnerships, highlighting the importance of communication and compassion in family finances. So, refill your cup and settle in for an episode that promises to transform your financial narrative and enrich your family life.

    To find Erin, you can visit her website at Generate a Life Well Lived (https://generatealifewelllived.com/) or on Instagram at (https://www.instagram.com/theeringray)

    Find Carrie Lingenfelter at https://linktr.ee/hearttoheartparentspodcast
    You can email Carrie at: info@hearttoheartlife.com

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