• I DID IT!!! I had a Microdiscectomy Episode 15

    Welcome to Fit, Faith, & Purpose 360 Total Woman Podcast with Deridre. I am excited to share that I finally DID IT! I had a Microdiscectomy on Tuesday. Everything went great. I share my experience before and after surgery in this podcast episode. If you have any questions, please comment below.

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    17 分
  • Greater Is Calling: Will You Answer with Lady Sherrita Carter Episode 14

    Welcome to our Mother’s Day Special Podcast with Lady Sherrita Carter titled “Greater Is Calling: Will You Answer”. In this episode she shares her journey of becoming an author of children's book and how God moved in her life when she answered the call. This podcast has a lot of love that you can feel from Lady Sherrita.

    Please go to Amazon and purchase her book, “The Adventures of Paw Paw and Nana” today.

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    24 分
  • I'm The Patient: Back Surgery vs. Injections with Dr. K. Krisht Episode 13

    Dr. K Krisht and I have a one-on-one discussion about Back Surgery vs. Injections. In this episode, I am the patient, and you get to hear us discuss if back surgery is the right choice for me.

    Dr. K. Krisht is a neurosurgeon in Little Rock, AR and you can follow him on Facebook at Khaled Krisht MD

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    18 分
  • A Distorted Vision Is A Distorted Identity with LaDonna Slade Episode 12

    Welcome to Fit, Faith, & Purpose 360 Total Woman Podcast. I am so excited about this episode with LaDonna Slade. We talk about how A Distorted Vision is A Distorted Identity. LaDonna walks us through the 9 Fruits of the Spirit which are found in Galatians 5:22-23. Ladies, you will need a pen and paper for this episode. LaDonna is dropping a lot of nuggets that can help you grow in the workplace as well as an entrepreneur.

    LaDonna Slade is a Faith and Work Coach/Strategic Advisor, and she has a wonderful FREE GIFT for you all, see below for more information.

    Click the link to get Your FREE GIFT on ‘9 Ways to Express Your Faith at Work without Jeopardizing Your Job Security':


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    38 分
  • Apply The Word Friday: Watch Over Your Heart-Proverbs 4:23-27 Episode 11

    Today we apply Proverbs 4:23-27 Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust.

    Our focus this week is: Watch Over Your Heart

    Apply this by regularly reflecting on your thoughts and emotions. Practice gratitude and positivity to maintain a healthy mindset.

    Music by Ashot Danielyan from Pixabay

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    2 分
  • Overcoming Single Motherhood: A Journey To Empowerment with Alita Episode10

    In this episode we have a special guest, Alita from Sacramento CA sharing her journey as a overcomer. Check out her linktr.ee/bossmoves916 for more information on how to work with her.

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    17 分
  • Apply The Word Friday: The Mind-Philippians 4:8 Episode 9

    Today we apply Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

    Apply by filling your mind with positive uplifting things. Avoid negative media, gossip and people who drain the life out you.

    Music by Ashot Danielyan from Pixabay

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    2 分
  • Bone and Spine Health For Women Over Forty with Dr. Khaled Krisht Episode 8

    In this episode we have a special guest, Dr. Khaled Krisht, a neurosurgeon in Little Rock, AR. This is an episode you want to grab a pen and paper to take notes. He gives a lot information about bone and spine health for women over forty. You can follow him on Facebook at Khaled Krisht M.D.

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    13 分