
  • Episode 259 - Wanda Muir Oliver, Author, Speaker, Actress, and Poet Shares Insight On The Realities Of Life

    Wanda Muir Oliver is an amazing guest expert and her body of work is second to none. Wanda leads Realities of Life which is her business, one that provides inspiration and insight to audiences that want to uplevel their business.

    Wanda was born in Philadelphia and grew up in Howard County, Maryland and she is an educator like her father. She attended an event host by the late Dorothy I. Height who founded the National Council of Negro Women and led it for four decades, she was a civil rights leader and is considered the godmother of women's rights, Wanda was encouraged by Dr. Height to join the National Council of Negro Women and she became a mentor to Wanda.

    Dr. Height provides the foreword for Wanda's book, Realities of Life. Get it today, it is a national treasure.

    Wanda shares what her inspiration is in life and how being an educator positioned her to live her passion today as an international speaker, author, actress, and poet. As an actress she appeared in productions with Malcolm Jamal Warner and many others. Theater work is also part of Wanda's lived experience having participated in a few productions and today she is currently writing a play.

    In June, Wanda will be delivering a speech in Paris, France in support of the Women Global Forum as she will be empowering women during her talk. in July, Wanda will be collaborating with Les Brown on a book which is yet another amazing connection for Wanda as she lives her passion.

    Overall, it was a joy to interview Wanda Muir Oliver, she is a wonderful podcast guest and Paul highly recommends other podcasters interview her. Wanda encourages listeners to go for your dreams and continue moving forward in life and success will be yours. You can get Wanda's book on Amazon, so order copies for yourself, your friends, and colleagues.


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  • Episode 258 - Paul Lawrence Vann - Wealth Building Academy Update

    Paul Lawrence Vann provides the latest and greatest on his company, Wealth Building Academy, LLC which is a leadership consultancy. Paul has led a panel discussion in Las Vegas, Nevada in support of Education 2.0, the topic was titled, "The Leadership Renaissance: Inspiring Collaboration, Cultivating Motivation In The Modern Workplace.

    He also delivered a virtual presentation in support of the City University of New York (CUNY) which was a presentation on Financial Literacy. In addition to Las Vegas and New York, Paul delivered a presentation on The Power of Professional Growth and How It Helps People Become Better Leaders.

    The year 2024 is on a very nice trajectory with additional events, opportunities, and more. Recommend this episode to family, friends, and colleagues, please provide a 5-star rating, thank you for your support. Learn more about Wealth Building Academy, LLC.


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  • Episode 257 - Divya Parekh Provides Expertise On Advising Businesses and On Her Book, Expert To Influencer

    Divya merges her biopharmaceutical career with her extensive experience as a coach, author, consultant, and speaker. She has a passion for coaching and the sincere desire to make a positive impact on people led her to develop effective evidence-based leadership and partnership programs.

    Divya is a light that shines that positively impacts the life of others, she shares who and or what let you know that you can achieve anything in life you set your mind to it.

    Divya takes listeners on a journey of discovery as it pertains to you positioning businesses to enhance their business performance, she shared the catalyst for what made her a leader in her genre.

    Divya shared with listeners what university she worked with as an associate professor and what she provides students in the academic community.

    Divya helped listeners better understand how she merged her scientific and biotechnology expertise for her clients and how it helped her evolve.

    During this episode Divya shared what makes her an accomplished coach and her level of leadership expertise. That's not all, she shared how she add values to her clients as a coach.

    Listeners and viewers understand, Divya is a prolific nine-time international best-selling author. Divy shared the backstory of her book, Expert To Influencer: How to Position Yourself For Meaningful Impact.

    Divya provided listeners with how to get in touch with her, so she can assist them with her expertise? She shared her TV and podcast links with the audience.

    Last but not least, Divya shared one key takeaway for listeners that inspired them to move beyond their current station in life.

