
  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Cultivating a Growth Mindset Mental Health Awareness Month

    A growth mindset has been defined as a belief that gifts, abilities, talents, and skills can be developed with work, practice, and perseverance. Individuals with a growth mindset view failures as opportunities instead of obstacles which can help them create and achieve goals as well as fulfillment. Psychologist, Carol Dweck, coined the term and determined that individuals with a growth mindset tend to be more motivated, determined, and resilient versus discouraged, despondent, and stagnant. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Understanding the Deficit Mindset

    The psychological meaning of a deficit mindset is a type of thinking that focuses on negative self talk. persistent comparison to external standards and a sense of inadequacy. Deficit thinking can also lead to a fixed mindset that cultivates an attitude and belief system of limitations, impossibilities, and that nothing will change no matter the amount of effort. The deficit mindset may inform how individuals view people, themselves, and situations which eventually may lead to a sense of apathy, stagnation, and missed opportunities. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Living Authentically Me--Managing Imposter Syndrome

    The past few series regarding imposter syndrome have addressed the what, the why, and the how. It is now time to begin the process of effectively managing imposter syndrome. Dr. Young states the first step entails honesty which can be a major hurdle to overcome. Honesty is vulnerable but necessary because ignorance and avoidance will not move individuals toward a process of effectively addressing the symptoms. It's difficult to treat something that is not identified so acknowledging it can be very empowering. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Living Authentically Me--Understanding Imposter Syndrome

    There are many facets involved in seeking to understand the origins of imposter syndrome. Dr. Young states the makings of imposter syndrome may entail family origins and dynamics, personality traits such as neuroticism, low-self efficacy, perfectionism, transitions and new beginnings, and social anxiety. These aspects may inform some core beliefs and values individuals may hold about themselves which fuels imposter syndrome. Shame may also be one of the main culprits that keep individuals from exploring and managing imposter syndrome. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Living Authentically Me--Imposter Syndrome Part 3

    According to Young, imposter syndrome may manifest in several ways such as agonizing over the smallest mistakes, self-doubt, constant self-criticism of one's own performance, and the constant fear of not living up to others or even one's own expectations. The weight and heaviness of this burden may induce symptoms of hypervigilance and a psychological toll on one's quality of life where life is reduced to living to work instead of working to live. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Living Life Authentically Me--Imposter Syndrome

    Imposter syndrome has been defined as the "psychological experience of feeling like a fake or phony" where individuals doubt their abilities, skill set, intellect, or creativity to achieve a certain level of success. "Approximately 70 percent of Americans experience these invasive and negative thoughts" which can induce symptoms of anxiety and even depression. Dr. Valerie Young identifies 5 types of imposter syndrome: Perfectionist, expert, natural genius, soloist, and super person. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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  • Talking With Dr. Toy: Living Authentically Me!

    Showing up authentically in places can be a daunting task especially while living in a culture that promotes comparisons, competition, and imitation. There's a message in the noise that conveys being oneself if not in alignment with society's, community's, and other's expectations; is unacceptable, a deficit, even a liability. Individuals may be encouraged to believe if they can't be everything to others; they are not anything to anyone. This induces wear and tear on individuals' psyche and self-perception. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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  • Talking With Dr. Toy: The Power That Lies Within...

    Resurrection Day is one of the most significant observances within Christianity. One of the most profound anchors is the belief of a Risen Savior. A passage of scripture proclaims that the same resurrection power resides in believers, however at times, seasons of stagnation may seem like a drought. The droughts may last so long that eventually visions fade and dreams die. May this day be a reminder that those things that lie dormant are ripe for resurrections. www.talkingwithdrtoy.com

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