
  • How to Avoid this Shi_t! Commander Drew Was Mugged and Now Dr. Paul Got Hacked!

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    You can contribute to improving the world by taking the time to improve yourself. There is good news in the world that we present on the show, but there is some bad news. The restaurant chain Red Lobster has filed for bankruptcy. Is it possible the chain collapsed because Commander Drew & his son Doctor Drew, consumed too much of the Endless Crab they offered at Red Lobster in Memphis? Dr. Paul joined Commander Drew in becoming a victim of an assault. Unlike a typical street crime, Dr. Paul got his Facebook account hacked online and he is still struggling to regain control of it a week later! Word to the wise, be careful of everything you do online and be especially careful if there is ever a need to share information related to account access and anything personal related money or credit. People can serve in the U.S. military as part of a small officer cadre or the enlisted ranks. Your wingmen recommend completion of a college education first before entering any branch of the service as a commissioned officer. The benefits of taking this recommendation before entering the military as well as one’s life after the end of a service commitment makes it worth the effort to complete formal academic study before putting on a uniform. The microbiome in your gut is crucial to bodily functions, overall health, and a sense of well being. To get the most out of this friendly assortment of fungi, bacteria and other organisms, make sure you consume a diversity of good foods and avoid ultra process junk that provides no real nutrition, only disease. Meet a very young wingman who saved the lives of both of his critical injured parents following a natural disaster that literally descend upon them.

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  • How to Travel Internationally and Not Get Robbed !

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    How to Travel Safely on an International Trip

    Traveling to a foreign country can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it's important to prioritize your safety while exploring new destinations. Whether you're embarking on a solo adventure or traveling with friends, taking the necessary precautions will ensure that your trip is not only fun but also secure. In this blog post, we'll discuss some essential tips and strategies for staying safe while on an international trip.

    Research Your Destination:

    Before you even book your flight, take the time to research your destination. Learn about the local laws, customs, and cultural norms of the country you'll be visiting. Familiarize yourself with any travel advisories or safety concerns in that area. Knowing what to expect will help you avoid potential risks and navigate unfamiliar situations more confidently.

    Stay Connected:

    Make sure someone back home knows your itinerary and how to reach you in case of an emergency. Keep copies of important documents like your passport, visa, and travel insurance policy in a separate location from the originals. Consider registering with your embassy or consulate so they can assist you if needed.

    Practice Situational Awareness:

    While exploring a new city or town, stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Avoid displaying expensive belongings or flashing large amounts of cash. Be cautious when interacting with strangers and trust your instincts if something feels off. It's always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to personal safety.

    Use Reliable Transportation:

    When traveling around in a foreign country, stick to reputable transportation options like licensed taxis or public transport systems. Avoid hitchhiking or accepting rides from strangers, especially at night. If you're renting a car, make sure it's from a trusted company and familiarize yourself with local traffic laws before hitting the road.

    Protect Your Personal Information:

    Be cautious when using public Wi-Fi networks or sharing sensitive information online while abroad. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection and protect your data from potential hackers. Avoid posting detailed travel plans on social media platforms that could tip off would-be thieves about your whereabouts.


    Traveling internationally can be an incredible experience that opens up new horizons and creates lasting memories. By following these tips for staying safe while on an international trip, you can enjoy all the wonders of exploring a new country without compromising your security. Remember to do thorough research beforehand, stay connected with loved ones back home, practice situational awareness at all times, use reliable transportation options, and protect your personal information while traveling abroad. With these precautions in place, you can focus on immersing yourself in the culture and beauty of your destination, knowing that you've taken steps to ensure a safe journey.

