
  • Helping Students See the Power of Contribution

    The 8th Habit offers us an opportunity to think about how we can use our unique talents and passion to make things better in the world. Join Molly, Dr. Eve, and guest John Urick, 6th Grade Teacher from Merriam Park Elementary in Kansas, as they explore how educators can implement routines and structures that foster The 8th Habit in the classroom.

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  • Head and Heart: A Winning Combination

    Education can feel like a push and pull between a focus on academics and taking time to nurture students as whole people—body, mind, heart, and spirit. In reality, it’s not about sacrificing one for the other, they go hand in hand. Join Molly as she talks with Dr. Eve and guests Patty Parson, Principal, and Lawren Hunter, Lighthouse Coordinator, at Live Oak Elementary, about how to build a focus on students as whole people into every school day.

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  • Simple Steps to Develop Student Voice

    When students are leaders of change, they are more likely to be academically motivated, have a higher sense of self-worth, and show more effort and persistence. Join Molly, Dr. Eve, and guest Alex Butler, 3rd-grade Teacher at A.B. Combs Elementary, as they talk about practical ways to intentionally empower students to participate, innovate, and lead efforts to improve their classrooms, schools, and communities.

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  • How to Let Go and Release Learning to Students

    When we release learning to students, we make an intentional choice to empower them. We step back, so they can step up. This can, however, come with some uneasy feelings that we’ll lose control. Join Molly, Dr. Eve, and Dereck Marr, Principal at Rich Pond Elementary, as they explore the benefits and challenges of empowering students to lead their own learning.

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  • More Than Bulletin Boards and Bright Colors

    If you were asked to close your eyes and describe an elementary classroom, what would you share? Typically, we describe what we can see, however, we know that a leadership environment entails so much more! Join Molly, Dr. Eve, and guest Kate Cisney, principal at Northwest Elementary School in Iowa as they explore practical ways to build a leadership-learning environment including, and beyond, the classroom walls.

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  • Change Starts With Me—Simple, Not Easy

    Change starts with me. It sounds simple, but it’s not always easy to step away from blaming others and, instead, look first to ourselves for solutions. Join Molly, Dr. Eve, and guests Ana Arias, Principal, and Gabby Trudeau, 3rd-Grade Teacher, from Fallbrook STEM Elementary, as they talk about practical ways to help students build their ability to adopt and live the Paradigm of Change.

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  • Leadership Learning Every Day

    Our hope for students is that they will lean into the 7 Habits to navigate the challenges and opportunities life has to offer, and bring their leadership and effectiveness into who they become. Join Molly, Dr. Eve, and guest Laura Smith, District Elementary School Lighthouse Coordinator and Leadership Instructional Coach, as they dig into the power behind teaching leadership and integrating it into what we do every day.

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  • Helping Students See Their Genius

    We can see the genius of students so clearly, how can we help them see it too? Join Molly, Dr. Eve, and guest Emily Avila, Dual-Language Teacher at Maie Ellis Elementary School as they explore practical strategies that help students become able to see their own light and the impact it has on themselves and each other.

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