
  • Leadership & Higher Realms of Possibilities
    We already know that beyond gender and social attributes, there are energy types within all of us that are referred to as Feminine and Masculine. In a different context, we could call them Yin and Yang. However, knowing is not enough. We need to be in touch with them and use them not only to help us be aware of our hidden blocks but also to be empowered to journey through life and its challenges. We can also gracefully use them in our expansion phases in spirituality, personal development, and in business as well to reconnect with our inner conscious leadership and be in expansion. In this episode, Chizu Sakamoto sheds light on the fundamental differences between the ideological representations of masculine and feminine that generate polarities in our societies and that she calls the false, wounded ones, and the Divine energies of masculine and feminine that pertain to the higher levels of consciousness. Chizu’s work is about enhancing the energy of the Divine Feminine Essence in all of us that heals the wounds and brings back Unity Consciousness with LIFE itself, helping us thrive peacefully and gracefully. The most powerful mentor we could ever have is within ourselves. It is called LIFE.” (Chizu Sakamoto)
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  • Embracing Leadership--A journey
    This month’s episode is about surrendering, healing, transmuting, forgiveness, being compassionate, and embracing your leadership. Here is the profile of another remarkable woman who was at the top of the corporate world and shifted her career to serve by helping women reconnect with their inner voice and feminine leadership. Blanca Vergara is a soul and business mentor for international female business owners. Her work integrates the wisdom of Aztec spirituality with contemporary science and business to help female entrepreneurs transform ancestral mental blocks into profound wisdom, happiness, and wealth. Let’s discover Blanca’s unique journey from her Mexican background to becoming a conscious healer and mentor in the Netherlands. QUOTE: “15 years ago, my inner artist took me out of the corporate world in search of meaning and beauty. I have found both in my work.” (Blanca Vergara)
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  • "Self-Discovery Wisdom" - A journey
    This month's episode is about remarkable individuals, like Sara Troy, who are dedicated to being in service to humanity through their unique talents and intuition. Here we present Sara's profile: a remarkable woman with diverse talents, spiritual experiences, and a longstanding commitment to serving humanity, even before this principle became a cornerstone of the new conscious business model. Sara is a healer, writer, speaker, teacher, podcast host, and more. With her extensive background and skills, she inspires our inner selves, uplifts spirits, and expands perspectives on life's wisdom. Let's delve into Sara's journey, exploring how life led her to utilize her skills and become the person she is today. We'll also discuss her reflections on today's reality, her experiences in the podcast industry, and her upcoming empowering projects. Alongside her platforms, Self-Discovery Wisdom and Orchard of Wisdom, Sara offers anthology books she authored and a directory for mentors/practitioners, all aimed at supporting those striving to make a difference in the world. QUOTE: “When we connect through the soul to an open heart and an ignited spirit, we allow the mind to see in a way that is truly illuminating.” Sara Troy
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  • Collective Exhaustion?
    Modern life is challenging, marked by numerous multilevel societal changes. We have reached a point of global exhaustion, and in the West, mental health has become a significant concern. The pace of change is rapid, causing us to lose our reference points within a single decade. A global shift in the way we function, think, and interact with the world is imperative for a healthy evolution and future. We cannot remain in survival mode; our health and wellbeing are at stake. Let’s refocus as we possess the power within us to self-transform and turn our lives, communities, and societies into places of awakening. We are all interdependent, sharing this journey together. Let's explore this subject with Roshni Sharma-Fleming, the Founder of StillFire Healing Inc., and a holistic coach with a multidisciplinary approach to cultivating mind-body consciousness for personal leadership. Quote: “In our collective exhaustion, we can find collective healing. We must first begin with ourselves.” (Roshni Sharma-Fleming)
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  • Who-What-Why. Alignment in 2024
    Let's kick off 2024 by steering our lives in the direction of conscious growth rather than mere resolutions. We all have heard about the importance of aligning ourselves with our essence (true Self), a principle that holds true in our personal, professional, and social dimensions. This is not a passing trend, a health fad, or a marketing idea; it's a genuine and necessary step if we aspire to elevate our lives to a higher frequency and contribute positively to the world. To help people in finding alignment at the onset of 2024, this podcast episode explores, in the context of entrepreneurship and money mindset, three fundamental questions also applicable to our personal, professional, and social lives: Who am I / What do I want to do / Why do I do what I do? Join us for an inspiring and friendly conversation with Sonia Charles (founder of Vimage Factory) to assist entrepreneurs in realigning their businesses and grounding themselves in the 21st-century paradigm. Additionally, with Angela Leone (money-mindset coach), we aim to encourage everyone to reassess their relationship with money through the alignment of their values with the new paradigm, which brings empowerment rather than victimization in one’s life. Quote: “Keep designing your world, but make sure who is the designer: your ego or your true Self. Who are you?” (Myoku quote from Viviane Casimir)
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  • Women & New Consciousness
    The year 2023 witnessed significant events across various societal and global realms. Let’s share our last 2023 cup of tea for peace, conscious leadership, and awakening on the planet. In this month's podcast, we focus on the intrinsic power of women that contributes to the emergent conscious paradigm in society of the 21st century. Join us for an inspiring conversation with Sher Sing (Arts & Culture Chair of BPW International Standing Committee) and Jenny Gulamani- Abdulla (CEO & Founder of Gulamani-Abdulla & Co., Immigration Consulting). They will share with us their insights into women's organizations, self-empowerment, and conscious leadership. Quote: “Contrary to popular belief, the best way to climb to the top of the ladder is to take others up there with you.” Maria Eitel
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  • Change Your Voice. Change Your Life. Change the World
    When we hear the expression “voice coach,” we usually think of someone who helps improve our voice for singing, acting, public speaking, etc. However, Lynn Singer is a unique transformational voice coach who takes people even further for self-transformation. Lynn is a vocal coach, author, teacher, and healer who shares with us the importance of being aligned with our authentic voice to speak our true Self. She uses her talents and expertise to help us all bring our voice into a mission. It is a different approach to the self, the voice, and life itself. In that sense Lynn is a “conscious transformational voice coach” who has helped many people including celebrities and executives move beyond performance to self-realization. Quote: “There is no sense talking about being true to yourself until you are sure what voice you are being true to.” Marion Woodman
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  • Living Outside the Box
    We all know the expression “think outside the box. It means to think more creatively and off the beaten path if we want to solve a difficult problem. But what about “living outside the box” to transform one’s life completely? To simply think outside the box implies that you will come back to the box after the job is done because you split mind and heart. Living outside the box offers an empowering way to relate to yourself and others and experience the world on a higher vibration. Jane Ramsey, an artist and transformational coach, and Andrea Swanner, a conscious business coach, give their perspectives on what it means for them to live in your creativity and off the beaten path. Quotes: “The world needs creativity more than ever. There is a creative force that calls to each of us, inspiring meaning and beauty in our lives. ~ Deborah Anne Quibell
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