
  • Types of Extraterrestrials (Greys)
    Grey aliens, also known as Roswell Greys or Zeta Reticulans, are perhaps the most iconic and enigmatic extraterrestrial beings in popular culture and ufology. Described as humanoid creatures with slender bodies, large heads, almond-shaped eyes, and grayish skin, Greys have captured the imaginations of people worldwide for decades. While their existence remains speculative and contentious, reports of encounters with Grey aliens persist, fueling both fascination and skepticism.The origins of Grey aliens can be traced back to the mid-20th century, with the emergence of the modern UFO phenomenon. One of the most famous incidents associated with Greys is the alleged crash of an unidentified flying object near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Witnesses claimed to have seen debris and bodies resembling Grey aliens, although the official explanation provided by the U.S. military attributed the event to a weather balloon.Since then, reports of Grey alien sightings and encounters have proliferated, with numerous individuals claiming to have been abducted by these beings. These alleged abductions often involve vivid recollections of being taken aboard UFOs, subjected to medical examinations, and experiencing missing time. While skeptics dismiss such accounts as hallucinations or sleep paralysis, proponents argue that the consistency and detail of these narratives suggest a genuine phenomenon worthy of serious investigation.One of the most striking aspects of Grey aliens is their uniformity across different accounts. Witnesses typically describe Greys as having large, hairless heads dominated by oversized, black, wraparound eyes. Their bodies are slender and devoid of noticeable external genitalia, with long, spindly limbs and fingers. Greys are often portrayed as emotionless and robotic, communicating telepathically and displaying advanced technological prowess.The appearance of Grey aliens has led to various theories regarding their origins and nature. Some ufologists believe that Greys are extraterrestrial beings from distant planets who visit Earth for scientific research or reconnaissance missions. According to this hypothesis, their advanced technology allows them to travel vast distances across the cosmos, defying the limitations of conventional space travel. The Extra Terrestrial Species Almanac by Craig Compobasso
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  • Types of Extraterrestrials (Arcturians)
    Extraterrestrial Origin: Arcturians are believed to originate from the star Arcturus in the Bootes constellation, approximately 36.7 light-years away from Earth. Believers claim that these beings have achieved a high level of technological and spiritual advancement.Benevolent Beings: Unlike some other alleged extraterrestrial races, such as the Greys, Arcturians are generally portrayed as benevolent and compassionate towards humanity. They are said to have a genuine interest in the spiritual evolution and well-being of Earth and its inhabitants.Spiritual Guides: Arcturians are often described as spiritual guides or mentors who offer assistance and guidance to individuals on a path of spiritual growth and enlightenment. They are believed to communicate telepathically and provide insights into universal truths and cosmic principles.Channeling: Some individuals claim to channel messages or information from Arcturian beings through a process known as channeling. During channeling sessions, practitioners enter a trance-like state to allow communication with beings from other realms, purportedly receiving guidance and wisdom from Arcturian entities.Teachings and Practices: Followers of Arcturian beliefs often incorporate teachings and practices associated with spirituality, meditation, energy healing, and psychic development into their daily lives. They may seek to align themselves with the principles and energies associated with Arcturian consciousness. The Operation Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/d_operation?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2 Sources: https://otherworlders.com/who-are-the-arcturians/ Books mentioned. The extra-terrestrial species almanac by Craig Compobasso & Discovering the Arcturian message by Solomon Angels
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  • Type of Extraterrestrials (Reptilians) P...
