
  • 2nd Anniversary Special: Paraders of the Blessed Ark - Part One

    May 22, 2024
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 55 - 2nd Anniversary Special - Paraders of the Blessed Ark - Part 1

    To celebrate two years of being Jewish and Nerdy, we invited some of our previous guests from the past year back to the show for a Torah Smashed version of Dungeons & Dragons. Each player chose a biblical character to portray (character descriptions below) and worked together to rescue the innocents and protect one of the most famous artifacts of the Torah.

    00:00:37 Character Introductions
    00:01:44 Our story begins on the bank of the Jordan River
    00:06:04 Between a rock and a river
    00:12:05 An Unknown Code
    00:21:37 Stuck between a cat rock and a hard spelling place.
    00:26:36 All eyes in the city of Ai.
    00:33:25 The Chatool house
    00:45:33 Ai’ll Be Back
    00:55:46 Guards!
    01:27:51 Please, Don’t Leave
    01:29:50 Shoutouts

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    Character Information:
    NOA (played by Barak Malkin)
    Changeling Sorcerer. She is a daughter of Zelophahad and twin sister to Tirza.

    TIRZA (played by Ethan Lane-Miller)
    Changeling Ranger. She is a daughter of Zelophahad and twin sister to Noa.

    CALEB (played by Rachel Frish)
    Wood Half-Elf Monk. He is second in command to Aaron.

    ARONA (played by Rabbi Emma Gottlieb)
    Aasimar Cleric. She is the assigned protector of the Ark of the Covenant by Aaron.

    RAHAB (played by Dr. Miriam Eve Mora)
    Eladrin Bard. She is a Canaanite sex worker who previously aided two of Joshua’s spies.

    JOSHUA (played by Rabbi Benjamin Sharff)
    Holy Knight Paladin. He is the appointed leader of the Jewish people following Moses.

    The man behind the curtain, the puller of strings, and weaver of the improvised story made by the players.

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    1 時間 34 分
  • Episode 54 - Very Special Episodes ...With Guest Host Rabbi Alan Cook

    May 8, 2024
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 54 - Very Special Episodes …with Guest Host Rabbi Alan Cook

    This week’s episode will talk about something very special. Since we want it to be extra memorable, we’ll bring in a special guest. That should help ensure that the purpose and topic stick out in your mind. Did that work for you growing up with the very special episodes of your favorite tv shows growing up? Does that still work for you now? Find out the answer to these questions and more on this very special episode of Torah Smash!

    00:03:00 In Good Company
    00:03:44 The arrival of the “Very Special Episode”
    00:10:47 A very special smash
    00:15:59 Special Guest Characters of the Torah
    00:16:50 Guest Starring Zelophahad’s Daughters
    00:20:43 Guest Starring Moses’ Father in Law
    00:25:21 Guest Starring A Celebrity!
    00:30:47 More Torah Special Guests
    00:34:04 Written Once More With Feeling
    00:37:14 Do Special Episodes Resonate More?
    00:41:04 Why bad things happen to unknown people.

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    50 分
  • Episode 53 - Destiny Report

    April 24, 2024
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 53 - Destiny Report

    You’re going to listen to this episode. How do I know? Because it’s destined to happen. The fact that you’re reading this now already tells me that this episode is in your feed. Just because you're reading this doesn’t change the fact that it’s going to happen. You see the dilemma right? If you listen, then our Torah Smash precogs were right and the system works. If you don’t listen, then our precogs were wrong and the whole system is broken. What’s this episode worth to you? What choice will you make… or has it already been decided for you?

    00:02:16 The legality of future crime in the Minority Report movie
    00:05:11 Heroes not embracing their path
    00:07:30 Moses’ humility
    00:08:37 Destiny cannot be manipulated
    00:09:47 A flaw in the logic
    00:12:44 C.R.U.S.H.
    00:16:02 It is your destiny!
    00:22:24 All paths lay before you
    00:31:34 Keeping the marbles
    00:33:36 Ethan promises this isn’t a Star Wars episode

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    38 分
  • Episode 52 - Moses and the Justice League

    April 10, 2024
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 52 - Moses and the Justice League

    Passover is around the corner, so of course, we will look at the hero who, to avoid the destruction of his people, was sent by his parents to eventually grow up to be the hero we all look up to. I’ll give you a hint, they’re a member of the Justice League. …Wait, who were you thinking of?

    00:00:38 Barak likes Jewish holiday smashes
    00:01:56 Moses and Superman
    00:03:12 Comparison of the two heroes
    00:11:34 No capes!
    00:15:31 The rest of the biblical Justice League
    00:16:17 Is Cyborg a Golem?
    00:17:42 Aquaman and the sea based characters
    00:18:26 Young and Impulsive
    00:18:48 Green Lantern’s ring
    00:23:38 The Emerald Archer
    00:25:40 Martian Manhunter
    00:27:48 Wonder Woman and Black Canary
    00:31:24 The Dark Knight
    00:34:59 Who’s left?

