• Episode 326: Discipleship - A Ministry Masterclass

    Creating and Implementing a Discipleship Pathway: Insights and Practical Tips

    In Episode 326, we dive deep into the crucial subject of discipleship. This week's episode focused on faith formation. You might call it discipleship or disciple-making. Whatever language you use, we’re focusing on what it means to help people become and deepen their relationship with Jesus by being a followers of Jesus.

    If you’ve been with us for any length of time, you know we’ll highlight the congregational disciple-making pathway called HOPE, which stands for Hospitality, Offering Christ, Practicing the Faith, and Engagement. Tim and Sara discuss the importance of having a defined pathway for making disciples, addressing both the necessity of the pathway and how it can be embodied within a church setting. They emphasize the significance of relational and faith-oriented approaches to disciple-making over mere programmatic efforts.

    Through several questions and examples, we’ll share how reflection and storytelling play pivotal roles in faith formation and disciple-making. By the end of this episode, listeners will have a thorough understanding of how to initiate and sustain a discipleship pathway within their congregations.

    Listen at https://transformingmission.org/326

    Episode 326 - Discipleship: A Ministry Masterclass

    00:24 Understanding the HOPE Pathway

    01:11 The Importance of Having a Discipleship Pathway

    03:00 Defining a Disciple

    08:16 Sharing God Stories

    16:44 Inviting People into a Relationship with Jesus & the Church

    23:12 Modeling Discipleship

    32:58 Reflection and Transformation

    35:01 Final Thoughts on Discipleship

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    38 分
  • Episode 325: Mission- A Ministry Masterclass

    Welcome to a new series, entitled 'Ministry Masterclass.' This month we’re celebrating Tim’s 50+ years of leadership as a pastor in the United Methodist Church. Sara’s inviting Tim to share his wisdom about five key topics for ministry: mission, discipleship, leadership, worship and preaching and the church. We’ll cover each topic in a separate episode.

    This episode features an in-depth interview with Tim, exploring the core mission of the church and how to lead ministries effectively. The conversation covers the importance of a Christ-centered mission, aligning church activities with God’s work, and the critical role of spiritual health in leadership.

    Tim shares personal stories and insights on fostering a mission-focused culture within congregations and discusses strategies for pacing change and maintaining focus amidst challenges.

    Next week, we’ll explore the topic of discipleship.

    Listen to this episode at https://transformingmission.org/325

    TimeStamp for Mission - A Ministry Masterclass

    00:40 Introducing Tim and this series celebrating ministry

    02:08 The Mission and Missions

    04:04 Understanding God's Mission

    08:52 Staying Focused on the Mission

    19:12 Challenges in Leading a Church

    26:59 Pacing Change in Ministry

    36:23 Mission vs. Missions

    42:08 Conclusion and Benediction

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    43 分
  • Episode 324:Status Quo Shamrock and Celebration Cypress in Ministry

    Weeds and Seeds of Ministry: Breaking Free from Status Quo

    Episode 324 shares the seventh weed and seed of ministry. You’re invited to get beyond the weeds - the hurdles like overwhelm, fear, and isolation, we’ve termed as 'weeds.' Instead, let’s focus on solutions called 'seeds.'

    The seeds promote growth and effective leadership. This week’s 'weed' is the 'status quo shamrock', while the 'seed' is 'Celebration Cypress,' emphasizing the importance of recognizing and celebrating God's presence.

    Join us as we look at real stories, practical tips, and reflections to help leaders move beyond the status quo and lead dynamic faith communities.