    Reptilians or Reptiloids are not one species, as they are most commonly depicted in the New Age community, as they are an extremely vast genetic pool of several thousands of species, including those who may be considered as simply animals, or who are all technically and genetically, reptiles. They are a large group of species who go from those little, minuscule garden lizards, who are barely an inch long, and who are completely harmless, to the almighty Alpha Draconians, on the other extreme, as the apex of the Reptilian genetic pool. Complex Reptilians, those with a culture, interstellar or not, have been on Earth long before the arrival of the first Lyrian, space human immigrants. There is one dominant reptiloid species with an advanced culture, called the Kingu, and also known of other names They are said to be a secondary species, created by other Reptilians popularly known as the Usungul, but some documents potrays says it's the Kingu who created the Usungul, so thats a bit misleading. A primary species is one which is directly manifested from source, as the materialization of the set of ideas a soul is attached to, and therefore manifests as a mirror of itself. And a secondary species is one which was created by technology, and by genetic manipulation, or so it is said. So this Kingu Reptilians inhabit underground, and all over Earth, they are found on all continents. They are divided into three subspecies, the green ones with a beige underbelly, who are the working class, the red-skinned and scaled, Kingu who are much larger and much more muscular, and who also have a beige underbelly, and who are the military class, those in charge of repressing the green ones, and actively engage with humans as well, and finally the white Kingu, who are the ruling class and royalty. These last ones are nearly completely albino, and unlike the other two subspecies, they have large webbed wings, although they are useless as they cannot fly. As to why they have those useless wings, it is not known, but they are taken as symbols of high status, as they feel they are genetically closer to their idealized reptilian gods, the Alpha Draconians. All three subspecies have tails, where the green ones have the shortest, and the white ones the longest. Information sources : https://youtu.be/Cq0QjcZjk50?si=tok9FlwpRvUImy7y https://youtu.be/vOdnINAZ6Ss?si=QUzvjLxsjZySwsEy https://youtu.be/JYUZJBrM8O0?si=BHPZ0OxhoEe4LW1Y https://www.coursehero.com/file/142894114/the-body-snatchers-by-susan-reed-compresspdf/ https://open.spotify.com/episode/0vZhuTZ32qNjrNjxkaZUo5?si=ITGAgyYNQmuaipxAD_WObQ https://open.spotify.com/episode/5bRk4PDLAkZlyj0DbXw7rh?si=Oc4FDwh8TXKNQoTi9Pzuyg Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/d_operation?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2
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  • Types of Extraterrestrials (Agarthans) Part 2
    Agarthans are depicted as a secretive and powerful group wielding influence over world events from their hidden subterranean realm. In these narratives, Agarthans are often portrayed as malevolent or manipulative, using advanced technology and psychic abilities to control or subjugate surface-dwelling humans for their own purposes.Channelled Messages: While many channeled messages attribute positive intentions to Agarthans, there are occasional accounts that describe them in a more negative light. These messages may warn of Agarthans as a potential threat to humanity's freedom or spiritual evolution, cautioning against interacting with or trusting them.Fringe Literature: Some fringe literature and speculative fiction explore darker interpretations of Agarthans, depicting them as a shadowy cabal or ancient enemy seeking to dominate or enslave humanity. These stories may draw inspiration from conspiracy theories, ancient myths, or science fiction tropes to create narratives of conflict and struggle against malevolent subterranean beings.It's important to note that stories portraying Agarthans as malevolent beings often reflect the fears, anxieties, and cultural narratives prevalent within certain fringe communities. While such narratives may capture the imagination of some individuals, they typically lack empirical evidence and should be approached with critical thinking and discernment. As with all speculative beliefs, interpretations of Agarthans as malevolent entities vary widely and may serve different ideological or psychological purposes for those who embrace them. Craig Compobasso Book Published on Sportify https://open.spotify.com/show/3plP3dsjJQsVQ2pVQsYN3i?si=Caoum41QRFmt6ee8hlC7nw Sites named UFO Matrix, information obtained https://www.ufomatrix.org/2023/02/agarthans-human-extraterrestrial-race.html The Operation Instagram Page; https://www.instagram.com/d_operation?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2
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  • Types of Extraterrestrials (Agarthans) Part 1
