
  • Never Repay Evil with More Evil
    Today we are continuing our walk through Romans 12, with an eye toward serving mental illness communities.

    What does it mean to not repay evil with more evil? And what if we aren't the perpetrators of the evil, what then?
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    8 分
  • Enjoy Ordinary People
    Today we are continuing our walk through Romans 12, with an eye toward serving mental illness communities. We are looking at what in the world it means to enjoy ordinary people.

    It fundamentally means that we need to stop segregating people into have's and have-not's. Everyone is worthy of time, attention, and love.
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    11 分
  • Live in Harmony with Everyone
    Today we are continuing our walk through Romans 12, with an eye toward serving mental illness communities. Today, we talk about what it means in the context of mental illness communities to live in harmony.

    The big question we address is whether we even consider the mentally ill people who we need to have harmony with, or if we automatically other them and place them in a different category.
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    10 分
  • Be Happy with the Happy and Weep with the Sad
    Today we are continuing our walk through Romans 12, with an eye toward serving mental illness communities. Today, we are talking about what it means to be happy with those who are happy and to weep with those who weep.

    To do either of these things requires empathy and relationships. We discuss how to overcome the barriers to true friendship with those we serve.
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    10 分
  • Bless Those Who Persecute You
    Today we are continuing our walk through Romans 12, with an eye toward serving mental illness communities. We come this week to Romans 12:14, which says "Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them.”

    Other Christians will tell us that we are investing our time in ways and spaces that aren’t godly or helpful. We will be told that we should spend our time elsewhere, where there will be more fruit. Built into these statements are elements of fear and misunderstanding. Instead of being reactionary, we can speak to that fear and misunderstanding.

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    7 分
  • Be Ready To Practice Hospitality
    Today we are continuing our walk through Romans 12, with an eye toward serving mental illness communities. We come this week to Romans 12:13, which says "When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality." Biblical hospitality is comprised of four things: welcome, compassion, incorporation, and patience.

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  • Be Patient and Keep Praying
    We are continuing our walk through Romans 12, with an eye toward how we can serve mental illness communities. Today we are talking about the second half of Romans 12:12 which says "Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying."

    We have a few questions here to consider, just like last week: What type of trouble can we end up in when we minister in mental illness communities? What role does patience play in this trouble? Why is prayer related to patience?
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    7 分
  • Rejoice In Confident Hope
    We are continuing our walk through Romans 12, to learn how we can best serve those in mental illness communities.

    Today, we answer three key questions:
    1. What does it mean to rejoice?
    2. What is a good working definition of hope?
    3. Why can we have confidence in our hope?
    We get a bit deep theologically, but it's a good journey, so I hope you'll join us on it!
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