
  • Revival Culture | Brandon Block

    This week at Zion, Pastor Brandon Block teaches us about having a Revival Culture as we encounter the word of God. Revival isn't just something we long for or experience once a year when we get a revelation from God. It's available to you today. Often, we miss out on living in revival because we haven't fully surrendered to God.

    As you listen to this week's episode, you might discover that God is calling you to remove some things from your life to be closer to Him. Whether it's something big or small, like an addiction to soda, He wants to be first in your life. Tune in to this episode for more. . .

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  • The Day of Pentecost | Brandon Block

    This Pentecost Sunday at Zion, Pastor Brandon Block delves deeper into the book of Acts, focusing on the disciples' reception of the Holy Spirit in the upper room. This encounter with God was not merely a sensation or a momentary thrill, but a visible and tangible experience. In Acts chapter 2, Brandon explains that they felt a mighty rushing wind and saw tongues of fire appearing over their heads. While such an experience might shock many of us today, would you still be open to receiving all that God has for you if this is how He would come? Tune in to this episode to learn more. . .

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    57 分
  • Greater Supply | Allison Weedin

    Listen in with us at Zion this Mother's Day for an empowering message by Pastor Allison Weedin about the boundless generosity of God. Learn how dedicating your life and possessions to the Lord can unlock even greater blessings.

    In this week's episode, Pastor Allison shares the story of Hannah, a mother who honored God by dedicating her firstborn son to Him. Imagine the immense power and prosperity that could take place in your life if you were willing to give everything to God, just as Hannah did. Through her teachings in 1 Samuel 1, Pastor Allison reveals how to transform your relationship with God and experience His full blessings.

    Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity to unlock God's generosity in your life. Tune in to this week's episode and discover the secrets to transforming your life through faith. Our prayer is that this message will inspire and empower you!

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    40 分
  • The House of God | Brandon Block

    Did you know there can be a direct line of communication between you and God? Just like the image Jesus gives in John 1:51, there can be angles ascending and descending between you and God. This access to God is available to you through the power of the Holy Spirit. Even though the Spirit is inside you upon salvation, you need His power to come upon you for a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him.

    This week at Zion, Pastor Brandon Block teaches us in the book of Acts that we are actually the house of God. Although we meet in a building, His presence lives and dwells within us. And if we want more of what God has for us when we meet with Him, it's time for us to take all of what the Bible says for us to do and submit to it. God is calling you to be full of the Holy Spirit! Tune in to this episode for more. . .

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    54 分
  • Full of the Spirit | Brandon Block

    As humans, we are like sponges that are constantly soaking up information from the world around us. We are bombarded with sounds, images, and information every day, and it's easy to get lost in the chaos. You might hear a trending TikTok sound or one of your favorite songs, and you could probably remember the exact date and time you last heard it. But what about God's voice?

    It is important to be filled with the Spirit, as God has called us to so that we can discern His voice. When we are full of the Spirit, we can know exactly what God sounds like, and we can remember when we last heard His voice. Moreover, God has also called us to walk in power. As Scripture says, "so that out of you would flow rivers of living water" (John 7:37-38).

    In his week's episode, Pastor Brandon Block delves into Acts 19 and teaches us how we can be filled with the Holy Spirit, and how we can walk in the same way that the disciples did. Tune in to find out more about the amazing spiritual power that God has given us.

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    52 分
  • Do You Know the Holy Spirit? | Brandon Block

    In order to fully realize and fulfill God's purpose for your life, simply accepting salvation, receiving water baptism, and attending church regularly may not be enough. Even reading the Bible every day may not be sufficient. To effectively communicate with God and interact with His power in a more profound way, you need the Holy Spirit.

    This week, Pastor Brandon Block shared an insightful story from Acts 19 about a group of people who had never even heard of the Holy Spirit. Paul, who was filled with the Holy Spirit, laid his hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. This miraculous experience transformed their lives and empowered them to do great things in the name of God.

    It is important to realize that being filled with the Holy Spirit is not just a one-time event, but a continual process of surrendering to God's will and inviting His Spirit to fill you anew. When you are filled with the Spirit, you can experience a level of power and intimacy with God that surpasses even the experience of Moses.

    To learn more about the Holy Spirit and how you can experience His power in your life, tune in to this week's episode. Pastor Brandon Block will share practical insights and personal experiences that will inspire and encourage you on your spiritual journey.

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    59 分
  • The Power is For a Purpose | Brandon Block

    Are you aware that when you invite Jesus into your heart, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within you? It doesn't matter which denomination or background you belong to; the Holy Spirit lives in you. However, have you ever come across the phrase "the Holy Spirit came upon them" in the Bible? Do you know what is the difference between the Holy Spirit living in you and on you?

    The disparity is the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The same power that the disciples received in the upper room is available to you, waiting to come upon you. All you need to do is to ask for this baptism and be obedient. In this week's episode, Pastor Brandon Block reads from Acts 19 about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You may be wondering why you need this baptism when you've already been saved. Tune in to find out how the baptism in the Holy Spirit can unleash a new level of power and purpose in your life. . .

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    51 分
  • Use What You Know | Brandon Block

    Are you interested in spreading the Gospel but feel like you don't have the qualifications or education to do so? Let me tell you, anyone can preach the Gospel! The book of Acts is an incredible source of learning to become a disciple. It's a living story about people who met Jesus face-to-face and how they responded to His Great Commission. This episode is for you if you want to discover how to spread the Gospel with what you know. Don't let your doubts hold you back. The Bible proves that anyone can preach the Gospel effectively, and you can too.

    In this week's episode, Pastor Brandon Block teaches us about Acts 18, where Priscilla and Aquila mentor Apollos. As Apollos learns from them, he gains the confidence to refute his Jewish opponents in public debates. Regardless of our background, God has also called us to communicate His word in the same way. No matter what you know, this episode will reveal what you can use to be a disciple today! Tune in to find out more.

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    59 分