    Discover more about Divya Parekh: https://www.divyaparekh.com/

    Thank you, Divya, go to Apple Podcasts and wherever you get your podcasts.

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  • Episode 256 Gloria Grace Rand Is The Light Messenger & She Advocates For Women Entrepreneurs To Live. Love. Engage.

    Gloria Grace Rand is an award-winning writer and producer of the former PBS financial news show, the Nightly Business Report. She was the writer and producer of the NBR for over two decades.

    What is so amazing about this episode is that I used to watch the NBR, however I did not know who was writing and producing the show and in the end, I interviewed Gloria who was the foundation for the financial show. Today Gloria is known as the Light Messenger and she continues to develop as an entrepreneur, with her focus on empowering women entrepreneurs to take their excellence to the next level and she does it so naturally.

    Gloria shares the transformative time in her life when she lost her older sister, and it inspires her to continue striving for excellence. Gloria provided copywriting and search engine optimization (SEO) for her clients, and she has a ton of clients of which she has worked with. She is a transformative entrepreneur and Gloria is a remarkable woman and I am honored to know her, and she interviewed me on her amazing podcast platform, titled, Live. Love. Engage.

    That's not all, Gloria is the best-selling author of the book, Live. Love. Engage., and she leads this amazing media platform, so take out some time to listen to Gloria's podcast wherever you get your podcast. Gloria provides a couple of things you may consider as the year 2024 continues to progress, so listen to what she shared and incorporate it into your daily lifestyle.

    Rate and review this episode on Apple Podcasts and provide a 5-star rating and review to show your support. Discover more about Gloria Grace Rand at: https://gloriagracerand.com

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  • Episode 255 Scott DeLuzio - The Nightmare of Becoming a Gold Star Brother

    Scott DeLuzio and his family did not deserve losing his brother and yet, today he is inspired by his brother who has gone on to the heavenlies while serving in the Army. Scott is an Army veteran and today he soldiers on advocating for members of his Gold Star families and the military community as a whole.

    Scott shared insight on his upbringing and his decision to join the Army and we all salute him for making sacrifices on behalf of a grateful nation. Scott is a good man, loving husband and a great dad to his children. We discussed why the enrollment numbers are down for all branches of the military and why it is important to serve our country. Scott provided a few reasons why youth between the ages of 18-24 should consider serving in the military.

    The most compelling part of the interview consisted of Scott providing the backstory of his brother and why he decided to serve in the U.S. military. Scott is a Gold Star bother a title no one wants; however, he represents his family with distinction and carries on with great character.

    Scott is an Afghanistan veteran, and he is the author of the book, Surviving Son. He provides a synopsis of his book and the inspiration he has for writing his remarkable book and how it is changing the lives of the readers. Scott also hosts, the Drive On Podcast and he shares a powerful message with his subscribers, listeners, and viewers as well.

    Helping people cope with loss starts at home and Scott shares how his advocacy helps him continue moving forward in life, making a difference. Tune in and to listen to this episode wherever you get your podcast and rate and review this episode on Apple Podcasts and the Wealth Academy Podcast website.


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  • Episode 254 Andrea Vallely Co-Founder of Shift Happens Global Shares Expertise and Insight on The Power Within

    Make no mistake about it, after the pandemic was over, more and more people needed an outlet to recover, and that process continues to this day. Thanks to Andrea and Shift Happens Global, businesses and individuals have a source they can count on to help them move forward. 

    Andrea's genesis comes from being raised by parents that showed he unconditional love and it is the foundation for her life to this day. Andrea is a certified hypnotist and is certified to conduct neurolinguistic programming. That's not all, Andrea and her co-founder also host retreats and personal coaching, in addition to empowering teens as well. 

    Throughout this episode, Andrea shares expertise as to why, people should look inside themselves to find what they need the most, in other words everything we need resides on the inside of us, we simply have to center ourselves and find that quiet still voice within that is our genesis for finding our purpose. 