    The concept of Agarthans is primarily associated with esoteric and mythological beliefs rather than historical or scientific evidence. According to some esoteric teachings, Agarthans are believed to be an advanced civilization residing in a subterranean realm beneath the Earth's surface, often depicted as highly evolved spiritually and technologically. This belief is found in various cultural and spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Western esotericism. However, it's important to note that there is no concrete evidence supporting the existence of such a civilization. 1. **Origin**: The concept of Agarthans originates from various cultural and spiritual traditions around the world. In Hinduism, it's associated with the belief in an underground realm called "Patala," inhabited by divine beings and serpent deities. In Tibetan Buddhism, it's linked to the legendary kingdom of Shambhala, a hidden land of wisdom and enlightenment. Western esoteric traditions, including Theosophy and New Age movements, have also adopted the idea of Agarthans, often portraying them as an enlightened civilization residing in the Earth's core. 2. **Characteristics**: Agarthans are typically depicted as an advanced civilization possessing profound spiritual knowledge and highly advanced technology. They are sometimes believed to be the guardians of ancient wisdom and the keepers of secret knowledge that could benefit humanity. In some accounts, they are described as possessing flying machines, advanced healing techniques, and even the ability to communicate telepathically. 3. **Role in Esoteric Beliefs**: Within esoteric and New Age circles, Agarthans are sometimes regarded as a source of spiritual guidance and enlightenment. Some believe that they have a profound connection with surface-dwelling humans and may even play a role in guiding humanity's evolution or spiritual awakening. The Operation Instagram Page https://www.instagram.com/d_operation?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2
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  • Accounts on Close Encounters (1,2,3,4,5 and 6)
    George Adamski's encounter with extraterrestrial beings is one of the most famous and controversial stories in UFO lore. It all began on November 20, 1952, in the remote desert near Desert Center, California. Adamski, along with a group of friends, was camping and stargazing when they witnessed a strange sight in the sky—a large, cigar-shaped craft hovering silently above them. As they watched in awe, a smaller, saucer-shaped craft detached from the larger ship and descended toward the group. Adamski later recounted that the saucer landed nearby, and he felt an overwhelming urge to approach it. As he drew closer, he saw a humanoid figure emerge from the craft. This being, whom Adamski would later identify as a Venusian named Orthon, communicated with him telepathically. Orthon, according to Adamski's account, was tall, with long blond hair and radiant blue eyes. He wore a shimmering silver suit and exuded an aura of serenity and wisdom. Despite the initial shock of the encounter, Adamski claimed to have felt a profound sense of peace and connection with Orthon. Through telepathic communication, Orthon invited Adamski aboard the spacecraft. Over the course of several hours, Adamski claimed to have been taken on a journey through space, during which he saw wondrous sights and learned about the mysteries of the universe. He was shown images of distant planets, galaxies, and celestial phenomena, and was given insights into the nature of existence itself. Adamski's encounter with Orthon would forever change the course of his life. Upon returning to Earth, he felt compelled to share his experiences with the world. He began giving lectures and writing books about his encounters, becoming a prominent figure in the burgeoning UFO movement of the 1950s. His first book, "Flying Saucers Have Landed," co-authored with Desmond Leslie and published in 1953, became a sensation, captivating readers with its accounts of alien visitation and interstellar travel. Adamski's subsequent books, including "Inside the Space Ships" (1955) and "Flying Saucers Farewell" (1961), further solidified his reputation as a leading authority on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. However, Adamski's claims were met with skepticism from many quarters. Critics pointed to inconsistencies in his story, such as his inability to produce concrete evidence of his encounters or discrepancies in his descriptions of the spacecraft and its occupants. Skeptics also questioned Adamski's motives, suggesting that he was seeking fame and attention or was simply delusional. Despite the skepticism, Adamski continued to attract followers and supporters who believed in his message. He traveled extensively, giving lectures and holding "contactee" gatherings where he shared his experiences and insights into the nature of the universe. Today, George Adamski's legacy remains a subject of debate within the UFO community. While some continue to view him as a visionary and a pioneer in the field of ufology, others dismiss him as a fraud or a hoaxer. Regardless of one's opinion of Adamski, his story continues to fascinate and intrigue those with an interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial life and visitation. Reference video mentioned in the Episode https://youtu.be/kwmN6sS3bTo?si=dn0ZCdTQpofMovG6 https://youtu.be/Vl-FigcVE-0?si=kySRH_DBdS3bP_kK The Operation Instagram Page https://www.instagram.com/d_operation?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2
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  • Close Encounters of the 5th and 6th Kind
