
  • It's Time For Some Good News! The Sun/Jupiter Connection
    This episode of Your Science Says focuses on the Sun/Jupiter conjunction and how it will influence each zodiac sign. The Sun represents growth, abundance, and prosperity, while Jupiter represents faith, optimism, and expansion. The conjunction will occur in the sign of Taurus, bringing a focus on financial stability and materialism. Each sign is advised to look for opportunities for growth and good luck in different areas of their lives. The episode ends with a reminder to have fun, enjoy socializing, and take care of one's health.
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    36 分
  • Pluto RX: Unfinished Business. What is the Game Plan
    The conversation discusses the influence of the Pluto retrograde and the game plan for each zodiac sign. It emphasizes the importance of setting intentions and making plans for financial growth during the new moon in Taurus. The main focus is on Pluto, the planet of empowerment and rebirth, and its role in deepening understanding and healing on a psychological level. Each zodiac sign is given specific guidance on how to navigate the Pluto retrograde and make necessary changes in their lives. The conversation discusses the themes and impacts of the Pluto retrograde on each zodiac sign. It emphasizes the need to work smarter, not harder, and make positive changes in various aspects of life. The chapters cover topics such as health and well-being, relationships and socializing, self-worth and financial gain, and personal growth and empowerment.
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    49 分
  • Mars In Conjunct With Neptune. What Is Your Intuition Trying To Tell You?
    The Mars conjunct Neptune aspect is rare and only happens once every two years. Mars represents aggression, motivation, and courage, while Neptune represents spirituality, creativity, and inspiration. This aspect is influencing each zodiac sign differently, bringing opportunities for growth and change. Aries is encouraged to let go of the past and purge negative habits. Taurus is urged to expand their social circle and explore new friendships. Gemini is inspired to set new career goals and network with others. Cancer is advised to seek new sources of information and expand their knowledge. Leo is encouraged to evaluate their partnerships and make necessary changes. Virgo is urged to take care of their health and listen to their body's signals. Libra is advised to make changes in their living situation and address any issues at home. Scorpio is encouraged to have fun, be creative, and explore new experiences. Sagittarius is motivated to increase their income and make financial changes. Capricorn is advised to gather information, share knowledge, and be open to new opportunities. Aquarius is inspired to take a different direction in life, meet new people, and be more confident. Pisces is encouraged to follow their intuition and listen to their inner voice.
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    41 分
  • Full Moon in Scorpio What is Being Revealed
    Summary The Full Moon in Scorpio brings revelations and transformations. It is a time to let go of the old and make way for the new. Each zodiac sign is affected differently by this powerful full moon. Aries may need to reevaluate their joint resources, while Taurus may experience changes in their relationships. Gemini may receive valuable information, and Cancer may need to release emotional baggage. Leo may face a balance between career and family, while Virgo gains insights in their communication. Libra focuses on their finances, and Scorpio experiences personal growth. Sagittarius uncovers secrets, and Capricorn may need to make changes in their career. Aquarius faces challenges in their friendships, and Pisces seeks adventure and personal growth.
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    43 分
  • Break Throughs and Expansions, the Jupiter Uranus Connection
    The conversation discusses the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and its impact on each zodiac sign. The conjunction is a rare event that occurs once every 14 years and brings opportunities for breakthroughs, expansion, and positive changes. Each sign is analyzed individually, highlighting the areas of life that will be affected by the conjunction. The conversation also includes a tarot card reading for a listener who is considering a move.
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    43 分
  • Mars and Saturn team up to Empower Your Goals
    The Mars-Saturn conjunction brings empowerment and motivation to achieve goals. The Mercury retrograde allows for rethinking and strategizing. Each zodiac sign has specific areas of focus and opportunities for growth.
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    42 分
  • The Mercury Retrograde Straightens UP The Mess & The New Moon Prepares Us To Move Forward
    This episode discusses the influence of the Mercury retrograde and the new moon solar eclipse on each zodiac sign. It explores the positive and negative aspects of the Mercury retrograde, such as increased intuition and creativity but also confusion and miscommunication. The new moon solar eclipse is seen as a time for new beginnings and self-reflection. Each sign is given specific advice on how to navigate these astrological events. The conversation discusses the astrological effects of the Mercury retrograde and the new moon solar eclipse on each zodiac sign. It provides insights into how these celestial events can impact various aspects of life, such as love, work, health, home, communication, and finances. The conversation also includes a card reading for each zodiac sign, offering guidance and advice for the week.
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    43 分
  • Full Moon Libra Eclipse Time To Let Something Go
    Summary In this episode, Kim Allen discusses the recent full moon lunar eclipse in Libra and its impact on various aspects of life. She analyzes the charts of Sean Puffy Combs and Donald Trump, highlighting the revelations and changes brought about by the eclipse. Kim also provides insights for each zodiac sign, focusing on relationships, daily habits, entertainment, home, speaking one's mind, and money. The eclipse serves as a catalyst for letting go of the past and embracing new energy. During this conversation, astrologer Kim Allen discusses the impact of the Libra full moon and lunar eclipse on each zodiac sign. She provides insights and advice on various topics, including financial changes, self-reflection, physical transformation, letting go of toxic relationships, solitude and self-reflection, evaluating friendships, career evaluation, expanding horizons, power and partnerships, releasing and reflecting, handling obstacles, following intuition, reflecting and not reacting, drama alert, swift action, new beginnings, wish come true, good times, compromise, and persistence paying off.
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    48 分