
  • What does your committed relationship with money look like? E147

    Let's talk about money today! You will discover that you are in a relationship with money and THAT realisation will change how money shows up for you. It's going to be mind-blowing. Let's begin.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • What money truly is
    • What we made money to be
    • If you would want to date yourself if you were money

    For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com

    Episode Mentions:

    Regularly listen to the ‘Money Loves Me’ Subliminal to change your subconscious programming around money.

    Listen next to:

    E39 - Money is abundant energy

    E48 - Unworthiness holds you back from manifesting

    E129 - My Newest Manifestation Ritual: Safe & Secure

    More Energy Resources:

    • Linda’s YouTube Channel
    • Connect with Linda on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn
    • Join this life-changing program to make any changes you desire: ENERGY ACADEMY

    Show your gratitude to the Raise Your Energy Podcast and DONATE.

    DISCLAIMER: This episode may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Thank you for supporting my podcast so I can continue providing free weekly content!

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    12 分
  • My Surrender Experiment: My Body (Part 1) E146

    I am taking you on a personal experiment. I am sharing it all with you while I let go of a part of me that I wanted to let go of for such a long time. The part of me that dislikes her body. Now is the time in my life when I am ready to do this. And I take you with me!

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • The 5 levels of change
    • This works on any kind of situation in your life
    • My next steps on my change journey

    For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com

    Episode Mentions:

    Check out Episode 145 to learn more about the steps to take to surrender.

    Listen next to:

    E141 - I still have times when I don’t enjoy my life (my most vulnerable episode yet)

    E135 - The Perfect Imperfection of Your Personality

    E132 - A year from now you'll wish you started today

    More Energy Resources:

    • Linda’s YouTube Channel
    • Connect with Linda on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn
    • Join this life-changing program to make any changes you desire: ENERGY ACADEMY

    Show your gratitude to the Raise Your Energy Podcast and DONATE.

    DISCLAIMER: This episode may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Thank you for supporting my podcast so I can continue providing free weekly content!

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    22 分
  • The Cause of Your Suffering & How to Let Go E145

    If there is a part inside of you that is currently not ok, this episode is for you. What I am sharing with you today, will change your life. If you allow it to. I invite you to find out how your suffering is created and how you can let go of it. Let's begin.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • Buddha’s Truth about Suffering
    • That we all do it - we just don’t call it suffering
    • What does it mean to let go of the suffering

    For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com

    Episode Mentions:

    Use the Emotional Release Meditation to release the low-vibrating emotion I asked you to pick.

    Listen next to:

    E139 - Struggling to Enjoy Life? Fall in Joy with Life Again

    E130 - How to Create True Freedom from the Inside Out

    E109 - How changing actually looks & feels like

    More Energy Resources:

    • Linda’s YouTube Channel
    • Connect with Linda on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn
    • Join this life-changing program to make any changes you desire: ENERGY ACADEMY

    Show your gratitude to the Raise Your Energy Podcast and DONATE.

    DISCLAIMER: This episode may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Thank you for supporting my podcast so I can continue providing free weekly content!

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    23 分
  • Don't be a seller, be a buyer! E144

    I bet the episode title made you go: What? What is she talking about? Great, that's what I wanted. You will love what you will find out in this episode today. It's pure gold! Let's get started!

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • The concept of selling yourself instead of being the buyer
    • What happens when we sell ourselves
    • How to take off the seller’s googles and become a buyer in your life

    For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com

    Listen next to:

    E134 - Can’t seem to be able to make decisions easily?

    E132 - A year from now you'll wish you started today

    E125 - Are you feeling stuck? Stop trying, just BE

    More Energy Resources:

    • Linda’s YouTube Channel
    • Connect with Linda on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn
    • Join this life-changing program to make any changes you desire: ENERGY ACADEMY

    Show your gratitude to the Raise Your Energy Podcast and DONATE.

    DISCLAIMER: This episode may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Thank you for supporting my podcast so I can continue providing free weekly content!

