
  • First Presidency to FDR: Pound Sand!

    In 1941 the top leadership of the LDS Church wrote a letter to FDR's administration expressing opposition to the New Deal and the war buildup… but is this letter real?

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    30 分
  • Four General Conference Talks I Would Give

    Connor shares a few topics he thinks the Saints need to hear more regularly and powerfully over the pulpit during general conference.

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    54 分
  • Four Reasons Why the Church Should Apologize

    Elder Oaks said a decade ago that the Church does not give apologies. Perhaps this policy should be reconsidered?

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    36 分
  • Three Tips to Spot a Truth-Teller

    In a world filled with deceptions, how can disciples of Christ seek and defend the truth? Connor shares three specific tips to identify truth-tellers amongst us.

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    34 分
  • Fake Quotes and Mormon Myths

    What if a prophetic quote you have been sharing for years turns out to be falsely attributed? Worse, what if the only source of the quote was an avowed enemy of the Church?

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    30 分
  • Four Worrisome Trends Troubling Church Growth

    Each year we are presented with a bigger and bigger number of total church membership. But these numbers do not present a complete picture of what's actually happening—and the results should concern us.

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    23 分
  • Idaho Saints Rebuked for Not Following the Prophet

    Last week at a Stake Conference in Sandpoint, Idaho, two leaders chastised the Saints for not following the prophet regarding COVID-19. What can we learn from this rebuke?

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    56 分
  • Joseph Smith, Criminal?

    Latter-day Saints rightly champion the innocence of Joseph Smith in multiple trials on trumped up charges, pointing out how he was falsely arrested. But was he innocent of all these charges? And which claims against him are actually believed by Mormons today?

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    52 分