
  • In The Middle Crossover - New Podcast

    The Ladies join Birdman to discuss dealing with division and the extreme sides we all seem to be exposed to lately.

    Birdman (Rob) introduces this discussion as a shared show of Gaslight-Proof and IN THE MIDDLE, a new podcast centered around looking for a balance between the extremes.

    As mentioned in the episode, if you'd like to contact the ladies use the following email - wrafainfo@gmail.com

    The following are the sponsors of Birdman Media Podcasts; please visit them and support them when you can, as they make this show possible.

    Premier Sponsors:

    Arizona's Mountain Home Hunters

    The Hub


    Buffalo Bill's Tavern and Grill

    Darbi's Cafe

    The House Restaurant

    La Casita Cafe

    Nexus Coalition for Drug Prevention

    Pour Station - White Mountain Purified Water

    Solterra Senior Living

    St. Anthony's School

    Sutton Weed & Pest Control

    WME Theaters

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    17 分
  • Interdependency Versus Codependency
    The Ladies talk about 2 very important terms. Interdependency and codependency are two different concepts that relate to how individuals engage in relationships with others: Interdependency: Interdependency refers to a healthy and balanced form of reliance and mutual support within a relationship. In an interdependent relationship, individuals maintain their autonomy and independence while also recognizing and respecting each other's needs and boundaries. They can rely on each other for emotional support, collaboration, and shared decision-making without sacrificing their own identities or well-being. Key features of interdependency include: Mutual respect: Each person respects the other's autonomy, opinions, and boundaries.Equal give and take: Both individuals contribute to the relationship and support each other in times of need.Healthy boundaries: Boundaries are established and respected, allowing each person to maintain their independence while fostering connection and intimacy. Overall, interdependency fosters healthy relationships characterized by mutual trust, communication, and respect. Codependency: Codependency, on the other hand, is an unhealthy and dysfunctional relationship dynamic characterized by excessive reliance on and enabling of another person, often at the expense of one's own well-being. In a codependent relationship, one person typically takes on the role of the caretaker or rescuer, while the other person may exhibit addictive or self-destructive behaviors. Key features of codependency include: Enabling behavior: One person consistently prioritizes the needs and wants of the other, often to the detriment of their own needs and boundaries.Lack of boundaries: Boundaries are blurred or nonexistent, leading to emotional enmeshment and dependency.Low self-esteem: The codependent individual may derive their self-worth from caring for or fixing the other person, leading to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and dependency. Overall, codependency can lead to dysfunctional and emotionally draining relationships marked by imbalance, resentment, and a lack of personal fulfillment. In summary, interdependency involves healthy mutual reliance and support within a relationship, while codependency involves unhealthy patterns of enabling and dependency that undermine individual autonomy and well-being. As mentioned in the episode, if you'd like to contact the ladies use the following email - wrafainfo@gmail.com The following are the sponsors of Birdman Media Podcasts; please visit them and support them when you can, as they make this show possible. Premier Sponsors: Arizona's Mountain Home Hunters The Hub Alberito's Buffalo Bill's Tavern and Grill Darbi's Cafe The House Restaurant La Casita Cafe Nexus Coalition for Drug Prevention Pour Station - White Mountain Purified Water Solterra Senior Living St. Anthony's School Sutton Weed & Pest Control WME Theaters
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    24 分
  • Looking Back - After The Healing

    The Ladies talk about what they remember and how they view things now.

    Looking back after a narcissistic relationship can be a complex and challenging experience. Here are some common reflections and insights that individuals may have:

    1. Recognizing the Manipulation: In hindsight, you might realize how the narcissistic person manipulated and controlled you through various tactics such as gaslighting, manipulation, and guilt-tripping.

    2. Understanding the Impact: Reflecting on the relationship, you may realize the profound emotional and psychological impact it had on you. This could include feelings of low self-worth, anxiety, depression, and a loss of identity.

    3. Boundary Setting: You might realize that you allowed the narcissistic person to cross your boundaries repeatedly, often at the expense of your own well-being. This realization can lead to a commitment to establish healthier boundaries in future relationships.

