
  • The key to being magnetic is coherence.

    In this episode Irene explores the concept of magnetism, particularly in the context of manifestation and attracting positive experiences. She shares her insights on becoming magnetic by aligning with our true selves and letting go of limiting beliefs and behaviors. Irene discusses the significance of the full moon in Sagittarius and its conjunction with Jupiter and Venus, highlighting the themes of freedom, truth, and abundance.

    Through personal stories and reflections, Irene emphasizes the importance of coherence—being in alignment with one's truth and essence. She shares practices that help her achieve coherence, such as rebranding her business to reflect her soul and participating in retreats and mentorship programs.

    Irene also delves into the feminine energy of receiving and how societal conditioning can make it challenging for women to accept love and support. She encourages listeners to embrace their authentic selves and trust that by doing so, they will naturally attract what they seek.

    Tune in to discover how to harness your inner magnetism and align with the cycles of nature to bring blessings and expansion into your life.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    20 分
  • What is on the other side of the rabbit hole?
    In this episode, Irene discusses the shift from identifying with past traumas to embracing wholeness and joy in the spiritual journey. She shares a conversation with a friend who expressed the desire to simply enjoy life after completing deep healing work. Irene highlights the importance of letting go of victim narratives and embracing authenticity and service. She invites listeners to explore a group mentorship program for continued growth and connection.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    14 分
  • The era has come to decolonize time!
    Explore the profound concept of decolonizing time in this episode. Discover why it's crucial in today's world, where time is often weaponized against self-worth. Learn how shifting this narrative can empower women and spiritual entrepreneurs to embrace a more spacious, easeful approach to business, leaning into the mystery and the feminine. Find out how prioritizing self-replenishment allows for more powerful contributions to communities and personal lives.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    17 分
  • Shadow work to heal the collective
    In this episode I speak on the importance of shadow work in personal healing and its connection to astrological events like eclipses & moon events. I explain how eclipses symbolize alignment and the integration of opposing forces, leading to personal growth. The recent eclipse season has prompted reflection on relationships, people pleasing and self-worth, urging individuals to embrace authenticity and leadership. I also touch on the meaning of trauma as the emotional residue of intense experiences stored in the unconscious mind, emphasizing the importance of processing these emotions for healing. I invite you to reframe shadow work as a treasure hunt, a journey to reclaim hidden aspects of the self and integrate them for personal empowerment. I invite you to join my community called Radiance for those interested in exploring shadow work in a supportive environment, providing resources and events for growth and connection. https://www.irenesanchezcelis.com/radiance

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    24 分
  • A personal integration story!

    I recount my recent immersion in the Texas Eclipse festival, where I marveled at the fusion of music, art, and technology, and forged connections amidst a vibrant atmosphere teeming with inspiration.

    The eclipse's profound impact, both astronomically and symbolically, prompts reflection on the advice of astrologers cautioning against its potential psychological effects. Despite challenges like a comically misplaced festival map and the retrograde of Mercury, the experience proved to be a catalyst for learning and personal growth.

    Upon returning home, I recognize the imperative of integration—the process of reflecting on the meaning and implications of these experiences and weaving their lessons into the fabric of daily life. This entails infusing routines with elements of playfulness, artistry, and meaningful connections, transcending the mere reliving of past events.

    In sharing personal struggles, such as navigating emotional turbulence like heartbreak, I see these challenges as opportunities for profound transformation and growth. As the text concludes, I extend an invitation for readers to contemplate their own experiences during the eclipse season, finding beauty and evolution amidst the chaos of life's tapestry.

    As the festival concluded, returning home prompted the crucial process of integration. It's essential to allocate time and space to slow down, reflect, and derive meaning and purpose from our experiences. Integration involves extracting the teachings from our experiences and incorporating them into our daily lives—infusing elements of playfulness, art, connection, and shared ideas into our routines.

    For instance, incorporating playfulness might involve spending time in nature, engaging in spontaneous dancing, or fostering a supportive community where we can authentically express ourselves. Integration allows us to transcend merely reliving past experiences, instead incorporating their essence into our ongoing journey.

    Personally, returning home also brought forth emotional challenges, including the grief of a recent heartbreak. However, I recognize these as opportunities for growth, part of the larger cosmic tapestry of evolution and transformation. As we navigate this profound time of breakdowns, breakthroughs, and evolution, we're reminded that amidst chaos, there's also immense beauty, creativity, and love.

    In closing, I invite you to explore your own experiences during this eclipse season—what has surfaced for you, what has crumbled, and what blessings are emerging? Remember, amidst chaos, there's the potential for profound growth and beauty. Wishing you all many blessings on your journeys. Thank you for being here, and until next time.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    19 分
  • A healing song for you!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    8 分
  • Into the waters we go!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    14 分
  • My Story
    In this episode I share my story with the intention of using storytelling as a tool of inspiration & teaching. Enjoy!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    33 分