
  • 008 /// Election Tension Doesn't Have to be Relational Tension


    For too many years, election season has been a source of contention for families and other important relationships. The issues about which we are passionate have become the measuring stick for our relationships, and I am not sure when this all started but I have certainly had it in my face since 2016.

    What is it about issues that we allow them to rise higher in priority than our relationships? Do we believe we ARE the issues we stand for? Have those things become our identity? Granted, the issues we stand for are important. I am not belittling them. I greatly value the freedom we have to vote for them. I am simply suggesting their importance not be prioritized above people.

    Three things I share around the table in this episode are:

    • How to stay true to your convictions and still value relationships with different convictions
    • How to value people as people despite differing issues
    • How to simplify what we have complicated and build up what we have torn down a bit

    All we really want as humans is to be seen, heard, known, and loved. We can give those gifts to others without compromising a single value. This episode talks about how. I invite you to come join me around the table!


    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    16 分
  • 007 /// Courage for Your Moment of Choice


    Change is hard work. Familiarity has a sense of safety to it, and we don’t like to feel unsafe or ill-equipped to deal with unsafe feelings. I have been pondering what it takes to get to the point where we choose the hard work of making change happen. Why do we do what we do without giving it a second thought...until a moment when everything changes. What brings us to that pivotal moment? Here are three things needed to effect change that will last: We need to pause and recognize what we are mentally fighting against. What are we resisting to acknowledge? We need to make a conscious choice to participate in the reality of our situation. We need to choose courage by going after what we know is more important than the fear. This episode delves into what that looks like, and I invite you to listen with an open and courageous mind to discover what is holding you back from the best you so desire.


    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    14 分
  • 006 /// What You Have to Offer

    Episode 6 - WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER

    Have you ever wished you had something to offer the world that nobody else has offered yet? Something nobody has even thought about? Do you look at others and see how they make an impact and wish you could make one too? Desiring to make an impact, make a difference, is something that is wired into the unique creation of each human being on earth. I really believe that. And the more I discover people’s unique stories, the more genius I see in our creation. You have something to offer that nobody else does. You do. You have you. And just because that might sound cliché doesn’t mean it’s not true. Nobody else can offer the life experiences, lessons learned, and unique perspectives only you own. Nobody.

    I want to share with you 3 things I have learned that continually move me forward:

    - People care about and need what I have to offer (even when my false self tells me differently). They need what you have to offer, too.

    - How to create a unique identity statement to remind you of the truth of who you are and to build greater confidence.

    - How living true to your identity and offering what only you can will increase your joy and the joy of others. I invite you to listen with an open heart and mind to discover the wonder that is already within you.


    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    14 分
  • 005 /// Marriage on the Mission Field with Abigail Bellah


    I was surprised to hear what a young woman I have known since her teen years, and is very special to me, had to say about what her biggest challenge has been so far. At 22 years old, Abigail left America to do mission work in West Africa. So “marriage” is not what was expected to be her biggest challenge. I don’t know about you, but being a single female missionary in Africa seems pretty challenging to me! Granted, marriage is a challenge, too. A refiner of our rougher places. But when I think of missionary life, there are a lot of things that seem harder than marriage. Not for Abigail, though.

    From West Africa she was called to East Africa, met a man from the country she was serving, and discovered, in her own words, an “even more challenging” journey than missions. Cross-cultural dating and marriage. Her views reflect a wisdom that challenges western thinking. Abigail’s husband, Jillo, joins us at the end of this episode to share a bit of his perspective. His views on 1) America and 2) marriage in general, are both enlightening. Abigail and Jillo decided they would build their marriage on a foundation that requires laying down both of their cultures for a “kingdom culture.” They believe this is something every couple is challenged to do because whether it is a national cultural, ethnic culture, our family culture...everyone comes together from some type of culture different than the one we marry.

