
  • 152: Questions From a Seven-Year-Old Future Astronaut/Comedian

    In today's pod-meal, we dig into some questions that a friend's child has asked! She is funny and creative and makes jokes and wants to be a comedian/astronaut later in life (or maybe right now) and so her mom asked me if I'd answer some questions about comedy (and space). I do, and also my wonderful girlfriend Rini answers some as well. We all have a fun time and I hope you enjoy! Much love!

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    26 分
  • 151: The Fall-cet!

    The Faucet returns! The summer was busy and the fall is also gearing up to be busy BUT not too busy for new Faucets! Welcome back or welcome front and thank you for being here. In today's pod-snack, Myq discusses what was so busy about the summer (the Edinburgh Fringe Fest, clowns, shows, travels, residencelessness, and more!) the beginning of fall, and the Yom Kippur holiday which is just about to begin! Jokes! Thoughts! Fun! The Faucet! Thanks for being here! You are nice!

    PS One thing that also happened this summer is that this book came out! Heart Brain Art Train! 
    It features Myq's jokes/words/thoughts and Ramin Nazer's beautiful art! 
    Get it by clicking here!

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    19 分
  • 150: Liz Glazer's DEBUT ALBUM "A Very Particular Experience," Myq's NEW SPECIAL "Live From The Universe," and Other Constellation Mountains

    In today's pod-meal, our 150th episode spectacular, Liz Glazer returns to discuss her debut album out right now! 

    It's called A Very Particular Experience and it is wonderful like Liz is. Listen to it wherever you find your albums! (Including that very link!)

    We also discuss my new Dry Bar comedy special, Live From The Universe, also out right now!

    To get a free month of Dry Bar, go to their site (click that link there!) and use the promo code MYQKAPLAN for a monthly subscription, and it shall be so! Thanks for considering it!

    As always, we have a wonderful time chatting and friendshipping. Thanks for listening! Or for at least reading about listening here!

    PS At one point, we had a technical issue with the audio and changed recording methods during the podcast. The editing is seamful! See if you can spot exactly where the edit occurs! It'll be like a fun game! It's all entirely audible, but just wanted to give you a heads up that that happened, so you'll be aware. Thanks for receiving! You are nice!

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    53 分
  • 149: Myq's New Album Is Called "Live In Between Albums" and Liz Glazer Joins to Chat About It and Lots More!

    In today's pod-meal, Myq and Liz dig into "Live In Between Albums," Myq's newest widely released standup comedy album, as well as loads more topics like horses, gym equipment, impermanence, and other Buddhist topics. We have fun always and hope you do as well! You are nice!


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    58 分
  • 148: Dental fLaw School with Liz Glazer!

    In today's pod-meal, the wonderful Liz Glazer once again joins Myq to discuss dentists, law professors, acting directors, and many other topics that are not people's jobs, like musical mnemonics!

    We had a blast talking and YOU can have a blast listening! Blast off! Blast on! Blast away! Blast towards! Blast whichever way you wish to blast! Or remain blast-free as desired. I'm not your blast boss. 

    Love and thanks, all!

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    46 分
  • 147: Infinite Sets of Three Things with Liz Glazer

    In today's pod-meal, Myq and Liz cover (near-)infinite sets of three things, from bags and blankets to comic book characters, from TJ and Dave to James Corden, from books and scenes to life!, from earth and air to fire and water (bonus fourth element thrown in beyond the initial three! thanks for acting now!), from more to more and more!

    We have, as always, so much fun, and invite you to have it also. Please enjoy! Love!

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    54 分
  • 146: Without Further A-Doozy With Liz Glazer (Happy 7th Friendship Anniversary!)

    In today's sumptuous pod-meal, Myq and Liz celebrate seven years of friendship by continuing to be friends and talking about all kinds of things like whether or not Liz is a comedian (she is), which one of the pair is a math minor (he is), who had a tumultuous ninth grade (they both did), who stole someone's wallet (no one did), and much much more!

    It is a delightful friendship romp. Romp along as desired and possible! Much love to all! Happy friendshipversary!

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    1 時間 18 分
  • 145: 2022 Year In Review with Liz Glazer!

    In today's multi-course pod-meal, Myq and Liz go through their wins and downs of 2022 and right now which is still part of 2022! They both keep meticulous records of their life experiences, and it shows! Feel free to listen to 10 minutes per month in 2023 and you'll finish up handily! We have a great time. Enjoy!

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    1 時間 25 分