
  • 363. Building a Two-Career Home with Tiffany Sauder

    There are a ton of resources out there about how to intentionally build your business culture, structure, and capacity, but almost none when it comes to doing the same for your family. Our guest on the show today, Tiffany Sauder, is here to fill that gap.

    Tiffany is a successful CEO, married to another professionally driven person, and is mother to four kids. A few years ago, her marriage and her family were at a breaking point. Everyone was stressed and frustrated. That’s when it hit Tiffany: She needed to run her family like she did her business.

    Today she teaches other families to do the same: Establish a mission and vision; do an honest, detailed evaluation where everyone in your family is at; and make concrete plans on how to function and be accountable.

    If you’ve been looking for concrete, realistic ways for your marriage and family to be better for everyone, be sure to tune in.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Choose your hard. Being a grownup is hard, life is hard, every path is hard. Getting up at 5 a.m. to work out is hard, not feeling comfortable in your skin is hard. Being on a budget is hard, being broke is hard. Staying married is hard, getting divorced is hard. Owning your own business is hard, working for somebody else is hard. The point is not for this to be frustrating. The point is to accept life is hard. And I think as soon as that's our expectation, we can say, I'm gonna choose the hard that aligns with the life I want, with where I want to go, with the relationships I want to have, with the impact I want to have on the world. And when you choose that hard, then it's not hard because it's in service to who you're becoming and the impact you're gonna have on the world.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    • Check out Tiffany’s Life of And Academy
    • Listen to Tiffany’s podcast Scared Confident
    • Follow Tiffany Sauder on Instagram: @TiffanySauder

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  • 362. Disciplined Entrepreneurship: Startup Tactics with Paul Cheek

    Paul Cheek was MIT’s first Hacker in Residence. No, he didn’t sit in a basement and try to steal nuclear codes or anything like that. He used his software developer skills to help entrepreneurs create what they needed for their businesses. Over the years, Paul worked with more and more entrepreneurs, not only helping them hack their technical problems, but overcome their business ones as well.

    Based on this experience, Paul has written a new book called “Disciplined Entrepreneurship: Startup Tactics.” In it, he gives 15 tactics across four foundations: goal setting, marketing testing, product development, and resource acquisition. The mission of the book is to help entrepreneurs take action to turn their business plans into businesses.

    Paul joins us in today’s episode to share highlights from his book and encouragement for anyone considering the path entrepreneurship. Listening to this episode might just be your first step.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Entrepreneurship is for everybody. It doesn't matter whether you're going to start a company. We need more entrepreneurs in this world and we need more entrepreneurial leaders in this world, regardless of whether you're gonna be a startup founder, you're gonna go join a company, you work in a larger organization today, you lead a team within a larger organization today. There are things about the entrepreneurial process that you will find useful, that you will be able to deploy with your team, with your business. And I would encourage you to do the hardest part. The hardest part of entrepreneurship is just getting started. Take the opportunity right here, right now today to go and take that first step.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    • Read “Disciplined Entrepreneurship: Startup Tactics”
    • Learn more at PaulCheek.com
    • Check out Oceanworks.co
    • Connect with Paul on LinkedIn

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  • 361. How Catherine Nikkel Helps People Write Their Own Books

    After 15 years as a social worker, Catherine Nikkel knew it was time to make a career change. She thought she was going to become an insurance agent, but suddenly the ground fell out from under her: She became paralyzed from the waist down. What got her through her time in the hospital was people telling her stories.

    Today, not only has Catherine learned to walk again, but she has helped fifteen people tell their stories by ghostwriting bestselling books with them. She has also helped dozens more tell their story through her book coaching.

    Catherine joins the show to explain what it means to be a ghostwriter and book coach. She also has tips for people who are thinking about writing a book. Her bottom line: “Get your voice out there because it deserves to be heard.”

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Please use your voice to make an impact, whether it be in your life, someone else's life, your communities. And the biggest thing for me is get your voice out there because it deserves to be heard.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    • Learn more at CatherineNikkel.com

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  • 360. Human Creativity and AI with Craig Detweiler

    As a professor, Dr. Craig Detweiler saw that his arts and media students were becoming anxious about AI replacing them in the job market. That’s why he decided to write a book about what he hopes will be the future of human creativity and AI.

    Dr. Detweiler’s book, “Honest Creativity: The Foundation of Boundless, Good, and Inspired Innovation,” lays out the case that AI will help humans in their creative efforts, not replace them. Humans are good at analogies, embodiment, and empathy, while generative AI is good at lowering the traditional barriers to creative undertakings like legal work, studio tools, and more.

    He lays out the three step process that students, and all of us, should take in order to succeed, hand-in-hand with AI. He draws on his experience as president and CEO of Wedgewood Circle, a philanthropic investment collective that funds creative projects of meaning.

    It’s not everyday that you get to hear directly from Variety’s Mentor of the Year, so be sure to tune in and give a listen.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Fear not. The machines aren't coming to get you. The machines, hopefully, are coming to help and to serve you. And so have confidence in your HI: In your human intelligence, your human imagination, and your human ingenuity to create inspired innovation.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    • Read “Honest Creativity: The Foundation of Boundless, Good, and Inspired Innovation.”
    • Follow Craig Detweiler on Instagram: @CraigDet

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  • 359. Food and Freedom with Sue Van Raes

    Sue Van Raes would like for us all to befriend our biochemistry. Today she joins the show to teach us how. Sue is a functional nutritionist and food psychology specialist. She is also the author of a new book, “Food and Freedom: Discover your Personal Recipe to Eat, Think and Live Well.”

