『That's Why We Read』のカバーアート

That's Why We Read

著者: Tobi Thompson Ingrid Massey and Sarah Ramsey
  • サマリー

  • Three university reading professors discuss trends and issues (and their implications) pertinent to reading teachers.
    Tobi Thompson, Ingrid Massey, and Sarah Ramsey
    続きを読む 一部表示
  • Season 2, Episode 3: Fluency

    Jan Hasbrouck believes firmly in the 5 Fs of Fluency: "FIRST and FOREMOST and FOREVER ACCURACY  is the FOUNDATION of FLUENCY" (TLC webinar, 2021). A lack of fluency can lead to a lack of motivation to read, which results in fewer words read, which results in limited comprehension. This cycle repeats until students often give up believing themselves unable to read well. 

    This episode focuses on fluency, what it is, and how to help students improve. 

    Resources mentioned in this episode include the following: 

    Updated ORF scale

    Llama Llama Misses Mama

    You Read to Me & I'll Read to You

    Rasinski's Megabook of Fluency and Rhymes for the Times

    I Am Reading by Collins and Glover

    Lakeshore's readers' theater script boxes

    The water cycle readers' theater by Enchanted Learning

    Elephant & Piggie books

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間
  • Season 2, Episode 2: Phonics Part 2

    On this episode, we continue talking about phonics. How do you teach phonics to English Language Learners or struggling readers? How do you keep students interested in phonics instruction? 

    Join us as we discuss these questions and more. 

    続きを読む 一部表示
    47 分
  • Season 2, Episode 1: Phonics Part 1

    Thank you so much for your patience with us! This whole podcasting platform is new to us, and we are learning how to balance this with everything else we, as teachers, have going on. Sound familiar? We bet your life is just as hectic!

    On today's episode, we are answering some listener questions about phonics: the best books for teaching phonics; how parents can support their child's phonics learning; the best way to teach phonics; and effective strategies.

    Resources cited in today's episode include the following:

    • Wiley Blevins/Patricia Cunningham
    • https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/self-paced-phonics-a-text-for-educators_roger-s-dow_g-thomas-baer/707884/item/11247599/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw7KqZBhCBARIsAI-fTKITBYab8XKGpGQeJvzFkj-IubS7cH0XoKe5YYt0OyUcXHUfIedeohoaAinZEALw_wcB#idiq=11247599&edition=6907156
    • https://www.amazon.com/Phonics-Teachers-Self-Instruction-Methods-Activities/dp/0131115243
    • https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tFP1zc0SiooNzTMyzZg9JIpyUhVSExKVkjMS1FIzMlRAPIzixRKijKTs4sBL4IOeQ&q=the+abc+and+all+their+tricks&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS914US915&oq=The+abc+and+al&aqs=chrome.1.0i355i512j46i512j69i57j0i22i30j0i15i22i30j0i22i30l2j0i390.4774j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
    • https://www.lakeshorelearning.com/products/ca/p/RR207/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign=performancemax&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7KqZBhCBARIsAI-fTKLYjbkFibzmqHwEAHuvGgTh4BNnds-SruTzK0IeYYEY3sUAx8SqyQ8aAsvHEALw_wcB
    • https://www.amazon.com/Making-Words-First-Grade-Hands/dp/0205580955/ref=asc_df_0205580955/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312111868709&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7375841918534434879&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9026490&hvtargid=pla-434692992882&psc=1
    • https://www.learningresources.com/word-families-rhyming-center-pocket-chart
    続きを読む 一部表示
    44 分


Three university reading professors discuss trends and issues (and their implications) pertinent to reading teachers.
Tobi Thompson, Ingrid Massey, and Sarah Ramsey

That's Why We Readに寄せられたリスナーの声
