
  • YFD 215: Dealing with Distractions, Moving Your Training Beyond The Kitchen

    Spring is here, which for many of us means more walks outside and runs at the dog park. But the great outdoors brings other things as well, namely distractions galore. How are you supposed to get Fido to behave when everywhere he looks there are bicycles, school kids, strange looking bushes, and squirrels? Today Julie Fudge Smith and Tina Spring tackle the topic of distractions and discuss ways to help keep your furry friend focused and well-behaved even in the busiest of environments.

    For show notes, please go to: Your Family Dog

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    43 分
  • Form Good Habits From the Get-go

    We've all heard the old adage that practice makes perfect. It would seem to follow, then, that we should be careful what we practice, lest we become perfect at the wrong thing. The same goes for our dogs as well- it's much easier to practice good habits right off the bat than to have to unlearn and retrain behaviors later. Join Julie Fudge Smith and Tina Spring as they discuss how to make sure that you and your dog are practicing the right habits the right way.

    For show notes please go to: Your Family Dog

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    39 分
  • YFD 213: The Cicadas Are Coming!

    Your Family...Cicada? For the first time since Thomas Jefferson was president, two cycles of cicadas will emerge at the same time this summer. What- if anything- does this mean for you and your dogs? Join Julie Fudge Smith and Tina Spring on an exploration of cicadas, snakes, dogs, and the nature of consciousness.

    For show notes please go to: Your Family Dog

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    53 分
  • YFD 21: The Door Dashing Dilemma

    Door dashing- it's great when it's someone bringing you tacos, not so great when it's your dog making a run for it. Julie Fudge Smith and Tina Spring address one of the most common, most bothersome- but thankfully very fixable- problems people experience with their dogs.

    For show notes and more: Your Family Dog

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    38 分
  • YFD 211: Why We Do What We Do!

    We've covered a lot of topics on "Your Family Dog" over the years, but sometimes it's good to get back to basics and remember why we got started in the first place- not just with podcasting, but with dog training itself. Today Julie Fudge Smith and Tina Spring start at the beginning to discuss their early love affairs with dogs, their philosophy of training, and why they do what they do today.

    For Show Notes and more: Your Family Dog

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    1 時間 8 分
  • YFD 210: Mission K-9

    Police dogs, military dogs, rescue dogs, security dogs...in addition to being man's best friend, dogs are often his best co-workers as well. But all too often, when their days of service are over, these faithful dogs get left behind. That's where Mission K9 Rescue comes in, a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing retired working dogs and finding them loving homes where they can enjoy their retirement in peace. Julie Fudge Smith and Tina Spring sit down with Bob Bryant, the CTO of Mission K9 to talk about the meaningful work his organization does.

    For show notes, please go to: Your Family Dog

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    51 分
  • YFD 209: Families and Pets in Crisis

    Discussions of domestic violence, abuse, homelessness, and other difficult living situations almost always focus on the human victims- as they should. But animals are often involved in these situations, too, which can cause added complications. Victims are sometimes reluctant to leave an abusive or unsafe living situation because they fear leaving their pet behind, while those with limited resources, such as elderly or homeless individuals may struggle to give their pets the care they need. Social worker Carol Ann Adams joined Julie Fudge Smith and Tina Spring to talk about how best to help both people and pets who find themselves in a crisis situation. CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains discussions of domestic abuse and intimate partner violence. Listeners with small children or who are particularly sensitive to these topics may want to exercise discretion when listening.

    For show notes and more please go to: Your Family Dog

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    42 分
  • YFD 208:Dogs With Challenging Histories

    It's no secret that dogs in shelters often come from bad situations, but some are particularly terrible, such as hoarding situations or puppy mills. It's tempting to think that with enough love and care, we can fix everything these dogs have been through, but unfortunately, that isn't always true. Julie Fudge Smith and Tina Spring take a look at what's involved when dealing with dogs with especially traumatic pasts.

    For show notes and more: Your Family Dog

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    1 時間 1 分