    4. Codependency: Many individuals in narcissistic relationships develop codependent tendencies, where they prioritize the needs of the narcissist over their own. Looking back, you may recognize patterns of enabling behavior and a need to address codependency issues.

    5. Self-Reflection: Going through a narcissistic relationship often prompts deep introspection. You may reflect on your own vulnerabilities, insecurities, and patterns of behavior that made you susceptible to the narcissist's manipulation.

    6. Recovery and Healing: Looking back can also mark the beginning of your healing journey. It's a time to focus on self-care, therapy, and rebuilding your self-esteem and confidence.

    7. Red Flags: You might identify red flags that you ignored or rationalized during the relationship. These could include grandiosity, lack of empathy, controlling behavior, and a sense of entitlement.

    8. Acceptance and Moving On: Ultimately, looking back allows you to accept the reality of the situation and let go of any lingering feelings of guilt or responsibility. It's a crucial step in moving forward and rebuilding your life on healthier foundations.

    Remember, recovering from a narcissistic relationship is a process that takes time, patience, and self-compassion. It's important to surround yourself with supportive friends and family, seek professional help if needed, and prioritize your own well-being as you navigate the journey of healing and growth.

    As mentioned in the episode, if you'd like to contact the ladies use the following email - wrafainfo@gmail.com

    The following are the sponsors of Birdman Media Podcasts; please visit them and support them when you can, as they make this show possible.

    Premier Sponsors:

    Arizona's Mountain Home Hunters

    The Hub


    Buffalo Bill's Tavern and Grill

    Darbi's Cafe

    The House Restaurant

    La Casita Cafe

    Nexus Coalition for Drug Prevention

    Pour Station - White Mountain Purified Water

    Solterra Senior Living

    St. Anthony's School

    Sutton Weed & Pest Control

    WME Theaters

    続きを読む 一部表示
    24 分
  • Talking about Amber (She's she isn't here.)

    Patrice and Brandi talk about their love and respect of Amber, and the Journey of how they arrived at these feelings.

    As mentioned in the episode, if you'd like to contact the ladies use the following email - wrafainfo@gmail.com

    The following are the sponsors of Birdman Media Podcasts; please visit them and support them when you can, as they make this show possible.

    Premier Sponsors:

    Arizona's Mountain Home Hunters

    The Hub


    Buffalo Bill's Tavern and Grill

    Darbi's Cafe

    The House Restaurant

    La Casita Cafe

    Nexus Coalition for Drug Prevention

    Pour Station - White Mountain Purified Water

    Solterra Senior Living

    St. Anthony's School

    Sutton Weed & Pest Control

    White Mountain Tees

    WME Theaters

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    17 分
  • Denial - The Victim and the Victimizer
    2 of the Gaslight-Proof ladies talk about Denial. Denial and narcissism are psychological concepts that are often intertwined, especially when discussing individuals with narcissistic personality traits or Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Let's explore each concept separately and then discuss how they can be interconnected. Denial: Denial is a defense mechanism that involves refusing to accept reality or the truth of a situation. It is a way for individuals to protect themselves from uncomfortable or distressing thoughts, feelings, or information. People in denial may ignore evidence, downplay the significance of events, or distort reality to maintain a more positive self-image. Denial can be an obstacle to personal growth and can hinder the ability to address and overcome challenges. Narcissism: Narcissism refers to a personality trait characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. While everyone may exhibit some narcissistic traits from time to time, individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) display these characteristics to an extreme and pervasive degree. They often have a grandiose view of their own abilities and achievements, an overwhelming desire for excessive attention and admiration, and a lack of insight into the impact of their behavior on others. Now, let's explore the connection between denial and narcissism: Denial in Narcissism: Self-Image Protection: Individuals with narcissistic traits may engage in denial to protect their inflated self-image. They might refuse to acknowledge flaws, mistakes, or shortcomings, as doing so would threaten their grandiose self-perception.Lack of Self-Reflection: Narcissists often struggle with self-reflection and introspection. They may avoid confronting aspects of themselves that do not align with their idealized self-image, leading to a form of denial regarding their own imperfections. Impact on Relationships: Empathy Deficit: Narcissists often struggle with empathizing with others. Their denial of others' feelings or needs may stem from their intense focus on their own desires and aspirations.Blame Shifting: When faced with criticism or accountability, narcissists may engage in denial by deflecting blame onto others. They may refuse to accept responsibility for their actions and instead shift the focus onto external factors. Treatment Challenges: Resistance to Therapy: Individuals with narcissistic traits may resist therapy or counseling due to their denial of personal issues. Acknowledging the need for help contradicts their belief in their own perfection.Limited Insight: Even if in therapy, a narcissist may struggle to gain insight into their behavior and its impact on others. Denial can be a significant barrier to therapeutic progress. Understanding the dynamics of denial and narcissism is crucial for those dealing with individuals who exhibit such traits, whether in personal relationships or professional settings. It's important to approach these situations with empathy and, when possible, encourage the individual to seek professional help for personal growth and development. As mentioned in the episode, if you'd like to contact the ladies use the following email - wrafainfo@gmail.com The following are the sponsors of Birdman Media Podcasts; please visit them and support them when you can, as they make this show possible. Premier Sponsors: Arizona's Mountain Home Hunters The Hub Alberito's Buffalo Bill's Tavern and Grill Darbi's Cafe The House Restaurant La Casita Cafe Nexus Coalition for Drug Prevention Pour Station - White Mountain Purified Water Solterra Senior Living St. Anthony's School Sutton Weed & Pest Control White Mountain Tees WME Theaters
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    20 分
  • The Mental Health Arc in a Relationship with a Narcissist
    The mental health arc before, during, and after a relationship with a narcissist can be a complex and challenging journey. Narcissistic relationships often take a toll on mental well-being due to the manipulation, emotional abuse, and control tactics that narcissists commonly employ. Here's how the mental health arc may evolve across these three phases: Before the Relationship: Initial Attraction: In the beginning, a narcissist often presents themselves as charming, confident, and attentive. Victims may feel drawn to their charisma and charisma, believing they have found a partner who truly cares about them. Idealization: During this phase, the narcissist puts their partner on a pedestal, showering them with love, attention, and compliments. Victims may experience a boost in self-esteem and feel cherished. During the Relationship: Devaluation: As the relationship progresses, the narcissist's behavior shifts. They may become critical, controlling, and dismissive. This devaluation phase can lead the victim to feel confused, anxious, and hurt. Gaslighting and Manipulation: Narcissists often use gaslighting and manipulation to undermine the victim's sense of reality and self-worth. This can lead to self-doubt, confusion, and a feeling of powerlessness. Emotional Roller Coaster: Victims of narcissistic abuse may experience a range of emotions, including anxiety, depression, anger, and frustration. The constant emotional ups and downs can contribute to mental health issues and a sense of instability. After the Relationship: Breaking Free: Ending a relationship with a narcissist can be difficult due to the attachment and emotional manipulation. Victims may initially experience relief but also a sense of loss and grief. Recovery and Healing: Post-relationship, victims often need time to heal and regain their sense of self. Therapy and support groups can be essential in processing the trauma, rebuilding self-esteem, and learning healthy relationship patterns. Complex Emotions: After leaving a narcissistic relationship, survivors may go through a range of emotions, including anger, sadness, and even longing. Over time, these emotions tend to lessen as healing progresses. Rebuilding: With time, survivors can rebuild their mental health by setting healthy boundaries, learning to trust themselves again, and cultivating self-care practices. It's important to be patient and gentle with oneself during this phase. It's worth noting that recovery from a narcissistic relationship is not linear, and everyone's journey is unique. Seeking professional support, such as therapy or counseling, is crucial in addressing the mental health challenges associated with being in or recovering from a relationship with a narcissist. Surrounding oneself with a strong support system, practicing self-compassion, and prioritizing mental well-being are essential components of the healing process. As mentioned in the episode, if you'd like to contact the ladies use the following email - wrafainfo@gmail.com The following are the sponsors of Birdman Media Podcasts; please visit them and support them when you can, as they make this show possible. Premier Sponsors: Arizona's Mountain Home Hunters The Hub Alberito's Buffalo Bill's Tavern and Grill Darbi's Cafe The House Restaurant La Casita Cafe Nexus Coalition for Drug Prevention Pour Station - White Mountain Purified Water Solterra Senior Living St. Anthony's School Sutton Weed & Pest Control White Mountain Tees WME Theaters
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    20 分
  • Sexual Coercion