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    12 分
  • Break the Habit of Being YOU (and Change Your Life) E143

    If you have anything in your life that you'd like to change, then this episode is for you. I share with you the 3 main areas you need to understand to be able to change anything long-lasting in your life. If you had enough of ending up in the same place time and time again, I got you.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • That awareness is the first step in changing anything
    • The 3 main areas you want to understand to truly change
    • How you can learn how to change anything in your life

    For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com

    Episode Mentions:

    Join Energy Academy to learn everything you need to know about the 3 main areas of change from the inside out.

    Listen next to:

    E132 - A year from now you'll wish you started today

    E121 - Your Inner World Creates Your Outer World

    E115 - 5 Differences between the Ego and the Higher Self

    More Energy Resources:

    • Linda’s YouTube Channel
    • Connect with Linda on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn
    • Join this life-changing program to make any changes you desire: ENERGY ACADEMY

    Show your gratitude to the Raise Your Energy Podcast and DONATE.

    DISCLAIMER: This episode may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Thank you for supporting my podcast so I can continue providing free weekly content!

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    12 分
  • Suddenly everything changes and you feel lost & scared E142

    If you are at a point in life where something inside of you begins to change and you don’t fully understand what is happening, then you are in the right place. This is something that happens to a lot of us and today I explain to you, what is happening to you and why.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • What is currently happening to you
    • Why this is happening to you now
    • What are your next steps on your spiritual journey

    For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com

    Episode Mentions:

    Join Energy Academy to find the answers to your questions and the way forward.

    Listen next to:

    E132 - A year from now you'll wish you started today

    E121 - Your Inner World creates Your Outer World

    E131 - Feeling lots of disappointment? Make THIS shift!

    More Energy Resources:

    • Linda’s YouTube Channel
    • Connect with Linda on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn
    • Join this life-changing program to make any changes you desire: ENERGY ACADEMY

    Show your gratitude to the Raise Your Energy Podcast and DONATE.

    DISCLAIMER: This episode may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Thank you for supporting my podcast so I can continue providing free weekly content!

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    11 分
  • I still have times when I don’t enjoy my life (my most vulnerable episode yet) E141

    This is going to be my most vulnerable episode yet. I feel called to share more with you about how I experience my life’s journey and my personal journey of change that I experience now for a few years. So lean back, relax and let me share with you the behind-the-scenes of myself.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • How much I enjoyed my life before I changed
    • How much I enjoy my life now while being on my spiritual journey
    • The difference in my current self helps me to get through the lows in my life

    For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com

    Episode Mentions:

    Sign up for the mind-blowing and life-changing “Enjoy Your Life Masterclass” today. You will learn how to have a higher amount of enjoyment in your life.

    Listen next to:

    E139 - Struggling to Enjoy Life? Fall in Joy with Life Again

    E133 - My evolving relationship with my Higher Self

    E124 - How To Find Your Purpose

    More Energy Resources:

    • Linda’s YouTube Channel
    • Connect with Linda on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn
    • Join this life-changing program to make any changes you desire: ENERGY ACADEMY

    Show your gratitude to the Raise Your Energy Podcast and DONATE.

    DISCLAIMER: This episode may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Thank you for supporting my podcast so I can continue providing free weekly content!

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    19 分
  • Who is really controlling your life? E140

    What is your best guess on who is really controlling your life right now? Well, whatever your answer was just now, you're going to find out today - once and for all. Let's find out together.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • When we start to ask ourselves this question
    • That you wake up and look for a new answer
    • That it’s the subconscious YOU that is controlling your life

    For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com

    Episode Mentions:

    Sign up for the mind-blowing and life-changing “Enjoy Your Life Masterclass” today. You will learn how to take your power back!

    Listen next to:

    E130 - How to Create True Freedom from the Inside Out

    E125 - Are you feeling stuck? Stop trying, just BE

    E119 - How to Make Decisions That Stick

    More Energy Resources:

    • Linda’s YouTube Channel
    • Connect with Linda on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn
    • Join this life-changing program to make any changes you desire: ENERGY ACADEMY

    Show your gratitude to the Raise Your Energy Podcast and DONATE.

    DISCLAIMER: This episode may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Thank you for supporting my podcast so I can continue providing free weekly content!

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    11 分