
  • Trailer: Our French Series!!

    Hey folks, 

    The next four films we'll be talking about all come from French filmmakers! So keep your ear out for these next episodes featuring, Jean Luc Godard's "A Bout de Souffle", Francois Truffaut's "Jule et Jim", Agnes Varda's "Vagabond" and finally Maurice Pialat's "LouLou".

    If you can give them a watch before you listen to our discussion, as we might give away spoilers and we don't want to wreck the films for you!

    Happy Listening!!!

    From Kim and Derek

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    2 分
  • Ep 2: The French Connection

    Hey folks, 

    So as Derek lives in France and I live in Australia, we have our own little french connection going on, which was part of the reason we picked this classic to watch. As with most of these films I'd never seen it but I knew about it and wanted to see it whereas Derek had seen it a couple of times at least. 

    It stars the great Gene Hackman as a very compromised anti-hero cop named "Pop-Eye" Doyle and his attempt, with the support of his partner played by Roy Schneider, to take down an international heroin deal. 

    Hope you like the episode, let us know what you think!

    All the best, 

    Kim and Derek 

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    28 分
  • Ep 1: In the Heat of the Night

    So, finally, this is our first full episode, featuring our analysis of the 1967 American classic "In the Heat of the Night". Remember to watch the film first if you don't want any spoilers!

    One of the original reasons we picked this film is because it stars the great Sidney Poitier, and the original name of this podcast was going to be "Sydney Poitiers on Film"; being that I live in Sydney and Derek lives in Poitiers. 

    But as it turns out this film is also very topical, with racism and policing at it's centre, issues that have this year been second only to Covid-19 in their currency. 

    So we hope you enjoy our first episode, please let us know what you think, and my humblest apologies for my broken voice in this one, I was suffering from a cold (not covid) when we recorded it. Derek's voice on the other hand sounds immaculate.

    Warmest Regards, 


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    23 分
  • So, what is "Rare and Remarkable Films"?

    This is a little promo Derek and I threw together to explain who we are, and why you should listen to us!

    If you love films, but are sick of the usual film criticism you find most places, well then this is the place for you!

    Lots of love, 


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