
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"F**k Your Approval"!
    "Ever feel like the world is watching and waiting for you to conform? Here's a reminder: You don't need anyone's approval to live your truth. Your journey, your dreams, and your passions are uniquely yours. So, to all the naysayers and doubters, here's a message: #FuckYourApproval. Embrace your authenticity, chase your dreams with relentless passion, and never let anyone dim your light. Shine on, unapologetically.
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    9 分
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Silence Is The Key"!
    "Silence Is The Key" underscores the strategic importance of discretion and confidentiality in various aspects of life. By keeping plans and intentions private, individuals can gain a significant advantage in competitive environments, such as business, sports, and negotiations, by preventing others from anticipating and countering their moves.
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    6 分
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Take Some Time Off"!
    Take time off regularly—it's non-negotiable for your health, productivity, and sanity.
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    7 分
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Change Your Circle Before You Become A Square"!
    "Change your circle before you become a square" suggests that it's important to evaluate and possibly change the people you associate with to avoid becoming stagnant or conformist. It implies that your social environment significantly influences your personal growth and mindset. If you surround yourself with people who are positive, innovative, and supportive, you are more likely to thrive and stay dynamic. Conversely, if your circle is limiting or negative, you risk becoming rigid and losing your individuality.
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    7 分
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Present"D.E.A"!
    "Don't Entertain Assholes" is a phrase that serves as a straightforward reminder to avoid engaging with difficult or toxic individuals who can negatively impact your life. This concept is often emphasized in self-help, leadership, and personal development literature, where it's advised to set boundaries and focus your time and energy on positive and supportive relationships. If you have a specific context or example in mind, feel free to share more details, and I can provide a more targeted explanation or advice.
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    11 分
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"S.L.A.P"
    Shout-out to my mud Bruddas' D'Vante Chapman, James Swanigan, and Joe Swanigan for helping me come up with this acronym! They have been solid since day 1! Check out S.L.A.P because we are definitely about to make history 💯
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    8 分
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"T.R.U.S.T
    "Turning Real Unto Something Talented" encapsulates the profound concept of transforming ordinary experiences and real-world challenges into extraordinary and talented outcomes. This idea underscores the power of creativity and innovation to elevate the mundane into remarkable achievements. It involves taking everyday scenes or emotions and creating compelling artworks, identifying real-world problems and turning them into successful business ventures or innovative solutions, and leveraging personal experiences to build skills and talents. Essentially, it is about recognizing the potential within the ordinary and using imagination and ingenuity to create something exceptional and impactful.
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    12 分
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"B.I.P"!
    To catch blessings from others, focus on building meaningful relationships and staying open to help and opportunities. Be present in interactions, show gratitude, and always be prepared to take advantage of what comes your way. Engage with your community and stay connected—you never know where the next blessing might come from.
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    11 分