    Listen to episode 324 at https://transformingmission.org/324

    TimeStamp for Status Quo Shamrock and Celebration Cypress

    00:17 Understanding Weeds and Seeds

    01:01 This Week's Weed: Status Quo Shamrock

    02:09 Challenges of the Status Quo

    03:51 Real-Life Example of Status Quo

    09:18 Introducing the Seed: Celebration Cypress

    11:06 Implementing Celebration Cypress

    14:33 Real-Life Example of Celebration Cypress

    18:43 Final Thoughts and Reflections

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    22 分
  • Episode 323: Know it All Narcissus and Life Long Learner Lily in Ministry

    The 'weeds' and 'seeds' in leadership and ministry. Weeds symbolize the obstacles that hinder effective leadership, while seeds represent the positive approaches and practices that promote growth and effective leadership. The episode focuses on the weed 'Know It All Narcissus' which represents individuals with a fixed mindset, unwilling to learn or listen, and contrasts this with the seed 'Lifelong Learner Lily', symbolizing leaders who recognize their continuous need for learning and growth. Through this metaphor, the podcast provides insights into overcoming leadership challenges by embracing a growth mindset, listening, and learning from others to effectively serve communities and foster a movement of Jesus followers.

    Listen to Episode 323 at https://transformingmission.org/323


    00:29 The Basics of Weeds and Seeds

    01:09 Diving into This Week's Weed: Know It All Narcissus

    03:14 Exploring the Fixed Mindset of Know It All Narcissus

    07:12 Introducing Lifelong Learner Lily: The Antidote to Know It All Narcissus

    07:50 The Importance of Being a Lifelong Learner in Leadership

    09:28 Personal Reflections on Learning and Leadership

    10:59 Embracing New Relationships and Opportunities for Growth

    13:02 The Lifelong Learner's Journey: Beyond Formal Education

    17:52 Closing Thoughts on Lifelong Learning and Transformation

    19:08 Gratitude and Continuation of the Transforming Mission Podcast

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    21 分
  • Episode 322: Anything Goes Anemone and the Pathway of Palms

    Anything Goes Anemone and Pathway of Palms We’re on the fifth episode of examining the challenges (weeds) and positive practices (seeds) in ministry leadership. You can find previous episodes on the show notes page. 'Weeds' are obstacles like fear, time constraints, and isolation. These are things that can hamper growth and effectiveness in leadership. This week the focus is on 'Anything Goes Anemone.' This particular weed highlights the issues with unfocused busyness and lack of connection to mission within church activities.

    Conversely, 'seeds' are empowering practices that foster successful leadership and growth. 'The Pathway of Palms' is the seed for this episode. This seed represents a discipleship pathway aimed at guiding individuals in their faith journey more fruitfully and intentionally. Throughout the episode, practical advice is offered on moving away from the 'Anything Goes' mentality by aligning activities with mission-focused questions and fostering focused discipleship through engagement, service, and personal growth in Jesus Christ.

    Listen to this episode and read more at https://transformingmission.org/322

    TimeStamp for Anything Goes Anemone and Pathway of Palms

    00:22 Understanding Weeds and Seeds: Challenges and Growth in Leadership

    01:15 Diving into the Weeds: Anything Goes Anemone

    01:55 The Impact of 'Anything Goes' on Church Mission and Leadership

    04:57 Strategies to Transform the 'Anything Goes' Mentality

    09:23 Introducing the Seed: The Pathway of Palms

    09:45 Exploring the Pathway of Palms: A Discipleship Journey

    16:12 The Importance of Discipleship Pathways in Church Leadership

    20:03 Final Thoughts on Weeds, Seeds, and Following Jesus

    24:00 Conclusion and Resources

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    25 分
  • Episode 321: Center of Attention Snapdragon and Mission Myrtle - Weeds and Seeds in Ministry

    The 'Center of Attention Snapdragon' and 'Mission Myrtle' are the weeds and seeds we explore in this episode. The episode discusses the concept of 'weeds' in ministry, which are obstacles like overwhelm, fear, isolation, and becoming too self-focused, that hinder leaders from fulfilling their divine purpose. These weeds can choke out effectiveness and need to be identified and replaced with 'seeds,' which are practices or mindsets that promote healthy ministry and leadership. The center of attention snapdragon is self-centered. The invitation is to shift from self-centric leadership to mission-centric, through self-awareness, humility, and intentionality in keeping Jesus at the center of ministry. By asking probing questions to keep the focus on the mission of spreading Jesus’ love and teachings.

