
  • S3E9 - Marooned

    Drama. Marooned on an island after a shipwreck, John tries his hardest to get rescued. But why does his fellow survivor Larry keep trying to ruin their chances?

    My books are available on Amazon:

    Which Way is North?

    Dreams of a Damselfly

    Joy's Lament

    (These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

    Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

    Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    11 分
  • S3E8 - Clickety-Clack

    Horror. Clickety-Clack, Biggeldy-Bare, listen to this episode if you dare...

    My books are available on Amazon:

    Which Way is North?

    Dreams of a Damselfly

    Joy's Lament

    (These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

    Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

    Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    13 分
  • S3E7 - A Man's a Man

    Historical Fiction. In the aftermath of the Battle of Stirling Bridge, Thomas searches for his fellow soldier and friend, Hamish. What he finds instead, is a question of morality.

    My books are available on Amazon:

    Which Way is North?

    Dreams of a Damselfly

    Joy's Lament

    (These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

    Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

    Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

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    10 分
  • S3E6 - How to Rebuild a Life/My Paintbox/See Me (contest winning entry!)

    For the first time on the Finding North Podcast, a contest winning story is featured! Special episode featuring three creative nonfiction pieces sent to Writing Magazine for their new "In the Spotlight" contest.

    How to Rebuild a Life - my reflections on rebuilding a life that was turned upside down five years ago.

    My Paintbox - the book that made me want to write.

    See Me - my attempt at portraying what might have been going on inside the head of a complicated young boy I got to know very well during the coronavirus pandemic.

    My books are available on Amazon:

    Which Way is North?

    Dreams of a Damselfly

    Joy's Lament

    (These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

    Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

    Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

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    9 分
  • S3E5 - Holiday of the Living Dead

    Comedy. Jonathon Crowan, who died in the 17th Century, wins a competition he didn't know he entered. His prize is a holiday to the living world one night on Halloween. Has the world changed much since the 1600s?

    My books are available on Amazon:

    Which Way is North?

    Dreams of a Damselfly

    Joy's Lament

    (These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

    Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

    Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

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    10 分
  • S3E4 - A Definition of Truth

    Occult. Amelia and her mother break into a doctor's house to mix a dangerous concoction. But with the townsfolk hot on their heels, it could be the only way to save Amelia.

    My books are available on Amazon:

    Which Way is North?

    Dreams of a Damselfly

    Joy's Lament

    (These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

    Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

    Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    7 分
  • S3E3 - Postcards From London/The Search Log of John Trevor

    Double-feature flash comedy!

    1. Postcards from London. Angie sends her best friend Betty postcards, detailing her fiendish plan to have one of the King's Guard crack a smile.

    2. The Search Log of John Trevor. Socially awkward John Trevor likes a woman he works with. Having no idea how to woo her, he turns to his best friend, Google.

    My books are available on Amazon:

    Which Way is North?

    Dreams of a Damselfly

    Joy's Lament

    (These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

    Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

    Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

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    8 分
  • S3E2 - Through Darkness

    Something's coming for Stephen. Something that wants the house he lives in to be covered in darkness. It's about to make it's presence known.

    My books are available on Amazon:

    Which Way is North?

    Dreams of a Damselfly

    Joy's Lament

    (These links will take you to the Amazon UK page. All titles available in more territories. Search the name of the book on your local Amazon.)

    Thank you for listening to the Finding North Podcast.

    Copyright 2023, Chris Morris.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    10 分