
  • An Honest Conversation About Body Dysmorphia in the Fitness Industry
    Want to know the truth behind body dysmorphia in the fitness industry? In this episode, I start by sharing my own battle with body dysmorphia, and how it has impacted me as an athlete, personal trainer, and 22 year old female living in Miami (The Plastic City). With body dysmorphia and self image issues negatively effecting millions of people (especially young women) throughout the world, I offer my advice on improving self image, confidence, and overall mental well-being. We talk about social media consumption, negative self- talk, mindset, self acceptance, and practicing healthy lifestyle habits. I also share insight on how to stop seeking validation from others, avoid isolation, and overcome negative thought patterns. I hope this episode makes a positive difference in your life and helps you develop a new love and acceptance for yourself!
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    29 分
  • What you Should Know as a Bikini Competitor: Financial Stability, Managing Cortisol, Posing, & More! (Part 2)
    Thank you so much for listening to episode 17 of the Curls and Courage podcast! This weeks' episode is a part two of our short "Introduction to NPC Bikini" series. Last week, we discussed how to enjoy the challenges of bikini competition prep, foundational muscle building tips, and nutrition do's and don'ts when trying to get stage lean. We also talk about the importance of rest and recovery to make you a better athlete. This time, I share crucial insights on financial stability as a competitor, managing cortisol levels, mastering your posing, and cultivating patience throughout your journey. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this episode is packed with tips, personal stories, and helpful advice to better you in your bodybuilding journey.
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    25 分
  • Introduction to NPC Bikini: What you Should Know as a Bikini Competitor (Part 1)
    In this week's episode of Curls & Courage, I dive into the world of bikini competition training. Competing has been a huge part of my life since 2020 and this episode is meant to give you actionable advice and personal insights on what you should know as a bikini competitor. Focusing on mental health, nutrition, and optimal workout strategies, I discuss the importance of "loving what you do" and enjoying the challenge of bikini competition prep. We go into the relevance of strategic exercise selection, deliberate training methods, and finding the balance of training intensity and recovery. I share my first hand experiences, emphasizing foundational muscle building tactics and structured nutrition programming. We also assess the impact of good sleep on overall well being, weight management, and training efficiency. Additionally, I discuss posing tips to help you feel your most confident on stage and command the judges attention with a flawless routine! Please remember to follow, rate, and review Curls & Courage on Apple Podcasts. Share this episode with aspiring or current bikini competitors who might benefit from these insights, and don’t hesitate to reach out via Instagram for one-on-one coaching or any questions!
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    33 分
  • Six Tips For Beginner Lifters- What is Actually Important When Starting Strength Training?
    Are you struggling to find the balance between pushing yourself and feeling overwhelmed in your fitness journey? Discover how simplicity might just be the secret you're looking for! I am so excited for you to listen to this episode! In today’s industry, there is so much information out there on fitness (strength training specifically). It’s hard not to get overwhelmed by such a wide variety and mass of information coming from so many different sources! I want to make sure that you don’t make the same mistakes I did when I first started lifting. In this episode we talk about what actually matters and the information you NEED to be aware of when trying to make gains in the gym, as well as the stuff that is just not worth stressing about. We talk about the importance of loving the process, consistency in the gym, and learning the basics of nutrition (especially proper protein intake, caloric intake, and macro- tracking). I also break down why it is less important to focus on how much weight you are lifting, find the "perfect" amount of volume, and worry about the people around you. Instead, we talk about the benefits of executing each movement with proper technique and finding a regimen catered towards your goals versus the person next to you. Learn how to stay in your own lane and optimize your strength training routine as a beginner lifter!
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    35 分
  • Real Talk on Fitness and Nutrition Trends: Fasted Cardio, Intra-Workout Carbs, High Quality Meats, and More!
    Do you really NEED those Sour Patch Kids during your workout? In this episode of the Curls and Courage, I dive into fitness and nutrition trends within the health and wellness space. I share my thoughts and reasoning behind what's underrated and what's overrated in today's industry. This episode is especially designed for anyone looking to optimize their physical health without falling for common fitness myths. We talk about my personal gym observations and debunk the overrated trend of consuming sugary carbs like candy during workouts. I stress the importance of mind-muscle connection during exercises and challenge the hype around fasted cardio. We talk about the necessity of establishing a proper warm-up routine before workouts to prevent injuries and boost performance. I advocate for investing in high-quality meats for better nutrition and overall health. Lastly, I discuss helpful ways to manage PCOS through proper diet and exercise. This episode is packed with actionable advice aimed at enhancing your workout effectiveness and dietary choices. Continue the convo with me on Instagram: @yoitskenslo
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    28 分
  • Sustainable Weight Loss Tips: How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off in a Healthy Way
    Weight loss is such a prevalent topic in today's society. Nearly 1 in 3 adults are overweight. More than 2 in 5 adults have obesity. These overwhelming statistics, along with a well-marketed, yet detrimental weight loss program advertisement on the radio got me thinking. What are my top recommendations to help with weight loss and weight management? In today's episode, I breakdown six feasible weight loss tips and strategies on developing a healthier lifestyle. We explore the importance of hydration, movement, and a high-protein diet, emphasizing the need for balance and preparation. We also talk about the importance of seeking support and guidance from people you trust as essential for success. Continue the conversation with me over on Instagram: @yoitskenslo
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    27 分
  • Courage in the Face of Disappointment: Handling Setbacks and Challenges That Life Throws Your Way
    Have you ever experienced a setback, missed opportunity, or disappointment? Believe me, I've been there too- many times! Life is full of challenges and unfortunate circumstances. In this episode, you'll learn how to bounce back from setbacks and see disappointments from a whole new perspective! I share a recent personal experience where I was drawn into a major scam under the guise of an exciting brand collaboration, shining a light on the harsh reality of life obstacles. Gain insight on how to acknowledge your emotions, find silver linings, obtain lessons from letdowns, and utilize the power of self-confidence and actionable steps to rebound! Email me directly at kensleymeeksfit@gmail.com to get even more support from me.
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    32 分
  • Understanding Food as Fuel and the Dangers of Chronically Under-Eating
    In this episode, I discuss the negative effects of chronically under-eating. By sharing my personal story from the past, I aim to make sure you don't make the same nutrition mistakes I did. My unhealthy food habits led to nutrient deficiencies, broken bones, susceptibility to injury, and poor mental/physical health. This episode sheds light on each macronutrient and why they are essential for overall health and well being. You will learn the function and significance of a well balanced diet consisting of healthy protein, carbohydrates, and fats. I also discuss my favorite macronutrient sources and how you can find the right protein powder for your goals and needs! I hope this episode inspires you and informs you on the essentials of fueling your body with the right foods verses continuously restricting and "yo-yo" dieting.
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    31 分