    Sexual coercion within the context of a relationship involving a narcissist is a distressing and manipulative form of sexual abuse. Narcissists often use their tactics of control, manipulation, and exploitation to engage in sexual coercion, which involves pressuring or manipulating a person into engaging in sexual activities against their will or without their full consent.

    Here are some aspects to consider when discussing sexual coercion and narcissists:

    1. Manipulation and Control: Narcissists are skilled at manipulating others to get what they want. They may use tactics such as guilt-tripping, emotional manipulation, or threats to coerce their partner into engaging in sexual activities they are uncomfortable with.

    2. Blurred Boundaries: Narcissists often disregard boundaries and exploit vulnerabilities. They may exploit a partner's insecurities or fears to pressure them into sexual acts they are not comfortable with.

    3. Emotional Exploitation: Narcissists may use emotional manipulation to make their partner feel obligated to comply with their sexual desires. This can include playing on a partner's feelings of love, guilt, or loyalty to gain compliance.

    4. Sense of Entitlement: Narcissists often believe they are entitled to whatever they want, including sexual gratification. This can lead them to ignore their partner's feelings, boundaries, and autonomy.

    5. Gaslighting: Narcissists may use gaslighting tactics to undermine their partner's sense of reality and make them doubt their own feelings and instincts. This can further confuse the victim and make it difficult for them to recognize the abuse.

    6. Long-Term Impact: Sexual coercion by a narcissist can have severe emotional, psychological, and physical consequences for the victim. It can erode their self-esteem, create feelings of shame and guilt, and lead to trauma.

    7. Seeking Help: If you or someone you know is experiencing sexual coercion within a relationship with a narcissist, it's important to seek help. Reach out to a therapist, counselor, or a support organization specializing in abuse to get guidance on how to safely address the situation and heal from its effects.

    It's crucial to remember that no one should ever be coerced or pressured into engaging in any form of sexual activity against their will. Consent should always be freely given, informed, enthusiastic, and reversible. If you are in a relationship with a narcissist and are experiencing sexual coercion, prioritize your well-being and safety by seeking help and support.

    As mentioned in the episode, if you'd like to contact the ladies use the following email - wrafainfo@gmail.com

    The following are the sponsors of Birdman Media Podcasts; please visit them and support them when you can, as they make this show possible.

    Premier Sponsors:

    Arizona's Mountain Home Hunters

    The Hub


    Buffalo Bill's Tavern and Grill

    Darbi's Cafe

    The House Restaurant

    La Casita Cafe

    Nexus Coalition for Drug Prevention

    Pour Station - White Mountain Purified Water

    Solterra Senior Living

    St. Anthony's School

    Sutton Weed & Pest Control

    White Mountain Tees

    WME Theaters

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    20 分
  • Where they are now. The women of Gaslight-Proof

    Listen as the Woman give us an update of their path so far.

    As mentioned in the episode, if you'd like to contact the ladies use the following email - wrafainfo@gmail.com

    The following are the sponsors of Birdman Media Podcasts; please visit them and support them when you can, as they make this show possible.

    Premier Sponsors:

    Arizona's Mountain Home Hunters

    The Hub


    Buffalo Bill's Tavern and Grill

    Darbi's Cafe

    The House Restaurant

    La Casita Cafe

    Nexus Coalition for Drug Prevention

    Pour Station - White Mountain Purified Water

    Solterra Senior Living

    St. Anthony's School

    Sutton Weed & Pest Control

    White Mountain Tees

    WME Theaters

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    16 分