
  • Episode 128 - The Most Valuable Lesson

    Welcome to the latest episode! Join us as we dive into the lessons we've learned recently.

    Diego shares how his daughter taught him to see the world from different perspectives, while I discuss the importance of making quick decisions and avoiding 'paralysis by analysis.'

    Remember, it's not all about us, and that's a lesson we keep learning every day.

    Like, share, subscribe, and keep growing with us!

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  • Episode 127 - Five Life Buckets

    Resources, Network, Reputation, Skill and Knowledge - The five key buckets in any market.

    Discover which ones you can control and how to leverage them for success! From improving your skills at Toastmasters to learning from top podcasts like Tom Panos' Million Dollar Agent, join us as we dive deep into navigating life's ever-changing landscape.

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  • Episode 126 - Online Valuations

    Real Estate Valuations Unveiled!

    Don't let the numbers fool you. Join us as we break down the reality behind online valuations and why they're not set in stone. Remember, it's the buyers, not the algorithms, that seal the deal.

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  • Episode 125 - People Will Follow Your Soul Before Your Goal

    Join us in our latest episode of Cut To The Chase where we delve into the shift from self-promotion to authenticity in business!

    Remember, you'll believe in the person before the brand. Don't miss out on the real talk with Aaron Davis and Diego Traglia.

    Like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more insights next week!

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  • Episode 124 - Digital Bluebox

    Navigating the real estate landscape in 2024!

    Tune in as we discuss the transition from traditional blue boxes to eco-friendly digital alternatives in the world of real estate.

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  • Episode 123 - Thinking Twice Before Cancelling Auctions

    Cutting through tough markets and auction dilemmas! To cancel or not to cancel? That's the Auctioneer's Dilemma! Tune in as we dive into the nitty-gritty of navigating uncertain waters.

    Let's cut to the chase!

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  • Episode 122 - Mastering Digital Appraisals in Under 2 minutes

    Join us in this latest episode on unlocking the secrets to efficient property appraisals in the digital era. Learn how to streamline your process, scale your business, and balance volume and quality perfectly.

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  • Episode 121 - Unsubscribed: Find Out The Reason They Left

    We're tackling the mystery of unsubscribers, from database re-adds to skilful follow-ups, we've got actionable strategies to turn exits into opportunities.

    It's not easy, but discipline pays off. Remember, knowledge is power - better to know why they're leaving than to wonder. Aim for excellence, not average.

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