
  • #6: Summer Do's and Don'ts

    On this week's episode of the Wish Her Luck Podcast, join Molly and Elisha for a quick dive into the essential do's and don'ts of the summer! From using SPF to stay safe under the sun to spending your free time wisely: on a patio, by a body of water, crafting with friends, or even at a bonfire. We've got you covered with some of our personal tips and recommendations for a successful summer season.

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    33 分
  • #5: Encountering Exes

    On the latest episode of the Wish Her Luck Podcast, join Elisha and Molly as they navigate the emotional rollercoaster of running into an ex. Tune in while we share personal stories and bad advice on how to handle these encounters with grace, humor, and maybe even a little bit of heartache. Whether it's a chance run-in or a deliberate reunion, the experience of seeing an ex is never dull, and we're here to explore the highs and lows with you.

    Don't forget to jump in to our book club and start reading "All About Love" by Bell Hooks!

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    30 分
  • #4: The Void

    On the fourth episode of the Wish Her Luck Podcast, Molly and Elisha journey into the depths of the void as they experience it in their lives. Whether it is a search for meaning or the myriad ways people attempt to fill this void through relationships, friendships, or even material pursuits. Tune in to contemplate the questions that arise along the way while we uncover the complexities of the void and the different paths people take to confront it. Credits to @clownlifeizzi on TikTok, and Robin Norwood's self help book "Women Who Love Too Much" for the inspiration they've given us for this episode.

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    37 分
  • #3: Am I Toxic? (feat. Special Guests)

    On this week's episode of the Wish Her Luck Podcast, Molly and Elisha delve more into the complexities of relationships and try to figure out what it might be like to be on the other side when dealing with women. They discuss more toxic behaviors and the art of balance in partnership. They also have a few guest appearances and take a trip down memory lane for Molly's 26th birthday. Lastly, they share the title of the book they would like to read and later talk about with the lucky charms: All About Love by Bell Hooks.

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    48 分
  • #2: Quarter-Luck Crisis

    On the second episode of the Wish Her Luck Podcast, Molly and Elisha honestly discuss the good(?), bad, and ugly that encompass the quarter-life crisis. They asked listeners to describe their own crisis in three words and have so much fun relating to the different submissions. Join them in contemplating their own major decisions, reflecting on some of the life events that landed them here, and most importantly managing how to get through the spirals that come with it all!

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    36 分
  • #1: Luck the Patriarchy

    On the debut episode of the Wish Her Luck Podcast, Molly and Elisha begin to unpack the complexities of dealing with men. They discuss stereotypes, toxic behaviors, and the power dynamic that shapes the woman experience in today’s world. Get ready to join the ladies as they say luck the patriarchy!

    DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to be a podcast dedicated to hating men, it's about highlighting women's experiences and empowering them.

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    40 分