    5. Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CE5): Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CE5) represent a proactive approach to initiating contact with extraterrestrial beings or UFOs through human-initiated protocols. Unlike other types of encounters that involve passive observation or abduction, CE5 encounters involve deliberate efforts by individuals or groups to communicate with and invite interaction from extraterrestrial intelligence. The term "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind" was coined by ufologist Dr. Steven M. Greer, who advocates for the use of meditation, consciousness techniques, and coherent thought to establish communication with extraterrestrial civilizations. According to Greer, CE5 protocols involve specific steps such as meditation, visualization, and remote viewing to raise human consciousness and signal peaceful intentions to potential extraterrestrial visitors. Practitioners of CE5 protocols often gather in groups to conduct skywatching sessions in areas known for UFO activity or in remote locations with minimal light pollution. During these sessions, participants use techniques such as meditation, mantra repetition, and directed thought to focus their intent and establish a psychic connection with extraterrestrial beings. Some groups also use light signals, lasers, or radio transmissions as means of signaling their presence and inviting response from UFOs or otherworldly entities. Advocates of CE5 practices claim to have experienced sightings of UFOs, anomalous aerial phenomena, and even direct communication or interaction with extraterrestrial beings during their sessions. These experiences are often described as profound, transformative, and spiritually enlightening, fostering a sense of interconnectedness with the cosmos and a renewed appreciation for humanity's place in the universe. Critics of CE5 practices question the scientific validity of Greer's claims and the reliability of anecdotal evidence presented by practitioners. Skeptics argue that many reported CE5 experiences can be attributed to natural or man-made phenomena, psychological factors such as suggestibility or expectation bias, or deliberate hoaxes perpetrated for attention or financial gain. **6. Close Encounters of the Sixth Kind (CE6)**: Close Encounters of the Sixth Kind (CE6) represent encounters with extraterrestrial beings or entities that involve direct physical contact or interaction with humans beyond the scope of traditional abduction experiences. Unlike CE4 encounters, which typically involve involuntary abduction or medical experimentation, CE6 encounters are characterized by voluntary engagement and mutual communication between humans and extraterrestrial beings. Reports of CE6 encounters often include descriptions of face-to-face encounters with humanoid or non-humanoid beings, exchange of information or knowledge, and collaborative efforts between humans and extraterrestrials to achieve common goals. These encounters may occur in various settings, including remote locations, spacecraft, or otherworldly environments, and may involve individuals or groups of people. As with other types of UFO encounters, CE6 experiences are subject to skepticism and scrutiny from skeptics and mainstream scientists, who question the reliability of eyewitness testimony, the credibility of anecdotal evidence, and the lack of corroborating physical evidence or scientific documentation. Despite these challenges, proponents of CE6 experience Books Mentioned The Three Waves/Dolores Cannon & The Convoluted Universe The Operation Instagram Page https://www.instagram.com/d_operation?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2
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  • Close Encounters of the 3rd & 4th kind
    Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind are both concepts related to encounters with extraterrestrial beings, but they differ in significant ways. The Operation Instagram Page https://www.instagram.com/d_operation?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2 1. **Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3)**: - In CE3 encounters, individuals report seeing or interacting with UFOs and possibly encountering alien beings. - These encounters typically involve sightings of UFOs at close range, often with physical evidence like burns or marks on the ground. - Witnesses might also report communication attempts or exchanges with the occupants of the UFOs. - Notable cases include the 1975 Travis Walton abduction and the 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident. 2. **Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind (CE4)**: - CE4 encounters involve alleged abduction or direct contact with extraterrestrial beings. - These experiences often include detailed accounts of being taken aboard UFOs, subjected to medical examinations, and sometimes encountering otherworldly entities. - Witnesses may report missing time, repressed memories, or recurring dreams related to their encounters. - Abduction narratives gained significant attention in the 1980s and 1990s, with researchers like Budd Hopkins and David M. Jacobs studying alleged cases. Both types of encounters have been subjects of interest for ufologists, psychologists, and skeptics alike, with debates surrounding their validity and interpretation. Research and investigations into these phenomena continue to provoke fascination and controversy in the realm of ufology and the study of human experience. Books mentioned Communion /Whitley Strieber. Visitors from beyond/ JD Lovil.
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