
  • 7. Tell me more about Imposter Syndrome

    Have you ever found yourself in a tailspin when somebody gives you feedback on something you could have done better? Or that your accomplishments could be attributed to factors outside yourself, your hard work, or your abilities…things like luck, chance, appearance? Well, welcome to the human experience!

    On this episode, we dive into the complexities related to imposter syndrome, including the FIVE different imposter types and tips on how to overcome it with time.

    We'd love to connect with you!

    • Instagram: @moreandthensomepod
    • TikTok: @moreandthensomepod
    • moreandthensomepod@gmail.com
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    38 分
  • 6. Tell me more about the Four Stages of a Woman's Cycle
    Ladies, do you ever feel like you don’t know why you are not your sharpest in a given situation? Or you give a great presentation at work one week, and then you give the same presentation another week, and it’s not so great? Perhaps you cry or get really upset over something that wouldn’t even phase you the following week?

    On this episode, we get into the four stages of a woman’s menstrual cycle, and their impact on our everyday lives.

    We'd love to connect with you!

    • Instagram: @moreandthensomepod
    • TikTok: @moreandthensomepod
    • moreandthensomepod@gmail.com
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    25 分
  • 5. Tell me more about the Magic of Magnesium

    Do you struggle with feeling well rested after a good night of sleep? Or with mental clarity? Fat loss or muscle building? If so, we’re going to talk about a wonderful mineral that plays a vital role in your body’s key functions. The magic mineral is magnesium! In this episode, we dive into the different types of magnesium, their benefits, and how you can begin to ensure you’re getting enough of it in your daily diet.


    We'd love to connect with you!

    • Instagram: @moreandthensomepod
    • TikTok: @moreandthensomepod
    • moreandthensomepod@gmail.com
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    24 分
  • 4. Tell me more about Burnout!

    Have you ever felt burnt out? Or know people in your life that have experienced burnout? The word “burnout" has become ubiquitous. It seems to sum up the stress and exhaustion that many of us are feeling. And what does the term “burnout” actually mean? In today’s episode, we’ll dive into the science of burnout and share tools you can use to prevent or alleviate the effects of burnout.

    We'd love to connect with you!

    • Instagram: @moreandthensomepod
    • TikTok: @moreandthensomepod
    • moreandthensomepod@gmail.com
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    31 分
  • 3. Tell me more about Belonging

    Have you ever found yourself changing who you are to fit in? Fitting in is changing who you are based on your assessment of others and asking ourselves questions like "Who do i need to be?" and "How do I need to act?" In today’s episode, we’ll dive into the research behind belonging and we hope that it’ll help you begin to have the courage to let go of who you have thought you should be in order to fully be who you are.

    We'd love to connect with you!

    • Instagram: @moreandthensomepod
    • TikTok: @moreandthensomepod
    • moreandthensomepod@gmail.com
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    28 分
  • 2. Tell me more about Chronotypes

    Have you ever wondered why you feel most alert at certain times of the day? Or thought about why there is a disconnect between when you prefer to go to bed, and when you “should" go to bed? Are you an early bird or a night owl? In this episode, learn about your circadian rhythm and what is referred to as chronotypes.

    We'd love to connect with you!

    • Instagram: @moreandthensomepod
    • TikTok: @moreandthensomepod
    • moreandthensomepod@gmail.com
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    23 分
  • 1. Tell me more about Resilience

    Have you ever thought about why some people are more resilient than others? Are we born with it? Do we develop it throughout our lifetime? This episode dives into the science of resilience and what you can do to thrive in the face of adversity and build inner strength.

    We'd love to connect with you!

    • Instagram: @moreandthensomepod
    • TikTok: @moreandthensomepod
    • moreandthensomepod@gmail.com
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    33 分
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