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    41 分
  • Episode 51 - You Are So Not Invited To My Borg Mitzvah

    March 27, 2024
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 51 - You Are So Not Invited To My Borg Mitzvah

    Star Date: April 5, 2063. Earth has finally made contact with other intelligent life in the universe, so we better ask them all the important questions: Do lobster people keep kosher? How many people attend a Borg’s b’nai mitzvah service? And why does Ethan think Star Trek: First Contact can hold its own with Wrath of Kahn?

    00:01:15 First Contact Day 04/05/63
    00:03:16 Not sure if it holds up, but what a cast!
    00:07:15 The power of touch
    00:10:01 How would alien life change Judaism?
    00:13:55 Humanity in a post-religious world
    00:16:29 Does life on other planets have free will?
    00:18:45 Alien b’nai mitzvot
    00:21:15 Debating through real life examples
    00:25:38 First romantic contact
    00:28:22 Continuing the arguments …err …conversations
    00:31:04 A little perspective
    00:32:24 Is there religion in 2063?
    00:33:09 Going back to the writing

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    43 分
  • Episode 50 - Funny, You Don't Look Jewish ...With Special Guest Fabrice Sapolsky

    March 13, 2024
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 50 - Funny, You Don’t Look Jewish …with Special Guest Fabrice Sapolsky

    Purim is around the corner (some may say it’s around three corners) and throughout the holiday we disguise who we really are. Together with comic creator and publisher, Fabrice Sapolsky, we explore some comic heroes who hide in plain sight and we discuss how these decisions are reflective in our modern world. So, pull up a chair, grab a plate of hamantashens, and enjoy this one!

    00:02:13 Poppy filled pockets are coming!
    00:03:52 Queen Esther hides her identity
    00:05:45 Daniel Kaufman’s ELI Talk
    00:06:33 Which Superheroes Passively hide?
    00:09:44 Bear-ly hiding at conventions
    00:16:04 What brings superheroes out of hiding?
    00:21:59 In Jewish History and Present
    00:24:43 When do you present actively or hide passively?
    00:33:20 Revisiting the superheroes who passively hide
    00:40:30 Movies trying to hide as comics

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    46 分
  • Episode 49 - Hogwarts School of Judaism and Wizardry ...With Special Guest Rabbi Emma Gottlieb

    February 28, 2024
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 49 - Hogwarts School of Judaism and Wizardry…With Special Guest Rabbi Emma Gottlieb

    Filled with decades of knowledge, halls filled with history, and helping to teach the young ones the history, culture, and practices of their people. As we explore the starting point for the wizarding youth attending Hogwarts, joined by Rabbi Emma Gottlieb, we explore the connections to our own Jewish educational institutions that we had opportunities to learn and study in as well.

    00:04:31 A boy named Harry Potter
    00:10:25 Yeshiva: A History
    00:12:40 Another nerd yeshiva
    00:14:27 Learning in different worlds
    00:17:31 Keeping the past alive
    00:20:03 The value of multiple perspectives
    00:24:06 Schools around the globe
    00:29:54 The competition
    00:35:37 Our houses
    00:38:42 Anthony Goldstein
    00:40:50 Names are important
    00:42:39 Abra Kadabra

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  • Episode 48 - What If Creation Wasn't The Beginning? ...With Special Guest Roy Schwartz

    February 14, 2024
    Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
    Episode 48 - What If Creation Wasn’t The Beginning?…With Special Guest Roy Schwartz

    Judaism encourages us to ask questions. In this episode, we try to answer Marvel’s biggest question of What If…? We discuss the most recent animated addition to the MCU and debate how the question could be used to change our view of our own Jewish history.

    00:01:49 The oddities of “Is Superman Circumcised?”
    00:04:48 A good month for superhero fans
    00:07:45 Ours is the world that was selected, for now.
    00:09:59 Process theology
    00:15:42 Save Scumming
    00:20:20 Why OUR universe? Was it the burritos?
    00:21:54 Jewish What If Scenarios
    00:22:10 What If Pharoah’s Heart Wasn’t Hardened?
    00:23:42 What If Moses Didn’t Part the Red Sea?
    00:25:34 What If Baby Moses Chose Differently?
    00:26:50 What If Adam Ate The Apple First?
    00:28:58 What If We Didn’t Worship The Calf?
    00:29:17 What If Pharoah Knew Joseph?
    00:30:15 What If Joseph Didn’t Add?
    00:31:10 What Isaac Binded Abraham?
    00:35:00 What If we let this question loose in nerd culture?

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    45 分