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  • How Be Happy and Content….Just Do These 7 Things

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    It is said that if you find something you love to do, it won’t seem like a job when you do it. Commander Drew’s cruise has taken him to the island of Madeira, an autonomous region of Portugal on the eastern side of the Atlantic Ocean that is more than six hundred miles from the Portuguese capital of Lisbon. It is considered the Hawaii of Europe and attracts tourist from around the world. The rocky and steep terrain of the island contribute to its reputation as a Blue Zone where residents are known to have longer life spans than most. It is likely, the daily task of physical movement in the mountainous region has cardiovascular and other health benefits for the residents. Take note of seven simple things to boost your mood and level of happiness. Human connections are more valuable than material possessions. Relations between officer and enlisted military personnel follow rigid guidelines put in place by each respective branch of the service for the purpose of maximizing combat capability and mission success. Meet a unique wingman who wears a robe, but is really a caped crusader, a super hero of sorts who dished out tough love when it was needed most to get a friend on the long road to redemption.

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  • How to Cruise the Mediterranean… U.S. Navy or Virgin Voyages?

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    Self reflection and critique is a good way to show emotional growth, but don’t be so hard on yourself that you fail to see the upside of life. Cruising the high seas is a lot different as a civilian on a vacation than being a military member preparing for warfare. Flying high performance aircraft over the vastness of the open ocean, especially at a low altitude, is a thrilling experience that is beyond description and has to be experienced to be understood. If you are not a basketball fan of the New York Knicks…..then that’s too bad. Your favorite wingmen are diehard fans and finally have a home team to root for, after many years of less than stellar play in the Big Apple. If you are ready to begin traveling internationally but have never done so before, consider starting somewhere close. Both Mexico and Canada, while foreign countries are still a part of North America. Pick a tourist-friendly destination in either place. You will get used to the routine procedures and protocols in place when venturing from one country to another. Whenever you get really angry at something and want the anger to go away try this; write what’s bothering you down on a piece of paper, then tear the paper up into little pieces, then throw it away. Meet the wingman who taught Commander Drew how to fly in the first place, and in so doing, made a lasting impact that led to his successful flying career that opened his world well beyond the streets of Harlem, New York.

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  • “How to Transition to Women Sports? Love The Game!

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    Consider taking some time out just to laugh. Laughter is beneficial for the body, mind and spirit, providing stress relief, endorphin release, along with cardio vascular benefits. Have you ever seen an opera performed by a rock band? If not check out the stage production directed by Commander Drew’s cousin; it’s called Mozart’s Don Giovanni, a Rock Opera; check it out when it comes to city near you.

    Precious metals are touted as a hedge against inflation and presumed to hold value even in the midst of financial chaos. You can now buy your own one ounce bold bullion bars at Costco conveniently and for a reasonable price.

    Womens sports has exploded in viewership recently because of the phenomenon of the college basketball scoring sensation, Caitlin Clark. Time will tell if her notoriety will usher in a significant raise in salary for female players. Although her salary will be paltry by most standards, she like many others will be rewarded handsomely by companies enthusiastically using here name, image and likeness.

    If you ever visit Brooklyn, New York, you should try to visit the Coney Island Amusement park, and make sure you try a hotdog with red onions and mustard at Nathan’s!

    Two black men and a Jew (Joe Lewis, Jessie Owens, and Albert Einstein) punched holes in Nazi doctrine about physical and scholastic achievement based solely on ethnic origin.

    This week’s wingman was not involved in aviation. A very special canine came to the rescue for one lucky man by acting as a guardian when his owner became incapacitated in a vacant field. This wingman’s two day ordeal involved fighting off coyotes and ending below-freezing temperatures, but was finally able to alert authorities to render needed aid. This dog’s actions saved his owner’s life; making him a true Hero.

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  • How To Be A Parent Without Going To Jail….Love Your Children!