    In this episode you will hear:

    • Why we should never say never
    • How every marriage is cross-cultural marriage
    • The beauty of building one culture together

    You can contact Abigail directly at:


    You can also find out more about her mission at



    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    41 分
  • 004 /// Thank a Teacher with Amanda Dominguez

    Episode 4 - THANK A TEACHER

    In each of our lives I believe there is someone, somewhere, who spoke truth and life into us. For some, we might have to look deeper to remember who that was. But whether they were there for a moment, a lifetime, or some interval in between, there was most likely somebody that imparted a bit of hope into you. That spoke the truth of who you really are. That caused a dead place in you to come back to life. That spoke of the goodness they saw in you as they extended a glance, a smile, or a word of approval or acceptance.

    My guest today is Amanda Dominguez, a teacher who rose above some very real personal hardships of her own and ended up choosing a profession where she gets to help others do that daily as she positively impacts the lives of her students.

    Teachers in Amanda’s life strongly influenced the journey she took, and now her life mission is to help others rise through adversity because, as she puts it, “there would be no darker place than to quit” and we are here to “help each other win.” In this episode you will hear:

    • The power of hope
    • The power of positive influence
    • The power of humility

    Who spoke hope to you? #thankateacher #thankafriend

    Amanda’s Bio: Amanda Dominguez is an educator who takes joy in her ability to help students rise through adversity. She is a lover of God and people and is thankful for the grit she has grown through her own overcoming. She now receives joy from helping others do the same.

    If you would like to contact Amanda, you can connect with her at:




    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    27 分
  • 003 /// Mama in a War Zone

    Episode 3 - MOMMA IN A WAR ZONE

    Can you think of a time when a motivating fear gripped you? I am not talking about a traumatic time. I am talking about a time when you knew you were being put into a place that was far out of your comfort zone, but you knew you were supposed to be there anyway.

    We often put fear in the “bad” category, and many times it is. But there are times when the fear we feel is the fear of failure or fear of what others will think or fear of being wrong or looking stupid or losing control. And many of those times when we push through that fear to the other side we realize the courage to move through the fear marked us in the best of ways. I want to share a time like that in my life with you.

    At 21 years old I became a momma in a Central American war zone. The mark it left on me has never gone away. You might think it was a traumatic mark, but no. It was a mark of courage, determination, and perseverance that has never left me. And you know what? Love was the motivator. Love is the most powerful motivator. There is nothing stronger.

    In this episode you will hear the transforming power of:

    - Living out your convictions

    - Choosing courage when afraid

    - Letting love guide you to the end

    For what are you contending? I encourage you to stay in the fight ‘til the battle is won! A legacy is waiting, A legacy worth it all.


    Brenda is a Texas girl who loves God and people and big skies and great coffee. She is a believer in impossible possibilities. In brokenness becoming beautiful. In justice and mercy and honor and power–with love perfecting them all. She is a wife, mom, mimi, daughter, and friend. She is also a speaker, author, mediator, and coach...helping people discover, embrace, and live out their God-given superpowers.

    Check out the websites:



    Follow on socials:

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    19 分
  • 002 /// Purpose Lost and Found

    In Episode 2, Brenda shares a surprisingly insignificant memory that impacted her life in an extremely significant way, bringing greater awareness to her identity and purpose. She then shares how you too, can go on a meaningful journey of discovering the significance of seemingly insignificant times in your life to understand more deeply and clearly who you are and why you are here. Enjoy the journey!

    Check out the websites:



    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    12 分
  • 001 /// The Not So Professional Dinner

    Brenda shares the origin story of the journey she is now on to personally and corporately inspire and challenge others to listen, learn, stretch and grow from hearing each other’s stories. This story is what stirred her to write Loud Is Not A Language. But she also shares 3 important lessons learned from that extremely stressful situation, and how those lessons benefit our personal growth as well as our relational growth.

    Check out the websites:



    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrendaCoxHarkins

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brendacoxharkins/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendacoxharkins/

    Podcast music from: https://app.soundstripe.com/

    Check out the other shows from KB PODCAST PRODUCTIONS:

    Kingdom Bringer Podcast with Darin Eubanks

    Next Level Podcast with Michael McIntyre

    Super-Natural Living with Beth Packard

    The Well Life Podcast

    Fan the Flame Podcast with Scott Tilley

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    19 分