
  • Episode 11: "Lina Part II"

    "Here. Now." This is the meaning of the tattoo that Lina bears on her right arm and the mantra that guided her through her journey away from Kyiv.

    We resume Lina's story as she's fleeing her home. It's February 2022 and the war in Ukraine has begun. Lina is headed west with a group of others she's just met in a bomb shelter in Kyiv. We follow her journey into Poland and, ultimately, to the Netherlands, where she contends with insomnia, an unexpected confrontation with a fellow Ukrainian and her desire to help those in need.

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  • Episode 10: "Lina, Part I"

    Lina spent her childhood living in western Ukraine before moving to the capital city of Kyiv for university. She remained in Kyiv working in public relations and then took up freelance photography. Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2013 was a devastating blow for her country and for Lina's family, who'd spent many summers at their home in the peninsula. Less than a decade later, Lina awoke on February 24, 2022 to a world irrevocably changed.

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  • Episode 9: "William, Part II"

    Arriving in the Netherlands, William discovers that his newfound freedom comes with its own set of risks and dangers. He spends a year navigating being a part of the refugee system and, soon after, alters the course of his career as the war in Ukraine begins.

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  • Episode 8: "William, Part I"

    Growing up in a very conservative, repressed country and culture, William had difficulty coming to terms with himself and the ways he was different from those around him. Championed by his grandmother, his sensitivity led him to change his name early on in his life and take a new one that felt like a much better fit. Despite rising to fame in the theater and on television, William's growing awareness of his sexuality and the associated shame he felt ultimately led him to make a very difficult decision.

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  • Episode 7 (Bonus Episode): "Youssef's Prison Stay"

    Youssef has more to tell about his seven-month stay in the Egyptian prison system: what it was like from day-to-day, how the experience changed him and what he learned. In this short bonus episode, Youssef responded to my follow-up questions with a series of voice notes about the terrible treatment he received and his reasons for staying hopeful in the face of very challenging circumstances.

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  • Episode 6: "Youssef, Part II"

    Youssef is in danger and must flee Egypt soon to avoid being detained and imprisoned again. As he journeys further and further from home and from the people he loves, he focuses on resuming and completing his studies and finding a place where he can live in safety.

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  • Episode 5: "Youssef, Part I"

    With a flare for acting and the arts, Youssef assumed the role of activist as he entered university in his home city of Faiyum, Egypt. In so doing, he campaigned to keep the university environment safe, even as a new wave of dictatorship gripped the country. He also became a target for the new regime and was detained and imprisoned. Upon his release and after long discussions with friends and family, it became clear he'd have to leave his homeland and become a refugee.

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    19 分
  • Episode 4: "Yasmin, Part II"

    Once they reunite in the Netherlands, Yasmin and her family spend nearly a year living in refugee camps before getting refugee status and a new place to live in Amsterdam. Yasmin describes the Netherlands as her second home, but never stopped dreaming about returning to her homeland. That is ... until she made that dream a reality all on her own.

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