
  • 23 Witness & Pivot

    In this conversation, Rakshani discusses the concepts of witnessing and pivoting. She explores the idea that constantly pushing forward may not always be effective and suggests inviting a different perspective.  She emphasizes the need to learn to pivot and stay centered, and to cultivate divine witness and trust. The conversation concludes with a reminder to forgive oneself, set boundaries, and embrace the dance in the dark.


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    21 分
  • Day 22 Embrace Your Unique Flow

    Continuing to let this process be messy and spiral forward.

    Meditation was an exploration within the body of how our unique Self shows up 

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    23 分
  • Day 21 Growing Pains of Single Parenting

    We aren't always dealt a fair hand in life. As parents our heart breaks when we see that unfairness reflected back in our childrens life journey.

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    21 分
  • Day 20 Embracing shiny object syndrome.

    Today i discussed distractions and played in the land of what if and witnessing. What if you let your squirrel mind wander?

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    22 分
  • Day 19 Feeling the Flex

    Feeling the new muscles working! 

    Today we discussed what support looks like and then did some pranayama and breath meditation.

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    21 分
  • Day 18 Silence and Detoxification

    Simple sit this evening welcoming in stillness and detoxfication

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    13 分
  • Day 17 Full Sensory Immersion

    Today we explored the energy of the senses and how we can shift from overwhelm to ease.

    Had another musically immersive guided meditation meditation exploring the senses.

    Make sure to grab some smellies and some num nums for this

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    23 分
  • Day 16 Down the Rabbit Hole

    Oh man was i deep in the creative rabbit hole today!! So what happens when we come out feeling hungover from creative flow? Join me as we discuss this and get a sneak peak at my new creative meditation project

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    21 分