• Ep 10: Working with Chosen Family

    Join us (Anne & Andrea) for a little “behind the scenes” look at how our decision to work together - both on this podcast and with Legacy’s work in the world – came to be. We talk openly honestly about our worries & concerns, as well at the many perks & benefits! And we share three vital structural steps to helpful support any personal-to-professional partnership.

    And if you’d like to receive this week’s pdf: “Questions Everyone Should Ask Before Collaborating,” just go to
    www.thelegacyevolution.com and sign up for our weekly newsletter!

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    49 分
  • Ep. 9 How to Apologize (& How to Forgive)

    Why do apologies (& forgiveness) feel so sticky – especially in family business? Join me as we explore why we don’t really “do” apologies in American business culture – and why learning to shift how we relate to apologies & forgiveness for ourselves and for our families & relationships can create more space, flow & freedom for everyone moving forward.

    Special thanks to Louiza (Weeze) Doran for teaching me the steps for “How to Apologize” years ago and for the amazing work that she does in & for the world. To learn more about Weeze and her work go to

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    27 分
  • Ep. 8: How do we Cultivate Healthy Energetic Boundaries?

    As someone who falls solidly into the categories of “introverted” and “empathic,” I used to think that feeling exhausted was an unavoidable byproduct of spending time with people. Anyone else relate?

    But what if it doesn’t have to be that way? What if we just need to learn how to cultivate healthier energetic boundaries?

    In this episode we start to explore what it really means to have healthy energetic boundaries – and I share a few practices to start creating a healthier relationship with boundaries, while still staying deeply connected to those we live & work with on a daily basis!

    If you’re interested in learning more, check out my next live Masterclass on April 30 - https://thelegacyevolution.myflodesk.com/healthyboundaries

    NOTE: Healthy Boundaries begin with taking care of yourself & your own wellbeing. If you or anyone you know are in an unsafe situation, please go to
    https://www.thehotline.org/ for help.

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    33 分
  • Ep. 7 The Energetics of Family Structures & Roles

    This week’s episode is a longer one – but so worth the time as Andrea & I dive deeply into the energetic structure of families & family businesses during times of transition! We explore how & why the quality of our connections change as the roles in our family & family business shift – and provide some guidance as to how bringing our awareness to this subtle but vital aspect of our family & family business can be so very helpful in supporting ourselves, our relationships, our family members, and our businesses during times of transition.

    This one isn’t just for family business owners – it’s a must listen for anyone in a relationship, community or connection with others out in the world!

    JOIN ME FOR MY FREE MASTERCLASS - How to Have Hard Conversations on April 20th at 9AM PT / 12PM ET. During our 60-minutes together, I will deep dive into the complexities (& opportunities) of navigating difficult conversations in your family & business. It’s going to be a great conversation! Sign up to join me here:

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    1 時間 2 分
  • Ep. 6 What are agreements and why do we need to talk about them?

    I wanted to follow-up last week’s episode with this one because talking about agreements is so important – and sometimes tricky to navigate! Whether we realize it or not, we (as social & relational human beings) are all operating in a way that adheres to the agreements that have been established in our relationships, in our workplace, and in our society. And as our roles & relationships grow, change & evolve, our agreements often need to change with them.

    Join me as I explain where agreements often come up in daily ins & outs of family business life, and the surprising way we can tell when they might be due for a little update!

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    27 分
  • Ep. 5 Five Steps to Having Hard Conversations

    This week we’re diving into a topic that is one of my all time favorites! Having hard conversations is simultaneously one of the most important AND more challenging parts of owning & operating a business with your family.

    In this episode, I outline my 5-steps to having difficult (yet meaningful) conversations in your business, your family, and your life – and how to use these steps to set yourself (and your loved ones) up for a successful outcome, whatever that may look like.

    This isn’t one that you want to miss!

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    38 分
  • Ep. 4 The New Beginning

    You did the thing! YAY!! Now what?

    Join us as Andrea and I round out our 4-part series about the process of transition with Bruce Feiler’s final step from his book Life is in the Transitions: “The New Beginning.” It’s what Martha Beck refers to as “Square Three” and “Square Four” in her “Change Cycle” and, as you may have guessed, it’s not quite as simple as just checking a box and moving on. We dive into “The New Beginning,” the feelings, challenges, and opportunities that arise in this last step and provide some thoughts & suggestions on how to best support yourself and your work as you complete the transition process and acclimate to your new surroundings.

    P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about Human Design, I recommend starting with a reading from my dear friend & certified coach, Erica Voell,
    https://bio.site/ericavoell – and also I love following @erinclairejones on IG: https://www.instagram.com/erinclairejones/

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    43 分
  • Ep. 3 The Messy Middle

    This is a little longer than the previous ones (lasting nearly 1 hour) but bear with us because it’s full of such good stuff! We continue our four-part series talking all about the process of transitions by moving into the next phase and delve more deeply into Square 2 of Martha Beck’s “Change Cycle” and what Bruce Feiler calls “The Messy Middle” (in his book Life is in the Transitions.) For most of us (including myself!) this can be one of the hardest parts of the transition process – but trust me when I say it can also be full of surprise, delight, exploration, and opportunity. You don’t want to miss this one!

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    1 時間