    Join us this week and be reminded that Jesus is the center of all we do.

    Listen to episode 321 at https://transformingmission.org/321

    TimeStamp for Center of Attention Snapdragon and Mission Myrtle

    00:25 Understanding Weeds and Seeds in Leadership

    01:43 Spotlight on the Weed: Center of Attention Snapdragon

    02:08 The Impact of Leadership Focus on Ministry

    02:41 Navigating Conflict and Maintaining Mission Focus

    06:38 Transitioning to the Seed: Mission Myrtle

    06:48 Mission Myrtle: Keeping the Mission at the Center

    07:30 Practical Applications of Mission Myrtle in Ministry

    14:53 Personal Reflections and Stories of Seeing God at Work

    25:34 Concluding Thoughts on Mission Myrtle

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    27 分
  • Episode 320: The Weeds and Seeds of Ministry - Micromanaging Millet and Trusting Thyme

    In episode 320, 'The Weeds and Seeds of Ministry: Micromanaging Millet and Trusting Thyme,' hosts Sara and Tim explore the concept of 'weeds' that hinder leadership effectiveness, such as micromanagement, and 'seeds' that promote growth, like building trust.

    They discuss how micromanaging, often rooted in insecurity or a lack of self-awareness, can disempower teams and hamper ministry. Conversely, they highlight 'trusting thyme' as a leadership approach centered on authenticity, vulnerability, and patience, which nurtures trusting relationships and empowers teams.

    The episode is filled with practical insights and stories to help leaders reflect on their practices, overcome the 'weed' of micromanagement, and cultivate the 'seed' of trust for effective ministry leadership.

    Listen to Episode 320 at https://transformingmission.org/320

    Time Stamp

    00:23 Understanding Weeds and Seeds in Ministry

    02:00 Diving into the Weeds: Micromanaging Millet

    02:22 Characteristics and Consequences of Micromanaging

    04:33 Personal Experiences with Micromanagement

    06:38 The Missing Element: Trust

    10:45 Transitioning to the Seeds: Trusting Thyme

    11:09 Building Trust through Authentic Leadership

    16:28 The Power of Admitting What You Don't Know

    23:36 Concluding Thoughts on Weeds, Seeds, and Leadership

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    25 分
  • Episode 319: The Weeds and Seeds of Ministry - Part 2

    In Episode 319 of the Transforming Mission podcast titled 'Weeds and Seeds of Ministry, Part Two,' the hosts dive into the concept of 'weeds' that can hinder ministry effectiveness, such as overwhelm, fear, and isolation, and how 'seeds' can serve as solutions to these issues.

    The episode emphasizes the importance of identifying and managing these challenges through equipping others, building trust, and adopting practices that fuel effective ministry.

    Specificall, this week, Tim and Sara look at the 'Orchard of Overwhelm.' It is introduced as a metaphor for the busy and demanding aspects of ministry life, alongside strategies for moving towards the 'Equipping Olive Grove,' where leaders can foster an environment of empowerment and growth. The discussion includes practical advice on self-awareness, delegating responsibilities, and leveraging one's strengths in ministry. The podcast aims to equip leaders to lead a movement of Jesus followers by navigating the balance between the challenges ('weeds') and opportunities ('seeds') in their ministry.

    Listen here and read more at https://transformingmission.org/319

    The Weeds and Seeds of Ministry: Part Two

    00:17 Understanding Weeds and Seeds in Ministry

    01:45 The Orchard of Overwhelm: Identifying the Weed

    04:28 Navigating Out of Overwhelm: Strategies and Self-Awareness

    06:29 Practical Steps to Overcome Overwhelm

    11:29 Ministry Seeds are Found in the Equipping Olive Grove

    16:59 Empowering Leadership in the Equipping Olive Grove

    26:57 Concluding Insights and Next Steps

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    30 分