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    Happiness is a two way street, when you give someone good cheer, you will get some back. In a landmark case in the state of Michigan, two parents are being held responsible for violent actions taken by their child. The implications are broad, but brings into question the level of responsibility parents have for the actions of their minor children. Property crimes are one thing but the reality of deadly youth violence is another that society has to wrestle with amid a culture that promotes individuality but not responsibility, in the general sense. According to the Pew Research Center, the phenomenon of adult children being financially assisted by and permanently living with their parents is closer to being the norm rather than the exception. The reality of accelerated levels of inflation in almost everything, combined with stagnant wages and shifting job opportunities in this age of automation with increasing levels of artificial intelligence thrown in, requires careful examination of the economic landscape before making certain life choices. Older people resistant to technology will eventually be left out in the cold and having to fend for themselves unless they open their minds to learning new things. A smart phone is becoming a requirement to do many routine tasks in daily life. If one is intimidated by the dizzying array of choices and is confused where to start or what to do next, the best thing to do is to find a patient mentor that will show you what to do. With respect to computers and smart phones, this is the world of young people; most are experts at things that stump older folks. Younger folks are your best resource. There are lots of great places to eat around the world; we give you a list of the top ten.

    Meet two unlikely wingmen who flew into action and saved lives when a routine workday was anything but routine.

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  • How To Honor Lou Gossett Jr.? Be An Officer & A Gentlemen!

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    Will Rogers gave good advice about taking the right path in life. You better keep moving to avoid getting knocked down; suffering from paralysis caused by too much analysis will keep you stuck in the same position. In other words, dynamic action beats inaction. The blockbuster movie, An Officer and a Gentleman, starring actors Lou Gossett, Richard Gere, and Debra Winger closely mirrored the real-life plot lines and scenarios that marked the beginning of the Naval careers of both Commander Drew and Dr. Paul. Perhaps is was coincidence, but it was remarkable that in roughly the same time period of our service, a series of military themed movies were released that further chronicled the journey of your two favorite wingmen, but in different ways. Of all of the authority figures we encountered in the Naval establishment, it was our Marine Corps Drill instructors whom we met first, that had the most lasting impact upon us. A few other great films to check out are: The Great Santini, The Final Countdown, Full Metal Jacket and of course,Top Gun. Even though the Navy and Marine Corps no longer fly the EA-6, this remarkable electronic warfare aircraft, in operation for forty five years, had the power to shut down radar and electrical systems in the air as well as on the ground.

    College can be really expensive. For the highly affluent and wealthy, a college education that costs a half million dollars is quite affordable and considered a necessity for those who want their children to be in the company of a cadre of special students groomed to be the future leaders of government, business and industry. The nation of Finland was able to cut its suicide rate in half through aggressive reforms in the way they approached mental illness. This remarkable transformation has helped the general population of Finland so much so that this country has been labeled the happiest country in the world for the past several years.

    Mackenzie Scott is a philanthropist that has donated over sixteen billion dollars to charitable causes in a few short years. Her goal is to disperse almost all of her money to others. Her great wealth comes from being one of the principal founders of the ubiquitous company known as Amazon.

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  • How To Say The Word Slave Correctly?...... Enslaved Person!

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    Reading is fundamental to learning and understanding most things in life. Those who read actively and consistently improve brain function, knowledge of the world, vocabulary, and are more likely to earn substantially higher incomes than those who don’t. At times marginalized people rally together to help each other in a time of need. The Dong family, who hailed from China found themselves unable to secure housing due to racially restrictive covenants in southern California many years ago until the descendants of formerly enslaved people, the Thompson family, gave them a chance. When Navy pilots talk about a shooter, it has nothing to do with guns, but everything to do with successfully launching off the boat. Take some advice from your wingmen; whenever you have a chance to fly a jet……take it! Failure to treat addiction to drugs or alcohol destroys individuals and causes long-lingering suffering to surviving family members. For some in the autumn of life, a trip down memory lane rekindles immediate recall of games played (outside) as children that kept us active, out of trouble and aware of a world bigger than ourselves. Meet a pair of college wingmen who did a good deed to lift the spirits of a beloved protector of their group who is less privileged than themselves. Their efforts helped to reunite an individual with his family thousands of miles away and brought joy into his life that would not have happened otherwise.

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