• From Rent to Riches: Mastering Wealth with The Backyard Millionaire

    Welcome to The Backyard Millionaire! Start your journey to financial independence by embracing our creed: invest in yourself, trust your instincts, and never invest emotionally. Aim for win-win negotiations, fill a market need, and persist until you win.

    **Alaska Airlines... Shame on YOU:**

    Earn 3 miles per dollar on rent with the Alaska Airlines Visa Signature® card, but beware—credit card debt in America is at an all-time high of $1.2 trillion. Interest rates average 24%, making these schemes dangerous if not managed wisely. Remember, the house always wins!

    **The Law of Leverage:**

    You can’t save your way to wealth, but you can invest wisely. Debt should be used cautiously. Paying rent with a credit card can lead to compounding debt. Always handle other people's money responsibly.

    **Inspiration from Arthur Ashe and Thomas Edison:**

    Arthur Ashe's legacy reminds us to start where we are, use what we have, and do what we can. Edison teaches that persistence is key to success. Don’t give up; always try one more time.

    **Bruce Lee and Thoreau on Goals:**

    Bruce Lee suggests that goals often serve as targets rather than endpoints. Thoreau advises us to build foundations under our dreams, making them achievable.

    **Case Study: Buying a Family Home:**

    If you’re considering buying a family home in need of repairs, start with a broker’s opinion of value, estimate repair costs, and possibly get an appraisal. Maintain fairness and seek third-party opinions to minimize risks.

    **What to Expect When Inspecting:**

    Hire a licensed inspector, get referrals, and be present during inspections. Review reports calmly and differentiate between must-fixes and wants. Revisit the property to assess issues in person.

    **Leverage X Effort = Gold:**

    Wealth-building requires effort and patience. It’s a slow process—crawl, walk, then run. Expert investors are cautious and deliberate, recognizing the value of time and strategic investment.

    **Millionaire Maker:**

    Check out "Millionaire Maker," now available in print and as an ebook on Amazon.

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    52 分
  • Unlocking Wealth: Balancing Ambition and Realism

    The Backyard Millionaire Creed

    - Invest in yourself, trust your instincts, and avoid emotional investing.

    - Negotiate with a win/win mentality, identify market needs, and plan for the future while living in the present.

    - Persist until you succeed!

    **Guest Interview: Amanda Miotke**

    - Real estate inspiration and balancing career with motherhood.

    - Motivation and lessons from running the Boston Marathon.

    - The impact of personal goals on family life and advice for aspiring moms.

    **First-Time Homebuyer Primer**

    1. Locating a reliable realtor.

    2. Assessing financial readiness.

    3. Defining needs vs. wants.

    4. Navigating the real estate market effectively.

    **Pity the Pessimist No More: Cultivating Optimism**

    1. Understanding learned optimism.

    2. Practicing positive thinking.

    3. Building resilience.

    4. Enhancing overall well-being.

    **Real Estate: The Sacred Cow vs. The Sacrificial Sow**

    - The enduring value of real estate compared to stocks.

    - Benefits of real estate ownership and long-term investment.

    **Mind Bender with AJ's Old Town Steakhouse**

    - Exploring the power of exponential growth and penny doubling.

    **Chapter 6: Insights from "The Backyard Millionaire"**

    - Money as a tool for achieving goals, not a replacement for personal agency.

    **Audience Question: Residential vs. Commercial Investment**

    - Initial focus on residential for simplicity and demand.

    - Exception for existing homeowners with a business renting commercial space.

    **Closing Thoughts**

    - Wealth accumulation through investment and prudent financial management.


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    52 分
  • When you know a little ... that's a LOT!


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    1 分
  • Mastering Real Estate, Investment, and Lifestyle

    Welcome back to Backyard Millionaire Radio, where we delve into the world of real estate, investment strategies, and living the good life. In today's episode, we're exploring the Backyard Millionaire Creed and practical tips for leveraging your efforts into gold. Plus, we'll discuss how to navigate offers, decode mortgage rates, and spruce up your outdoor space for spring. Let's dive in!

    The Backyard Millionaire Creed:

    We kick things off with the Backyard Millionaire Creed, a mantra for success in both personal and professional endeavors. From investing in yourself to persisting until you win, these principles lay the foundation for building wealth and living abundantly.

    Rent Like You Own:

    Transitioning from renting to owning is a key milestone on the path to financial independence. By adopting an owner's mindset, paying attention to market trends, and investing in education, you can position yourself for future success in real estate.

    Amidst discussions of wealth-building, we take a moment to share a personal update on Tallulah's recovery and the ongoing remodel of a rental property. From kitchen upgrades to landscaping, every improvement contributes to increasing the property's value and potential for future sale.

    FAQs on Real Estate

    Addressing common questions about the real estate market, we provide insights on appraisals, home improvements, and the rent vs. buy debate. By understanding your local market and evaluating your long-term goals, you can make informed decisions about homeownership and investment.

    Leverage x Effort = GOLD:

    Unlocking the power of leverage, we explore the difference between good debt and bad debt. By leveraging long-term mortgages secured by real estate, you can build wealth over time while offering value to others.

    Exciting news about the upcoming release of the "Millionaire Maker" book, which offers practical steps to acquiring your first four homes. With a focus on actionable strategies and real-world examples, this book is poised to empower readers on their journey to financial freedom.

    Navigating the negotiation process, we discuss the importance of considering not just the price, but also the terms of an offer. Plus, we debunk the myth of online mortgage rates and emphasize the value of working with a local broker for personalized guidance.

    As spring blooms, we share tips for revitalizing your outdoor space. From cleaning and gardening to lighting and decor, these enhancements create a welcoming environment for relaxation and enjoyment.

    That wraps up today's episode of Backyard Millionaire Radio. Remember, success in real estate and life is built on a foundation of education, persistence, and strategic action. Join us next time as we continue our journey to financial abundance and living the good life. Until then, keep investing in yourself and trusting your instincts. Cheers to your success!

    Thank you for tuning in to Backyard Millionaire Radio. Be sure to subscribe for future episodes, and don't forget to leave us a review. Follow us on social media for more tips, updates, and exclusive content. Until next time, happy investing!


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  • When a Blind Man can see more clearly than anyone else! Meet Jim Stovall

    I watched a cool movie a couple months ago called The Ultimate Gift.

    Staring James Garner and Abigail Breslin - two huge starts in their own right.

    Turns out, the movie was based on a book by the same name by a guy called Jim Stovall.

    Jim has written some 50 books and now has about 9 movies to his credit, in addition to building Narrative TV for the Blind. (1000 affiliates).

    After watching many YouTube videos of Jim Stovall speaking and being interviewed, I had to reach out to him. Jim was gracious enough to grant an interview.

    This podcast is that interview.

    Thank you for listening, if you like this show please follow the Backyard Millionaire podcast - and if you're still with me after a couple shows, go ahead and leave a raving review and five star rating. :)

    Chris Story


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    40 分
  • CEO of Alaska MLS Mike Smith

    This is for my Alaska Realtor colleagues to better understand a post settlement world we will be navigating..

    chris story

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  • The FACTS about the National Association of Realtors vs. Fiction


    Brought to you by the Backyard Millionaire Book... BUY NOW

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  • 100 Year Old Law of Success

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