    Change is constant and Andrea informs listeners that people want to see different things in their lives and there is a tendency to look for answers from external sources, and again if people want to find the answers to their questions, they must look within themselves. 

    Ways that can help people include breathing, taking deep breaths and exhaling longer than breathing in through their nose. Other sources include meditation, journaling, self-reflection, mindfulness, and therapy. 

    That is not all, Andrea's company provides a curriculum for students that consist of eight lessons that assist not only the students but also teachers, with issues such as how to overcome anxiety, peer pressure, depression and motivation.

    Corporate wellness is also an offering provided by Shift Happens Global, in addition to team retreats and team dynamics. Andrea Vallely provided Wealth Academy Podcast listeners and viewers of the live stream with a powerful overview of helping people better understand the power within. Ensure you listen to, rate and review episode 254 on Apple Podcasts with Andrea Vallely, she transforms businesses and individuals to develop stronger communities. 




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  • Episode 253 Jose Angel Pereira Ruimwyk - From Hero to Villain

    Wealth Academy Podcast hosted Jose Pereira, the former CEO of Citgo Petroleum Refining and Gas Corporation. Jose was an executive who was scheduled to return, however he along with five other executives flew to Venezuela for a business meeting, however they were not allowed to leave, and they were detained and held against their will. 

    Jose shares his ordeal with listeners and how they had to learn how to cope with being hostages, having not committed a crime, they simply were held because they were American citizens. The fact of the matter is this, Jose and his colleagues were held for five years, which consists of 1,175 days in captivity. The original sentence was from 8-13 years.

    For anyone thinking their life is bad, this experience will make you feel as though it pales in comparison. Jose lost 100 pounds during his first year of captivity, they were thrown into a dungeon, and they could not communication with anyone during the first year of captivity. The United Nation's intervened and Jose and his colleagues were given food, however it had to be provided by their families, of which some members left the U.S. to assist with having food delivered from a neighboring country.

    They also worked to communicate with family members by sending messages of their condition and for Jose it resulted in 1,000 letters written to his wife over the five-year time frame. After the new U.S. Administration was in place, the State Department began working in the background to free the hostages and it resulted in a prisoner swap after five long years.

    The Citgo 6 were released in October 2022. Today Jose advocates for hostage releases from around the world. he is a speaker, author of the book, From Hero To Villain and he delivers coaching to organizations and more importantly he is a survivor with a loving family that stood by his side from day one of his ordeal. He owes his release and that of others to their resilience, spiritual growth, and overcoming adversity and this is part of his coaching program. 

    Host Paul Lawrence Vann was honored to interview Jose Pereira and he encourages you to go to Apple Podcasts and rate and review this episode, it is atmosphere shifting. 

    Learn more about Jose Pereira at the following website.: https://joseconnect.com


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  • Episode 252 Branding With Barbara Beckley, CEO & Founder The Diamond Experience, LLC

    Let it be said starting today that you are your brand. When you look at the mirror you are staring at your brand because it is you. Not only is it the color palette for your logo, the name of your business, but it is also you. 

    Barbara J Beckley is the CEO and Founder of The Diamond Experience, LLC brand. She shared expertise and insight on why you matter. How you carry yourself while speaking, your books, your courses, your webinars, and in the media, all matters because it is a reflection of who you are. 

    This episode goes deep into the essence of why branding is important, and Barbara provides a lot of diamond nuggets to listeners and viewers of the video podcast. Barbara also hosts The Diamond Factor Experience Live Talk Show and brings on guest experts to share personal development to help her audience move forward in their personal and business life. 

    Barbara also shares her experience as a professional speaker, seven-time International Best-Selling author and she leads a TV network that consists of several entrepreneurs that led their TV and or podcast shows. One of Barbara's passions is working to empower other women by helping them cope and move forward when confronted with obstacles in life. 

    Enjoy this episode with branding expert and social media strategist, Barbara J. Beckley. Discover more about her at 


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