    Our willpower is tied to our blood sugar levels. The health of our relationships is tied to understanding our rates of cellular oxidation. Expressing the full range of our emotions changes what we put in our bodies. Sue Van Raes explains the intersection of our inner biochemistry and our lived experiences.

    Everyone has their own individual ratio of how much of the three macronutrients they need: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Through both blood tests and developing better internal sensation observation, we can learn to eat to feel how we want to feel. And that is freedom.

    Join us on today’s episode to learn more!

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    If we could, and can, tend to our relationship to food and self the same way we would tend to another important primary relationship in our life– by showing up, by listening, by prioritizing, by tending to– there is incredible healing that is possible. And this relationship with food and self is the most primary and profound relationship we can start with because from there, everything else, every other relationship in our lives improves. The ripple effect is incredible. And I think it's also the relationship that we forget about the most. So it's my reminder to turn to ourselves and take care of ourselves because we need to be our number ones.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    • Read: Food and Freedom: Discover your Personal Recipe to Eat, Think and Live Well
    • Learn more: BoulderNutrition.com
    • Follow Sue on Instagram: @BoulderNutrition

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  • 358. Technocapitalism: The New Robber Barons with Loretta Napoleoni

    Loretta Napoleoni’s career as a journalist and author began when she discovered her childhood best friend had joined a terrorist organization. Since then she has dedicated herself to analyzing the intersection of economics, politics, and violence. We’re excited to have Loretta on the show today.

    Loretta’s newest book is called “Technocapitalism: The Rise of the New Robber Barons and the Fight for the Common Good.” In it, she identifies the dangers of only a handful of people controlling the most powerful, newest technology. She advocates for more government oversight.

    Don’t let the title fool you. Loretta doesn’t mind capitalism and she likes technology. She just believes that the common good, as determined by a democratically elected government, should be the guiding light in how we regulate them.

    Loetta’s perspective has been shaped through her Fulbright Scholarship to Johns Hopkins, her Rotary Scholarship to London School of Economics degree, and her work at the National Bank of Hungary in the early 1980s. She’ll give you a lot to think about in this episode!

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    We have the power to understand technology. Do not be afraid. I mean, all we need is to study, understand, investigate, and then take control of it, because it's a very, very positive thing for humanity.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    • Read Technocapitalism: The Rise of the New Robber Barons and the Fight for the Common Good
    • Learn more at LorettaNapoleoni.com

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  • 357. Writing as Healing with Meredith Heller

    When she was about 12 years old, Meredith Heller left her troubled home and survived in the woods along the Potomac river. What saved her life was writing poetry and noticing how nature took care of her. Meredith has now spent over 30 years helping students and incarcerated women tap into that same power of noticing and writing. Her newest book, “Writing by Heart,” invites all of us into the practice.

    In this episode, we dive into Meredith’s book. “Writing by Heart'' walks you through gathering information from your body, experience, psyche, and imagination. That way you can write about what you’re deeply experiencing, not just what you are thinking. The book also helps you notice things around you that spark something within you– joy, curiosity, learning. Through this practice, you teach yourself that the world is a place that feeds what moves you deeply.

    Meredith describes writing as a way to make room within yourself to notice and fully experience the good and bad of life. This, she says, is the true path to healing.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Writing is a path home to self, to love, to life. It helps us fall in love with ourselves. It helps us come into deep friendship with ourselves. And from here, everything is possible. Pick up your pen, grab your journal, write a gratitude list, write a sparkle list, dive into the invitations in my book, come to workshops, such a warm, beautiful community, and start writing. Open up your inner world to yourself.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    • Learn more at MeredithHeller.com
    • Follow Meredith on Instagram: @MeredithHellerPoetry

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  • 356. Manifestation Methods with Chloe Panta

    Growing up in West Detroit, Chloe Panta knew there had to be a better life for her. She just didn’t know how to get it. Through relentless curiosity and pursuit of knowledge, Chloe learned about manifesting a better life and achieved it herself. Now she shares what she has learned in her new book, “Untapped Magic: Manifestation Methods for Living a Limitless Life.”

    In today’s episode, we dive into her book. First, Chloe gives concrete, actionable steps to unblocking whatever thought patterns are holding you back. Then she walks us through creating new neural pathways through positive affirmations, calling in ease and flow, and using her “creative imaginings” audio recordings. The final part of the book, she explains, has aligned, actionable steps to help you actually take actions to manifest what you want in life.

    In this interview, it becomes clear why Chloe is a highly sought after mindset expert and transformational coach: She uses an evidence-based, proven system with scientific data to help people overcome obstacles that are keeping them stuck in life.

    We’re lucky to have Chloe on the show today. Be sure to tune in!

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    I want people to tap into their untapped magic. We all have that. That's our mind. Simply tap into your mind and that's how you can actually cultivate a limitless life.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    • Learn more at ChloePanta.co
    • Follow Chloe on Instagram: @ChloePanta
    • Read: Untapped Magic: Manifestation Methods for Living a Limitless Life

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